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Class of 2004

About Me
Inner City blues
Contact Me
Who Am I
I am the light that shines from the heavens and lights the Earth
Giving light to all of those who bask in me
Providing food for life and thought
I am an Aquarian spilling the waters of knowledge
into those who wish to drink from me
Attempting to quinch the never ending thirst
that only a desert of ignorance can cause
I am a lost soul seeking salvation in a world of lost souls
Not knowing where or from whom to seek salvation
Or that they even need saving
I am love and wisdom incarnate seeking even more knowledge and more love
Seeking a kindred spirit that would set me free and allow me to soar
Love and knowledge seeking the knowledge of love
I am a work in progress
An unfinished painting, novel or poem
With beauty and flaws yet to be seen
I am alive with a life worth living and waiting for
With a horizon yet to be enjoyed
Who Am I?
I am many things
But for now I just am.

Enough of the poetics for now. I am a recent graduate of Old Dominion University in Norfolk VA. I am proudly a member of the Class of 2004. I received my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. I will be relocating near the end of the summer to attend the University of Texas at San Antonio to obtain my Masters Degree in Counseling. Where I end up from there who knows. I always have a plan but I go where the Lord leads and where the wind blows.