Wednesday, April 21, 1999
Letters To The Editor
Proud Malaysian
Jakarta (via e-mail)
I am sad to read about the riots and demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur.  It was reported that many of the rioters were students.

Everyone knows there are no winners in riots.  Everyone is a loser.  If the situation continues, it will drive foreign investors away and interupt business activities.  In the long term and on macro level all economic activities will slow down, causing the economy to further deteriorate.

I see and experience the consequences of such actions on Indonesia's economy as I work in Jakarta.  Such disturbances do not contribute positively to any sector.  If these students and demonstrators consider themselves intellectuals who fight for justice, they should be aware that putting their brains to work is better that showing their muscles.  They should put forward their thoughts and ideas for the reformation of the nation through a peaceful manner.

If these youths who are the future leaders prefer muscle power over brain, then I dread to think what the country will be like in the future.