Walnut Creek Service Unit Meeting


October 7, 2004



Meeting started promptly at 6:30 p.m.  Nelda Jones, Cathy Carrillo and _?_ performed flag ceremony.


Council Update

Michaelle Pomerlau updated the group on activities at Council:

·                    The Pervasive Race will be held on October 24th and the organizers still need more girls to participate.  At this time about 46 girls are signed up to run in the 1 mile fun run.  The cost for girl scouts to participate in this event is $6.  For adults that want to run the 10 mile race, the cost is $25.

·                    The Lone Star Trooper booklets are now available on line for this year.

·                    There are still 200 seats available through Council for the Texas Women’s Conference that will be held on Tuesday, October 19th



Service Unit Training Report

31 adults attended this event for basic level training.  The feed back was positive from all that attended.  Penny stressed that next year we need to ensure that at least 2 adults are scheduled to help Brekken with the baby sitting.  This year 19 children attended and Tammy Vernon was scheduled to help Brekken out, but her car broke down on the way to the event, so Brekken was forced to manage the kids by herself for most of the time.  Penny thanked everyone that helped out at this event and provided the food as well.



Outdoor Skills Training

There will be an Outdoor Skills Training class at St. Mark United Methodist Church, 601 W. Braker Lane in the LawShae Bldg. on Tuesday, November 18th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 20th from 9 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Sunday, November 21st.  Penny circulated a sign-up sheet for those interested in attending.  There is only enough room for 15 people to attend this training.  Penny is going to look into having the class last only one day, instead of the Tuesday plus the weekend time.



Founders Day

This will be held on Saturday, October 30th at MUMC from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  Christy Curry polled the group to see how many from each troop were planning on attending.  The tally at this time is:

Troop 172      -           10 attending

Troop 67        -           12 attending

Troop 181      -           4 attending

Troop 369      -           6-8 attending

Troop 22        -           4 maximum attending

Juliettes          -           1 attending

Troop 2047    -           16 attending

Troop 259      -           12 attending

Troop 87        -           6 attending


The Juliette Low Historically Speaking patch will be provided to all girls that attend.  There will be 10 stations at this event and at that time, Christy had 4 volunteers scheduled to help.  She was able to get the 6 additional volunteers she needed, with 2 alternates.  Donyiel Davis is going to contact Randalls and/or Costco to see if one of them will donate a cake for this event.


Holiday Dance

Amanda Noll spoke to the group about a fund raising dance that her troop is hosting.  The dance will be on Saturday, December 11th from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at Grace Church of the Nazarene.  The cost will be $5 per person.  You may give Amanda and/or Mona your money at the November or December leaders meetings.  Also, if you let them know in advance of the dance, you may pay Amanda and/or Mona at the door.  There will be dancing, food, drinks, raffles and much more.  All Girl Scouts and their favorite guy are welcomed to come.  Also, if the Girl Scouts have friends they would like to invite and if these girls are able to act in appropriate Girl Scout fashion, then they are welcome as well.  If you want to buy tickets or have any questions, you may call Amanda at 835-0231 or e-mail her at Sweet_Pea1291@yahoo.com .



Friends of Girl Scouting (FOGS)

Becky Chen passed our envelopes to everyone for each girl in their troop.  To help raise money for FOGS, Becky would like the girls to use the envelopes as a donation envelope for each of the Service Unit’s main events they attend.  Each girl attending an event should bring the envelope with them and place it in a basket that will be available at each function.  The girls may return the envelope empty or enclose a donation to FOGS.  There is not a minimal amount required for donations, so any sum is appreciated.  If a check is enclosed it should be made out to WCSU.  Funds gathered through this campaign are used to help offset the costs associated with the Girl Scout operating expenses.  25% will be towards FOGS and 75% will go to our Service Unit. 



Thinking Day

Thinking Day will be held on Saturday, February 26th from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at MUMC.  The following troops have signed up for the countries listed below for Thinking Day:

Troop 181                  -           Ghana

Troop 1452/1274      -           Greece

Troop 22                    -           Italy

Troop 259                  -           Japan

Troop 369                  -           India

Troop 87                    -           Australia


Raechel Stanford has flags for Germany, Canada and Australia for anyone that needs to use them.  Dixie Paulos has a flag for Italy that Troop 22 is going to use. Christy has flags for Ethiopia and Italy for anyone that needs to use them.  Costumes for an Africa country are available from Penny along with wooden shoes for the Netherlands.



Registrar Report

Carrie Mangondo reported the following numbers for this year’s Early Bird and On-Time Registrations:

                                    Adults                         Girls                Totals

Juliettes:                        6                                  3                      9

Daisies                          6                                  6                    12

Brownies                      31                               58                    89

Juniors                          53                                72                  125

Cadettes/Seniors        17                                26                    43     

                                     113                            165                278



Cookie Training

Sheri Medina was not present at the meeting, so Penny covered this material.  On Thursday, October 21st at 6:30 p.m. at Grace Church of the Nazarene,, Sheri will be hosting cookie training for all new troop cookie coordinators.  If you’ve already served as cookie coordinator for your troop, you do not need to attend this training again.  Nelda Jones, our service unit cookie booth coordinator, asked that all troop leaders e-mail her the school calendars for each school represented by girls in their troops.  This will help her schedule booths on the holiday days for each school.  Her e-mail address is neldaj@ev1.net .  Faith Brown at council told Penny that they will no longer be giving credit cards to the girls that sell over 1500 boxes of cookies.  The Council felt that this did not represent the purpose of cookie credits for the girls.  The 2005 Troop Plan Book for selling cookies, were distributed to all the leaders at the meeting.  The cost of the cookies will still be $3.00 per box for the 2005 cookie selling time. 



In-School Scouting

At this time, from Graham, Walnut Creek, Andrews, and Pecan Springs Elementary Schools, we have about 206 girls served through the Girl Scout ISD program.  Penny asked Michaelle if someone from Council would be able to attend some of the Girl Scout meetings at these schools or the service unit meetings.  Michaelle said that she could not require her staff to attend these meetings because they have their own meetings to prepare for during the school day and also, they are paid on an hourly basis.  Since Michaelle is a salaried employee, she will be attending all of the service unit meetings.  




·                    The Chili Cook-Off will be held at the St. Francis School gym.

·                    Carrie circulated the current registration list and had each leader confirm their troop information was correct.



After the discussion part of the meeting was over, Penny and Christy led the group in a leader investiture and rededication ceremony.


The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.



                                                                      Minutes submitted by:

Jamie Riscen
