Giving students voice the right thing to do

THE formation of the National Students Consultative Council announced by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi recently is a step in the right direction to harness students in a more positive way.

Students need the Government and the latter the students to create a win-win situation.

Legitimate interests of students must be looked into by governments. If not by the latter then who else would see to it?

Students have many a problem and they cannot be overlooked but must be attended to.

Now that some talking is taking place, it speaks well for all.

I hope they use this platform to air their views and offer concrete proposals to provide for their well-being and that of society.

While you have your interests at heart do not forget that the nation comes first.

Use your energy and expertise for the betterment of the nation.

Students must be seen to be independent and act in their own way for the good of the nation.

Students must always bear in mind their priority, that is study, while the Government allows some "free movements and voice, that does not mean they can forget their main aim.

Many are in here at the expense of the taxpayers, so make the best use of the opportunity as otherwise taxpayers may demand that their money be utilised elsewhere where it can produce greater benefit to the nation.

Use the newfound platform now made available but do not abuse it.

Talk and get results - do not confront.

It is also time to get a close network with students overseas, to update them on the rapid changes taking place in the nation and work out plans for the good of all.

Confrontation and protest is not our culture, it has never been, but talking is. And that can bring a lot of good.

Bulbir Singh