Tuesday, April 27, 1999
Letters To The Editor
J. W. of Singapore writes (via e-mail):

I HAVE been reading a lot of anti-Malaysia articles by the Western media which are also critical of Malaysian leaders.

The media, I believe, has a hidden agenda to cause maximum damage to the reputation of Malaysia--a progressive, peace-loving, and a multi-racial society.

These attacks, both in the press and over the radio and TV, are facilitated by those Malaysians who have become a tool to the foreign media which is out to ensure that Malaysia goes down economically and politically.

Those Malaysians, who are openly using the foreign media to propagate their causes, are the real enemies of the country.

They only think of self interest at the expense of national interest. They call themselves Malaysians and yet they can go the extra mile to cause harm to the country.

How sad it is. And I think action has to be taken to counter those who bad mouth the country.

One way is to take legal action. For foreign reporters who have consistently written negative reports, I call on the Government to ban their publications and bar them from entering the country.

Where negative articles appear in countries outside Malaysia, I suggest Malaysian diplomats residing in these countries rebut them with facts.

If no rebuttal is made, readers may believe all that they read in the papers.

Malaysia has achieved tremendous economic progress and peace under the capable leadership of Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who has been a high profile statesman in the international scene.

Because of his outspokenness against the misdeeds of the Western societies, he has been singled out for destruction by the foreign media, using the so-called freedom and justice issue as an excuse to propagate their causes.

Foreign political leaders, like the Americans and Australians, should have the minimum human decency to mind their own business and not to interfere in the internal affairs of Malaysia.

Foreign businessmen have continued to invest in the country despite the critical reports. They surely do not share the views of the minority of foreign reporters.

It is very sad to see young protesters demonstrating in the streets of Kuala Lumpur. Instead of being used by foreign media, they should have the common sense to know that they will bring negative effects, thus causing the tourists to turn away.

Police who have done a good job in handling the protesters should continue to be firm with those trouble makers. Those who are calling for enquiry into police action should first take a good look at themselves to make sure that their houses are in order.