Tuesday, May 18, 1999
Letters To The Editor
By: Pak IB, Seremban

As for me, I would like to look back at past years.  My father was a government servant.  Having earned the money, he married my mother.  The moment my mother became pregnant, she was taken to the government hospital.  I was delivered there, free of charge.

When I grew up, I was enrolled into a government free school.  At secondary level, I was given a scholarship.  The whole family's burden was lightened.  In fact, the money was almost used to buy rice and salted fish.  Then I went to a university, again for free.  If enrolled was payment, I wouldn't be what I am today.  And I believe, this could be so to many others too.

After leaving varsity, I got a job at a government department.  Now I am married with eight children.  For a moment, I was staying at a government quarters.  Now I have a car and a house and so is my wife.  All these were made possible through loans given out by the government.

All my children are now brought up through the same process and with the same facilities and assistance as accorded to me.  At the demise of my beloved and hard earning father, life went on for my mother and her children.  This wouldn't be possible had it not been for the pension paid out by the government to my mother.  So, can't my family sacrifice for the government?

As far as I remember, the Malaysian government all through the years has never incurred any undue difficulties to its citizens.  I have to say this because I am beginning to sense something is not right.  Majority of citizens who have gone through the same mill as I did are now showing signs of ungratefulness and discontentment.  Please be reminded that:

i.  Before we become what we are today, our grand parents and parents and even we have been living on subsidies, especially in prices of food, medical facilities, fuel, construction facilities and what have you.

ii. We no longer travel on grassy or muddy roads.  For those who feel that the government is hopelessly useless, then please travel on those roads.

iii. Drinking water is being piped to our houses, irrespective of our breed, stand and status.  For the swollen headed, they can drink or use their own brand.

iv. We pray in mosques and get our education in schools and universities built by the government which can be found all over the country.

v.  She sends her pilgrimage through "Tabung Haji" and KLIA.  For those who hate her, they can go on their own, travel in their planes and through their own airports.

Don't you think the anti-government elements, the bad, the ugly ad the ungrateful do not enjoy these facilities?  Come on man, let's be human and not devils in disguise.

Some "Melayu" of today are far different from the "Melayu" of yesteryears.  They indeed stand tall not only among other races but also nationalities.  Sad to say development has got its toll.  They indeed forget their origin, their root.  Having gained the wealth, they oppose the government.  What's the meaning of this?  They become an ungrateful lot, especially the GOVERNMENT SERVANTS who are ANTI-GOVERNMENT.

They are actually not serving the government as claimed.  Their existance is merely and solely for the purpose of earning the money and the difficulty to get jobs elsewhere and hence these people are unpatriotic.  They are actually and morally not fit to cling on to the government.

It's indeed very easy to condemn and critise.  Examine ourselves first before criticising others.  For what we know, the person we condemn could be far better than us.  Dr. Mahathir said, Tengku Abdul Rahman was highly critisied when he built the Merdeka Stadium and the Subang Airport as wasteful.  But today, those projects are seen as dwarfs as they no longer are capable of withstanding current demand.  So, Dr. Mahathir turns to mega projects which are designed to cope up with future demand.  Time will come when all these mega projects will no longer be mega.  To me, obviously all these projects have been planned and built by a great man with a vast dimension of vision.  His critics, may it be local or international, are sickly behind time.  These people obviously are not fit to be leaders.