Disappointed over Shit novel

I have always been a defender of PAS. However, this letter may be irritating to PAS. If I send this
 letter to the pro-BN newspapers, it would be published as a favour to them. Harakah may not also
 publish my letter for you have your own objectives.

 I don't support our secular regime even one dot. As a Muslim, no doubt the establishment of a
 State based on Islam seems appealing to my human nature. This is our innate gift. However, I think
 PAS sometimes churns out sweetly adorned words just to deceive the masses. When it suits their
 motives, whether in accordance with Islam or otherwise, they will use it as a means of political

 One recent example is the Shit issue that haunted our inner conscience. That filthy book contains
 obscene language, such as "pukimak"! Is this Islamic teaching? By supporting such a book, PAS
 betrays Islam. In the eyes of the non-Muslims, PAS has corrupted the clean image of Islam. Can a
 haram become halal or vice-versa to fulfill our political aims?

 Dato Nik Abdul Aziz's statements defending the novel is disappointing, as he is a man of repute
 regarded as an alim by friends and foes. What an irony.

 It is no doubt that the present BN government is corrupt to its very root and power abuse is
 prevalent without any checks. PAS should know that it is not perfect. Imam Ghazali put it rightly
 when he said, "An ignorant attempt to defend the religion (Islam) is more harmful than a systematic
 attempt to attack the religion."

 Nobody with sane mind will refute the fact that if Islam is enforced in its totality, peace and
 prosperity will be achieved - without any abuse of human rights. The West adopts the Islamic
 principles contained in the Qur'an and Hadith though they do not believe in them, and advance in
 science and technology - but they suffer from a spiritual vacum.

 PAS being an Islamic party should not tolerate such a novel. The book Shit is degrading, and what
 if children have access to the words used in the title?

 The Saudi Arabian regime claims to be "Islamic" because they enforce Shariah laws. This is false.
 The truth is, they exploit Islam for worldly advantages because history tells us that they betrayed
 their Muslim brothers to the British. As a result, the Ottoman rule collapsed. Yet, there are people
 who admire this so-called Islamic government of Saudi Arabia, merely because they hide under the
 attractive name of "Islam".

 Having said that, some may think I support the present secular government. I will live and die for
 an Islamic government, but please do not justify the haram to achieve our political aims. Take heed,

 Mohd Hanif Basher
 Negri Sembilan.