Walnut Creek Service Unit Meeting


September 2, 2004


Meeting started at approximately 6:30 p.m.

**Note: Starting next meeting, at the beginning of each meeting we will have a flag ceremony. Donyiel Davis will be in charge of this and will get the flags from Christy Currey.

Troop Management

Kim Perkins is in charge of recruiting new adults and girls to Girl Scouts for our Service Unit. She will be focusing on In-School Scouting at the different schools. Kim is still receiving calls from girls who were unable to attend the registration rally, but are still interested in joining Girl Scouts.

Registration Rally

Carrie Manongdo thanked everyone for their help in making the registration rally a success. She registered 35 new members at the rally. The breakdown is as follows: 2 Daisies; 8 Brownies with 2 adults; 8 Juniors with 6 adults; 4 Juliettes with 5 adults. There is a new Girl Scout program for pre-kindergarten girls. Interested girls need to be attending a structured school format in order to participate in this program. Since only two girls signed up for this, they will be listed as Juliettes since they did not have the 5 people needed to make up a troop.

Fall Product Sales

Paula Gardiner will be in charge of Fall Products this year. The Fall Products Training will be held on September 16th at MUMC at 6 p.m. The training will be held in the NEW classroom on the north side of the church. Since Paula lives in Elgin, the products will be delivered to and picked up from Penny's house.

Upcoming Events and Needs

After the August meeting, Christy still needed Event leaders for Brownie Day, Junior Day and Cadette/Senior Day. The following people "volunteered" for these tasks: Brownie Day - Demita Huntley and Troop 1996; Junior Day - Carrie Manongdo and Troop 259; Cadettte/Senior Day - Gus Adelman. Next Christy outlined the scheduled activities for the rest of the year.

- A sign-up sheet was circulated for people to volunteer for this event. Penny needs troops to volunteer to teach games or plan an activity for this day for the children of the adults taking the training. She will also need appropriate Safety-Wise adult supervision. Penny also needs help preparing breakfast and lunch for this event. All ELF levels should attend this event as well to help answer any questions the adults being trained might have.

- Cathy Carrillo is heading this up and Peggy Rutherford and Carrie are on committee.

- Penny is heading this up and Christy, Carrie and Donyiel are on committee.

- Becky Chen and Kathy Frew are heading this up and Penny is on committee.

- Penny is heading it up and Rachael Stanford, Elizabeth Wrightsman, Nancy Guthrie and Peggy Rutherford are on committee. This event will appear in the Spring Possibilities as a Council Event.

- Mona Noll is heading this up and Dixie Paulos is on the committee.

- Becky Chen (troop 67) and Cathy Carrillo (troop 369) are heading this up.

- Penny is heading this up and Christy, Carrie and Donyiel are on committee.

Troop Fund Raiser Event

Mona's troop will be hosting a holiday dance for the Girl Scouts as a fund raiser for their troop. They will teach the girls some new dances and the cost will be about $5 - $7. The location and time for this event are still being determined.

BAIR Foundation

The BAIR Foundation is an overflow agency for children under the care of Child Protective Services. The service unit leaders agreed that they would still like to assist this organization. Everyone should be keeping an eye out for good deals on backpacks and other items for these children. Pam Campbell suggested looking at Goodwill for backpacks as she has seen them for $4 or $5.

Fall Camp Out

The fall camp-out will be at Lake Somerville/Nails Creek State Park on October 15th -17th and the theme will be "Under the Sea". Julia Miller's girls will be teaching the younger girls how to fish!! The cost will be $8 per person and all money needs to be given to Julia by the October 7th leaders meeting. It will be all tent camping at this location. E-mail Nancy your troop roster and emergency contact numbers if you are planning on attending this event. Her e-mail address is: nancyg@alumni.tcu.edu .

Special Olympics

Jamie Riscen passed out information for those people interested in volunteering for the Special Olympics on September 24th, 25th, or 27th. Anyone interested in helping should contact Tina Taylor at ttaylor@sotx.org directly. Jamie will forward the flyer to Penny so that she may send it out via e-mail as well.

Applebee's Fundraiser

The manager at Applebee's spoke to Penny and offered that on a date chosen by our Service Unit (from Sunday to Wednesday), we could earn 10% of the sales for that evening. The leaders suggested that we try either January 17th (MLK Day) or Sunday, January 9th. This fundraiser could be conducted as part of the Friends of Girl Scouts (FOGS) campaign and 25% of the profits could go to FOGS and 75% could go to our service unit.




Michaelle Pomerleau, our MDE at Council





The meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.


Minutes submitted by:

Jamie Riscen
