Letters To The Editor
Voice views via polls, not demos

Malaysia has always been a very peaceful country save for the May 13 blot on the country’s history. Since then our leaders have strive to ensure that such acrimonious incidents will never occurs again in this multi-racial and multi-cultural country.

However, since the sacking of DSAI from the government, our country has gone through a lot of unnecessary pressure heaped upon by our own citizens seeking reformation and justice. Despite the government having its hand full dealing with the current economic downturn and the foreign press trying its best to discredit the country and its policies, it now has to deal with trouble-makers in our own backyard. Our country is not like Indonesia where some of the people have no food to eat and their currency has lost its purchasing power. Despite the downturn we can still buy food to feed our families and the ringgit can still purchase many of the good available.


To the reformasi people – what is the fuss about? If they are disgruntled with the government, there are the peaceful ways to express their views, via the ballot box. Do not rock the boat with your own hidden agenda.