Nik Aziz has put his foot in his mouth again

                       I REFER to an article in the New Straits Times (Oct 9) regarding a statement made by Kelantan
                       Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

                       In Malaysia, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but that doesn't make you immune
                       from the Foot-in-Mouth disease (FIMD for short).

                       Recently Nik Aziz came up with his "whispers" to government officers to recruit less beautiful
                       women, which angered perhaps all women in Malaysia, a prime example of FIMD.

                       Veterinary officers should be familiar with the primary sufferers of FMD, a disease that sounds
                       dangerously like FIMD.

                       But that isn't what I have a bone to pick with Nik Aziz about. According to him, "vices such as
                       gambling and drinking would diminish if a Chinese Muslim became the country's leader".

                       He went on to say that the Chinese community, which was normally associated with such vices,
                       would stop them when Islam was professed by its leader.

                       Apparently, he said this at a Press conference after a gathering of the Indian community in Kuala

                       Such a line of thought reflects irrationality and immaturity on his part.

                       Hedonistic pleasures like gambling and drinking are not merely confined to the Chinese people in
                       Malaysia, they are widespread.

                       While I agree with him that the Chinese are actively involved in these things, it doesn't necessarily
                       mean that they cater only to the Chinese.

                       There are bound to be people of other races indulging in these activities as well. Racial borders
                       are increasingly being broken throughout the country.

                       We are all doing the things that every race does, there are now few things that connect
                       specifically to a certain race, be it occupation, food, entertainment or even choice of spouse for
                       that matter.

                       On Nik Aziz's insight that "if a Chinese Muslim was the country's leader, all the vices would have
                       long disappeared", it appears self-contradictory.

                       How, pray tell me. Is it because the religions practised by the Chinese are inadequate?

                       As far as I know, religions everywhere encourage their adherents to do good, and not to get
                       trapped in bad things.

                       That is probably the main thrust of all religions, to turn their followers away from evil.

                       Buddhism even encourages its followers to actively disengage from "pleasures of the flesh", things
                       like extramarital sex, alcohol and drugs.

                       I shall withdraw this point if Nik Aziz can come up with any widely practised religion that
                       advocates alcohol, drugs and gambling.

                       It is personal choice that drives people to gamble and drink, and not their religious affinity.

                       It reflects on Nik Aziz's intolerance of others' beliefs when he chose to put his foot in his mouth.

                       Is he of the opinion that all other religions are inferior compared to Islam, when they all share the
                       same fundamentals?

                       I believe that regardless of race, sex or religion, leadership by example is always the best.

                       Not only must the leader be morally upright all the time, his relatives and aides must also be so.

                       We cannot have the leaders doing good, but their relatives and aides doing otherwise.
