G-Zone ICQ Ring

This is a ring that contain people who like Gigi. (Including me of course!)
If you would like your ICQ# to be add in here, just
type in your ICQ# in the box below
or send your info to my icq account : 39500539

If you want your ICQ# to be added to my ICQ ring,
send your ICQ#, along with your name, gender, age, and location to me. Thanks ^-^

Your real fist name, age, and gender, and city is recommonded.
You can also send me something you want to post here (something short please).

Find Friends Here

ICQ# Name Age Gender Location Status
39500539 Colin 17 M Canada

31656442 Janet 12 F Hong Kong

32459217 Carl 14 M Hong Kong

18747056 May 16 F Hong Kong

34153957 Ken 16 M Hong Kong

16653119 Grace 19 F Hong Kong

31517571 Martin 14 M Hong Kong

43654132 Jennifer 16 F Malaysia

8432814 Dahoton 16 M United Stated

42202020 Peggy 16 F Macau

13248719 Louis 15 M --------------

5250914 -------------- 17 F United Stated

40391742 Jimmy 14 M Toronto

29698071 Mun Ling 17 F Malaysia

22133042 Steven 18 M Malaysia

37491728 Fanny 17 F Malaysia

1642601 Zenitin 20 M Iceland

21886289 Maggie 15 F Hong Kong

33436017 Neo 16 M Canada

38850768 Clarissa 15 F Malaysia

33621752 Vin 15 M Malaysia

16894768 Wendy 16 F Australia

15576954 Andy 17 M United Stated

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