Naked Robber Official Site
best band ever and equally good site to boot
Naked Robber was voted among the top 10 party games according to Star-Treks creator Gene Rodenbury, and voted the number 1 band by everyone else.
I would just like to give props to all the other local bands tryin to make it... actually not cause you're treading on our turf, even though you pose absolutely no threat to us whatsoever.
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Sabrosa's Website
Aftercast's Website
MTRMS' Website
Un-Nazied Guest Book
Songs that are better than you
Your Idols
Niels York - Drums, Lead Vocals
Andrew Mason - Lead Guitar
Joe Jalbert - Bass, back up vocals, equipment manager, webmaster, back up guitar, inspiration manager and promoter
Paul Imgrund - Positive vibes technition, boner blower
Will Gordon - Worthless