Oh science!
I am demeaning you with praise!
You've been with me every step of the way!
I'm imitating Allen Ginsberg for you,science
not for fun!
Doing the best I can because it suddenly
hit me in the library.
What a debt and no one complaining!
Science,you're too demure!
You unlock the genetic code,and in the same breath
welcome me to the stacks
and I walk in like a bum who has to pee
among journals of the latest
news of life itself.
dispatches from the front!
what a brave thing to keep statistics
at a time like this!
And making theoretical conjectures
and publishing them in this heat!
but it's cool in this room,thanks to you.
And the minds around me sing
humming like a barbershop quartet.
Maybe it's the ventilation system,
but that's yours too!
and the computers!
I'm typing like lightning in a fishbowl
and your machines are bored with me,science!
but not you.
Like a maiden Aunt you're glad to see me,I know.
Watching from the infinite corners of your eye
while I learn to ride my bike
while I learn what happens when you eat too many ginger-snaps
and drink too much chocolate milk.
On the playground I pretend you don't mean much to me,science
and it shames me later,all that love!
I'm such a tough guy when it's only people's opinions at stake.
But I'm shaking in my scuffed black oxfords,science!
Where are we? Where are we going? Will you
take me with you?
I'm sorry I never sent any Christmas cards.
I should have come over all those saturdays to mow your lawn,
we could have watched TV together in the twilight of that summer
in between junior high and high school.
If I wasn't so tired tonight I'd call you just to say hello,
if I knew your home phone number,
if I wasn't so embarrassed
if I wasn't afraid of saying the wrong thing after hello.

                               msg  6/28/00
   Hello Science!