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By Wally and Frances Gray
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The Halifax Nova Scotia Temple

A temple in the land of our forefathers! The temple was dedicated on November 14, 1999, by President Gordon B. Hinckley. (Prayer appears below.) The ground had been broken on Canadian Thanksgiving Day, October 12, 1998 and the statue of the Angel Moroni had been placed on October 4, 1999. Open House as held on November 4, 5 and 6, 1999.

The temple is adjacent to the Darmouth Nova Scotia Stake Center and has two ordinance rooms.

The Temple

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This article appeared in The Halifax Herald Limited, Thursday, November 4, 1999

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Tim Krochak / Herald Photo
Angels on high - A three-metre-high statue of the angel Moroni adorns the top of a new temple
built by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Cole Harbour. The Cumberland Drive
temple, the church's first in Atlantic Canada, will serve 6,000 Mormons in the region. The building is
open to the public for tours until Saturday. President Gordon B. Hinckley, the church's worldwide
leader, will formally dedicate the temple on Nov. 13. After that, only Mormons in good standing will
be permitted inside.

Copyright © 1999 The Halifax Herald Limited

Dedicatory Prayer


Dedicated by President Gordon B. Hinckley, 14 November 1999

Thanks be to Thy name, O Lord God of Israel, who keepest covenant and showest mercy unto Thy servants who
walk uprightly before thee," (D&C 109:1). With this revealed salutation we bow reverently in prayer on this day of

Our hearts are filled with gratitude. Our testimonies of Thy great work resonate with Thy divinely revealed
doctrines. O God, our Eternal Father, accept of our thanks for Thy manifold blessings upon us.
Acting in the authority of Thine eternal priesthood, which Thou has bestowed upon us, and in the sacred name of
Thy Divine Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this the Halifax Nova Scotia Temple of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We dedicate the ground which surrounds this temple and upon which it stands. In the season of summer it will be
beautiful with Thy wondrous creations. We dedicate the structure, from the footings to the top of the tower,
including the figure of Moroni. We dedicate the walls and roof that they may stand strong against the storms of
nature. We dedicate the interior structure with all of its facilities and all the features associated with it — the
baptistry, the endowment rooms, the beautiful celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, the offices
and other facilities associated with this beautiful structure.

We pray that Thou wilt accept it. It represents the gift of our hands and our hearts unto Thee whom we love.
We pray that Thou wilt bless this sacred edifice with the presence of Thy Holy Spirit at all times. Wilt Thou
sanctify it and hallow it as Thy holy house.

We pray that those who view it from the outside may recognize it as a place of holiness, dedicated unto Thee. We
pray that all who enter its portals may be clean from the sins of the world, and may recognize that in this holy house
they are dealing with the things of eternity. We thank Thee for the ordinances to be performed herein. Thou hast
revealed these in this the dispensation of the fulness of times for the blessing of Thy sons and daughters of all
generations. All of these ordinances bespeak our testimony of the eternity of life and of Thy grand and sacred plan
for Thy children that they might move forward on the way of immortality and eternal life made possible through the
atoning sacrifice of Thy Beloved Son.

Dear Father, bless those who serve herein. Bless the temple presidency and the matron and her assistants. Give
them strength and vitality to carry forward this sacred work. Bless all who serve with them in administering the
ordinances of Thy house. May none weary in good work. Bless all who come as patrons that they may be touched in
their hearts and have confirmed in their minds the knowledge that in laboring in behalf of others, even their own
forebears, they are laboring in Thy service.

We pray for those who may not be qualified at this time to come into this house, that they may resolve to make
themselves worthy of the ordinances here to be had as a part of Thy restored gospel.
Pour out Thy blessings upon Thy faithful people of this area. Bless them with fruitful employment, with happiness
and security in their lives, with faith and joy in their knowledge of Thee. May their generations who come after
them walk in faithfulness.

Let Thine inspiration and Thy protection rest upon all who serve as messengers of eternal truth. Touch the
hearts of the people with a desire to learn of Thee and of Thy work. Pour out Thy blessings upon all of Thy faithful
Saints throughout the world whose consecrated tithes have made possible this sacred structure.
Father, how great is our love for Thee. We love Thee and Thy Beloved Son, and Thy Church and kingdom and
the sacred gospel to be found therein.

Wondrous are Thy ways. Thou art the great Elohim, the Father of the peoples of the earth, the Creator and
Governor of the universe, our Almighty God, our Father and our Friend. We thus lift our hearts unto Thee in prayer
in the sacred and divine name of Him who is our Redeemer and our Lord, even Thine Only Begotten Son, Jesus
Christ, amen.

(Church News, 20 November 1999)

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