I don't know the exact moment the darkness and depression, which engulfed my life, left me...but it did...
I don't know the exact moment the ray of hope shone again...but it did...
Slowly and eventually, as I watched and heard about the relience of the human spirit and it's capability to love, my lifeless heart started to warm up. It's amazing what glimpses into someone else's soul and songs can do, really. So I thank the nameless soul who inadvertently brought me light..
And I've finally encountered my first rainbow after the never-ending storm... Although my situation has not improved and my problems have not diminished, I am strangely at peace. Perhaps it's the feeling that terminally ill people get when they manage to overcome their intense pain and suffering and still manage to spread love and touch souls... For those who are down, although it might not seem so now, do believe that one day you'll be yourself again, I'm sure for that...
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