Stop Cats and Dogs Being Skinned Alive for the Fur Trade
The Coalition to Abolish The Fur Trade | Humane Society International

Paws The Ward 1 Alley Cat Coalition

The purpose of the Ward 1 (Washington, DC) Alley Cat Coalition is to protect and prevent abuse of alley cats and to end feline overpopulation through neighborhood-based care and control of healthy cat colonies including spay/neutering, medicating and feeding. We are always looking for volunteers to care for and feed colonies, donate money or food, transport cats, and trap cats. We hope our idea will spread to other DC Wards.

Note: We no longer provide cat adoptions. We now only provide advice and assistance with TNR (trap, neuter, release) and alley cat maintenance.
Paws About Us
Paws Volunteering
Paws Spay/Neutering
Paws Humane Trapping
Paws Sponsors/Donations
Paws Colony Care/Relocation
Paws Resources/Links
No Fur Sign the Pets & Animals in Distress Spay/Neuter No Kill Petition
Every day, 16,000 homeless pets are killed in American Public County Shelters! Project Spay/Neuter needs your animal loving help and support to be a voice for those who can not speak and to sign the petition today to help pass mandatory free spay and neuter laws in every state in America.
Cat Day National Feral Cat Day: October 16
This year’s National Feral Cat Day is the kick-off of a yearlong campaign to promote awareness of these beautiful creatures. You can help us with this important cause by reading the materials on our site and informing others and heighten awareness about feral cats.
Twenty million unwanted and homeless dogs and cats will be destroyed in the U.S. this year. About 100,000 will be killed in D.C. and Virginia alone. ** Please don't contribute to this staggering death toll. Please help protect and care for an alley cat colony. It only takes a few minutes a day!

The Ward 1 Alley Cat Coalition
Email | Join our eGroup
P.O. Box 21367 | Washington, DC 20009

** Statistic provided by Spay, Inc.