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L'entreprise multinationale sur Internet


Cette sélection de sites ne reprend pas:

    * les listes et monographies inventoriées dans une page appropriée

    * les analyses nationales (voir Pays)

    *les analyses sectorielles (voir Secteurs)

    * les techniques spécifiques valables pour toutes catégories d'entreprises engagées à l'international

    * les innombrables prestataires offrant leurs services aux multinationales

Fleche Haut 



Search Business - Magazines/News The Internet Sleuth is a collection of searchable databases and search engines on the Internet related to Magazines/News

Multinational Corporations MNCs are companies or enterprises that operate in a number of countries and have production or service facilities outside the country of its origin.

Multinational Corporations  Multinational Corporations Link Page! Basic Background on MNCs Books on Multinational Corporations Courting Foreign Direct Investment in the Nineties The Debating Room: These Awful Multinational Corporations

Thio - The World's Largest Multinational Corporations The World's Largest Multinational

Multinational corporations     Multinational Corporations

Multinational Monitor On-Line: Resources        Multinational Monitor On-Line: Resources

Multinational Corporations: Multinational Corporations: networks of firms, linked together by ties of ownership and control, and operating in multiple countries. MNCs are created through Direct Foreign Investment (DFI). In recent deacades, trade has been growing faster than output, but DFI has grown faster

Fleche Haut 


Voir: Environnement d'entreprise sur Internet  et  ENVIRONNEMENT DES ENTREPRISES

L'Accord Multilatéral sur l'Investissement

WINDS - Multi-National Corporations - Global Trade Agreements Multi-National Corporations possess the ability to transcend global trade boundaries at the expense of the many to the enrichment of the few.

Strategic Investment, Multinational Corporations and Trade Policy

Quel cadre juridique pour l'activité des firmes multinationales? Une course-poursuite est aujourd'hui engagée entre l'internationalisation des firmes et celle, toujours en retard d'une étape, des réglementations nationales

Multinational Corporations, Outsourcing, and American Wage Divergence Many economists studying America's wage divergence in the 1980'shave concluded that its primary cause was a within-industry shift inrelative labor ...

The Alternative Minimum Tax and the Behavior of Multinational Corporations This paper examines the extent to which U.S.-based multinational corporations are affected by the alternative minimum tax.

Fleche Haut 


Voir: OPERATIONS     MANAGEMENT     Management général sur Internet

Form of Ownership and Financial Constraints: Panel Data Evidence from Leverage and Investment Equations This paper analyzes the effects of the form of ownership on the substitutability between internal and external sources of finance. - The Internet Stock Mania Company parodies Internet companies that are getting a lot of investors' money for no good reason.

Tax Policy and the Activities of Multinational Corporations This paper reviews quantitative studies of the impact of international tax rules on the financial and real behavior of multinational firms. The evidence, much of it recent, indicates that taxation significantly influences foreign direct investment,

Multinational Operations: Transfer Pricing a One of the most controversial operations of multinationals, transfer pricing, is clearly described and defined. An easily-followed illustration shows how transfer pricing can be used by multinationals to maximise their profits by tax avoidance

1999 2nd Quarter Update - Reengineering Learning Center Excellent source for on-line reference material for business process reengineering. Articles, case studies, change management, books, reengineering tutorial series, project leadership ...

Competitive Fitness-The Competitive Fitness Project (2) Competitive Fitness The Competitive Fitness Project (2) The second type of corporate transformation One can distinguish two different types of corporate transformation.

Oya's Directory of Recruiters - Multinational Corporations

Globalizing Employee Ownership Plans for Multinational Corporations Globalizing Employee Ownership Plans for Multinational Corporations Multinational Companies and Employee Ownership Among Fortune 500 corporations, the average U.S. multinational has operations in about 17 countries, not to mention major interests in a

Insurance Information Technology A "Virtual" Insurance Institute for Electronic Commerce.

MIA Multinational Insurance Arrangement (MIA) is A world-wide network of leading insurers providing customised employee benefit products and services to multinational corporations.
Fleche Haut 


Researching Corporations | How to Research Transnational Corporat Corporate Watch provides hands-on activist tools as an on-line magazine that produces regular features about the role of corporations in social, political and economic and environmental issues.

The Effect of Multinational Companies on Development An article by the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development on the roles of transnational companies on development

Focus on the Corporation News and commentary on today's multinational corporations, including corporate activities, abuses, and trends.

Multinational Monitor | A Dangerous Mix I Corporate Watch provides hands-on activist tools as an on-line magazine that produces regular features about the role of corporations in social, political and economic and environmental issues.

Multinational Corporations Multinational Corporations International Labor Rights Fund Child Labor Coalition Web Site National Labor Committee Council on Economis Priorities Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs Human Rights for Workers Bulletin Institute for Global.

Multinational Corporations, Governance Deficits, and Corruption: A reflection by the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development on the effect of different types of corruption on modern society. Is there a solution . . .

Multinational Corporations and Spillovers Stockholm School of Economics S-WoPEc SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Economics and Finance No 99: Multinational Corporations and Spillovers

Multinational Corporations and Spillovers This paper examines spillover effects of the activities of multinational firms. Such effects are most likely to be found in host countries,

Multinational Corporations & Human Rights European Parliament's Decision on MNCs February 18, 1999 -The European Parliament's resolution on "EU Standards for European enterprises: towards a European Code of Conduct," passed on January 14, 1999, opens a promising new avenue for expanding the reach of important principles of human rights, labor rights and environmental protection to multinational corporations. (Full Text of European...

Effect of Multinational Companies   Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD): presence and activities of multinational corporations in developing countries

10 Worst Corporations of 1996" from "Multinational Monitor," December 1996 published by Essential Information (;

Fleche Haut 


Voir Marchés extérieurs sur Internet et   MARCHES PAYS

 Les multinationales canadiennes : Industrie Canada Analyses économiques et statistiques  Recherche dans Strategis

Multinational Corporations In The Third World SECTION 1 Management Issues SECTION 2 Positive Contributions SECTION 3 Conflicts of Interest SECTION 4 Environmental Contamination SECTION 5 Closing Webmaster: Management Issues

  Multinational Corporations and the North American Free Trade Agreement benchmark for analysis of the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement on foreign investment and investment flows

Fleche Haut


Voir: Secteurs sur Internet   et   SECTEURS D'ACTIVITE

International Financial Economics Multinational Corporations: ENERGY  Top Oil & Petroleom Products Company Amoco Atlantic Richfield British Petroleum Elf Aquitaine Chevron Corp ENI Exxon Corp Mobil Royal Dutch/Shell Texaco Oilworld; a site about oil!! Top Electricity & Gas Companies

Multinational enterprises in the courier service industry...

Fleche Haut

Mise à jour le 27/08/99