Mark and Kathy Smallman
Best Photos ever
Christian Chat
Camera Cllub
Greatest lightning shots
Peter's Olympic run
We live the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia - (about 50 miles south of Sydney). Both my wife and I are both Christians. We have 4 children from 16yrs to 14 months, (at time of writing).
Michael's Baptism
I am a family man and enjoy spending time with my wife and kids,I work in the steelworks at Port Kembla Australia. I also am a church elder and ocassionally preach. My main gifting is pastoral and I truly enjoy encouraging others in their christian walks. My hobbies include fishing, writing poetry, photography, street machines and hot rods, F1 racing. I don't claim to know all the answers, nor do I expect to solve all the problems, but I have faith that Jesus is both able and willing to be the answer to all we seek.
Peter is our eldest - 17yrs
Michael is 14 yrs
Clare is 6 yrs
Anne is 20 months

we are very blessed!!!!!!!!