Keadilan's attack on officer appalling

I FIND the assault on a chief inspector recently by members of Parti Keadilan Nasional appalling. Such behaviour cannot be condoned and those involved in the assault should be arrested and charged.

The police are there to maintain law and order so that citizens can go about their lives without fear for their safety. Our police have always played their role in maintaining the peace that we all take for granted.

Unlike a neighbouring country's police force, which stood idly by and allowed armed gangs to go on a murderous rampage, our police force will never allow that to happen in the country.

Keadilan is trying very hard to gain sympathy and support from the public ahead of the general election. To do so, it must ensure its members learn to respect the law and not disrupt the peace and harmony of the country.

I have noticed demonstrations planned by the party often start from the mosque. Why do they keep using a place for religious worship to further their political ambitions?

I have attended some ceramah sessions conducted by the so-called Barisan Alternatif (Alternative Front). I went not as a supporter of any political party; I went there out of curiosity and also because I like the sup kambing sold by the various hawker stalls that normally sprout up in such gatherings.

At one ceramah, I heard a speaker implored the audience that their presence count for nothing if they did not vote. At various ceramahs organised by the Barisan Nasional component parties, one also gets to hear speakers urging the people to vote for them so that they can get the job done.

Therefore, my fellow Malaysians, this coming general election will be a make or break time for some politicians. Once the election date has been set, these politicians will be hounding you for support and before you cast your vote, do a little appraisal on the performance of your Yang Berhormat and see whether he deserves your vote.

MICHAEL NG, Seremban (via e-mail)