Monday, March 22, 1999
Letters To The Editor
By The Barakabah

Assalamu'alaikum (if you are a Muslim like me) and Selamat Sejahtera if you are not.  I have followed the pro-Anwar sites many months back and I joined the e-mail forum in one of the sites, and truly, they didn't like my views at all, despite my replies in facts only that their sentiments fail to rebutt. I have since unsubscribed myself as I notice that they themselves had become of somewhat of a joke and disgrace to themselves.

For example:

        1.They complaint that there is no freedom of press in Malaysia by citing
           examples of news that they have watched on CNN and CNBC on
           Astro; not to mention reading newsbits from Reuters and AFP in the
           internet. If there is no freedom, they wouldn't be reading at all. But they
           were so proud to shout it out and contradict themselves at the same

        2.Some individuals advocates the right to freedom of speech, and when
           I have replied that it already exists, their reply? They told me to shut up
           and unsubscribe.

        3.When Anwar awards his friends major projects and buys shares for
           his family, it is called "equal-distribution," but if PM does so, it's
           cronyism. Also, they claim that the percentage of Anwar's cronyism is
           too small, almost unrecognizable in size and matter compared to PM. I
           hope they can answer to God like that.

        4.Some self-proclaimed "ulamaks" have declared that killing PM and
           KPN is "halal," but I still could not find any right to do so in the Qur'an.

        5.Even if the rioters charge at the police with sticks and molotov
           cocktails, the police should be blamed.

        6.Those who oppose Anwar and reformasi is considered infidels. Back
           to Medieval days now?

        7.There was one individual who was extremely condemning me for
           supporting PM and govt, and he stressed out vigorously that PM is a
           heretic as he had slandered the Prophet (pbuh) in a tape where he
           was quoted. However, I stated my problems to him: I had 4 versions of
           the tape with 4 different text (contents) but all allegedly to be said
           slandering. His reply was even more surprising: he apologized
           because he has not heard the tape at all. His reply was based on what
           he heard from other people.

        8.Resignation of Norian Mai was strongly circulating during the first few
           weeks after Anwar was sacked. On a sudden note, Norian appeared
           for interview sessions. It seems that some embarrassed individuals
           who had been circulating the story changed the plot and said that it
           was actually a Special Branch Chief, who later turned out to be
           retiring. Story changed again to somebody else, and I guess, it still
           goes on and on.

There have always been a question: who are actually Anwar’s supporters? Based on the minute sample of the replies I have given above, I guess you can answer too.

I met Anwar when he had just become DPM in Hawaii in 1993. I was in final semester and my last day of my Malaysian Student Association Presidency.  All of the Malaysians were awed and proud of him: those with their families wanted their children to take pictures with him, and everybody swarming around him. But now, most of those who had already returned to Malaysia just shook their heads in disbelief. Many are sad and a few does not believe.

There are a lot of people who do not believe the gross sexual allegation, especially on the sodomy. Didn’t we learn a lot from the Sodom and Gomorra incident recorded in the Qur’an? Gays, lesbians and bisexuals destroyed for their abomination. Anyway, below is a portion of an article from an Islamic homepage found on the internet. I can’t remember the address, but if you use a search engine (especially Yahoo), it will not be a problem of locating it.

           Article Title: Islam and Homosexuals

           An increasing number of people in Canada, as elsewhere, are
           becoming homosexuals (either gays or lesbians)- The former
           refers to the perverted sexual relationship between man and
           man while the latter is the title for women practicing sex with
           women. This is, however, not a new phenomenon; what is new
           is the attempt of those people who have been considered all
           the time as outcasts and perverts, to assert their identity and
           force the rest of the people to recognize and accept them and
           their relationships as natural ones. Statistics say that Metro
           Toronto alone has a community of homosexuals who are three
           hundred thousand strong which means that more than one in
           every ten residents of Toronto is a homosexual. Two years
           ago, the city of Vancouver in British Columbia witnessed the
           third round of the international Olympic games for gays and
           lesbians where representatives from more than 250 cities from
           all over the world participated.

           As this is becoming an increasingly dangerous issue, and as
           some mercenary pens in Toronto claimed recently that there
           are hidden homosexuals among Muslims in Canada, adding
           that these people are proud of both being homosexuals and
           Muslims! Hence it is indeed important to clarify the attitude of
           Islam towards homosexuality.

It is just the difference in culture between ours and Westerners, but still does not deny the existence of Lot’s tribe trying to find a place in Islam. They remain skeletons in the closet. Those who do not believe the possibility, well, we can only suggest that they either read more or try to go out of the country more often.

Anwar played on the Malay sentiment, an element known very well to Malaysians, especially the May 13th tragedy. But Anwar too, replays his old university tactics, known as "The Disappearing Leader." In an easy definition, this is how it goes:

        1.Find a place where people are already there.

        2.Ignite the sentiments of people.

        3.Tell them what you have in mind.

        4.Tell them what you want to do.

        5.Tell them that you would do it now.

        6.When the crowd starts to get unruly by your order, disappear.

As a result, followers will be arrested while the leader is not even there.  I have been sweeping around in my statements without pinpointing to a single issue, so, I must apologize for that.  Let it be known that the silent majority is about to wake up. The reformasi group virtually have nowhere to go to. Let them be, for they have to swallow the truth in the end, no matter how bitter it is. Keep up the good job, and don’t be bothered by threats or chiding or even slanders that you receive. The truth is to be preserved for all.


"The Barakabah"