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We Keep Our Superstitions WILD!!!
Wander Women hike and climb mainly in Central Arizona but plan frequent trips to funky places all over the state. The club also does a few out-of-state ventures each year, usually to neighboring California.
Michelle,  Anne,  Betty,  Elizabeth,  Lillianne,  Cindy,  and Carolina
with dawggies Jordan,  Berkley,  Bandicoot,  and Jesse  at Jacks Canyon, AZ
Our next quarterly meeting is: October 15, 2005
Please forgive our appearance!...
(and all the links that don't go anywhere) 
Our site is under
Our daytrips are pretty tame (because we really have no idea what we're doing) and not too far off the beaten path.  If you're looking for "them real esspeeriunced types",  it might be good to seek out the AMC.    :)
Anne,  Sally,  Cindy,  Michelle,  and Carolina  with Jordan,  Berkley,  and Jesse  at Jacks Canyon, AZ
Mostly, we're just a bunch of gals that really love the wilderness and the spirit of mountaineering... and all that nifty gear!

Plus, we wanted an excuse to make a cool logo.

Check out our Upcoming Outings and feel free to join us for an adventure anytime!
"I can't remember a single time that I was prevented from doing what I wanted because I was female, either on the rock or in the mountains".
- Annie Whitehouse
Elizabeth 'rocks' at Queen Creek, AZ
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