Anwar and every prisoner must be treated the same

I WOULD like to commend the Home Ministry on its decision to review the privileged treatment accorded to former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in prison following protests from certain sections of the society (NST, Oct 16).

Let it be understood by all, including those who blindly support him, that Anwar is no longer a Deputy Prime Minister.

He is now just an ordinary convicted prisoner. Thus, by right, he should be treated like other prisoners.

The sooner we all come to grips with the reality that the former DPM is just another convict in prison, the better it would be for our country.

Up to this point of time, the Home Ministry, for reason known only to itself, has not only been very lenient towards Anwar, but also very accommodating to demands made by Anwar, his family members, defence counsel and his supporters.

And this has been construed by many that Anwar still wields power despite being sentenced to prison.

The supporters and sympathisers of Anwar all this while have been thinking that the special treatment given to Anwar thus far is due to the the Government's fear of a backlash from his supporters, internally as well as externally.

That is the main reason why Anwar's family and his supporters never appreciated or were grateful even though he was treated differently from ordinary prisoners.

I am of the opinion that the Anwar saga had been badly handled by all concerned.

If those handling Anwar's case had been strict and had acted according to the book, I believe many untoward incidents could have been avoided.

I hope the Ministry would take this as a lesson, lest it repeat similar mistakes in its future treatment of any convict - regardless of who he is or was.

Yusoff Din,
Sungai Petani