Walteria Business Men's Club

Next Dinner Meeting Is April 1st, 2004 (No Kidding!)

Club News

Contact: Pat Welch 367-0595 jpatwelch(at)    

Congratulations to the new Board of Directors elected at the last dinner meeting. The following new officers will start their terms May 1: President - Jim Handsaker; Vice President - Sergio O'Campo; Treasurer - Varouj Kioudjian; Recording Sec. - Bob Griggs; Corresponding Secretary - Pat Welch; Director - Todd Hilzendeger; Director - Kevork Baboujian; Director - Manny Lagod; Past President - Ed Marquis

This Thursday's Dinner meeting theme is "Military Night". We will have guest(s) from the Military, who have some interesting stories and information to share with the Membership. Show your support by attending this Event.

Please attend the April 15 Dinner meeting to help celebrate the installation of the new Board of Directors. This will be a Ladies Night, so that the new Honchos can show off. We will serve steaks to all studs who attend, even if they are unaccompanied. So if you do not attend this meeting, your virility will be in question.

Friday April the 30th is our next "Game Night". We are in the process of selecting a Chairman for this Event, so stay tuned. But do mark your Calendar for that evening.

REMINDER - The Board has revised the club rental policy. Members may still reserve the club house for their personal use at no charge. However, a $100 Cleaning/ Damage/ Replacement deposit is required PRIOR to "rental". The amount returned depends upon the condition of the premises and the amount of additional cleanup/ repairs required. Please contact Dick Vickers (see ad to right) to reserve the club.

This One's Pink

All but a few of you will receive this issue on the infamous PINK paper. You will continue to receive your newsletter branded with this ridiculous mark of effeminacy until you pay your dues. On-time payment of dues is important. We have an extensive amount of upcoming property expenses (termites, prop taxes, back yard, scholarships), and EARLY payment of dues will help ease the cash flow. Send your $50 check to the club house, or give it to a board member, and once again join the ranks of MANLY MEN. You may also support the club by purchasing an ad at $100 for the year, or giving an EXTRA contribution towards the Scouts, Scholarships, or Building Fund.

Golf News

Contact: Ed Marquis 310-822-2022 emarquis(at)

The Finals for 2003 are now Final, and $900.00 in Prize funds have been given out. On Saturday the 20th at El Prado, two past Champions faced off. It was a close match between DJ Hardin and Ed (Lefty) Marquis. Both players showed early signs of Pressure, but two Birdies had an impact on the outcome. WBMC now has a "Three Peat" Champion. Ed Marquis finished in 1st, with DJ Hardin in 2nd. John Albritton collected $150 for 3rd. A tie for 4th place went to Tom Stevenson and Bruce Wright.

El Prado saw a never before, come from behind feat. Ann Zucker needed to win the Event, and the two members who were tied going into El Prado had to not finish in the Top Ten. Well you guessed it; Ann finished 1st (Net 66), and the other two faded. So we had three members Tie for the Quarter, with 22 points each. The Golf committee decided that All Three (Jim Hardin - Jim Fraser - Ann Zucker) will qualify for the Year-End Playoffs. We will be using one of the two "Wild Card" positions that were set-out for the Member(s) with the most Year-To-Date points. A little lost in all the excitement was the fact that finishing 2nd for the day was Jesse Imai with a Net 67, and 3rd was Ed Marquis, with a Net 68. Additional Cash was won by Bruce Wright, Ann Zucker, Dick Pollard, and guest Ted Beresford for CTP's.

Baja Mar has several openings for this Fun Week-end of June the 4th, 5th, and 6th. You need to send your Deposit, or the full amount...NOW.

Tournament Posting Policy Change - Starting with El Prado, our Handicap Chairman (Jim Hardin) will collect all the Score cards at each Event and do the Posting, so Do Not Post your Monthly WBMC Tournament Scores.

Temeku is scheduled for Sunday, April the 18th at 10:30am. Based on the fact that we had the largest group (35) ever, at any Monthly Event in the history of the club, you should make your reservation Now. That means Mail in your Check for $65.00. Temeku will not give us the flexibility to play five in a group.

Board of Directors 2003-2004
Position Name Home # Work #
President Ed Marquis 544-4194 822-2022
Vice President Jim Handsaker 373-8175 618-6274
Treasurer Varouj Kioudjian 375-1979 373-7344
Rec. Sec. Bob Griggs 378-5530 813-1401
Corr. Sec. Pat Welch 367-0595 367-0595
Past Pres. Robert Crespin 323-2921 316-5821
Board Member Javier Gomez 530-5391 830-1333
Board Member Jr. Tamayo 375-5137 371-2448
Board Member Todd Hilzendeger 540-3306  

Golf Tournament Schedule 2004
Date Location Time
Mar 20 El Prado - Chino 10:00
Apr 18 Temeku - Temecula 10:30
May 16 Green River - Corona 10:00
June 4-6 Baja Mar - Stay and Play 9:00
June 26 Los Verdes Member/Guest TBD
July 17 San Clemente 12:00
Aug 14 Red Hawk - Temecula 1:00
Sep 19 San Dimas 10:30
Oct 17 Santa Anita 11:00
Nov. 21 Recreation Park (Long Beach) 10:30
Dec 12 Los Verdes 10:00

2003 advertisements

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