The Stone Age lasted from 25,000 years ago to approximately  7000 years ago.   The very first invention to  come from the Stone Age was the use of stones   as tools.  This was man's first technology.  He chipped and flaked and molded forms that were the beginning of tools.  They appeared as stone needles, spears, axes, and arrows. Many human sites were found in Caves, hence the name Caveman. As man developed tools he ventured out of the cave.
     At first man was a hunter and a gatherer.  Men went on hunts and women gathered nuts, fruits, and berries.    They were roaming nomads because they had to be nomads. These nomads went  from place to place.   When the game moved, they had to move or starve.  When the fruit trees no longer bore fruit they had to search for new fruit bearing  orchards or  alternatives in order to survive.

      Slowly man  began to  settle down.  He began living in huts,  leantoes, and houses that were well built and ranged in size from tiny villages to small towns.  This began to happen as man learned to plant.  By planting crops he could now settle in one place.  This was the beginning of the agricultural phase of development.   While settled  he began to develop individualized jobs.  This is refered to as the "division of labor."
        As man's communities enlarged and fields became rich in crops the need for a way of accounting for this crops developed. Imagine trying to keep track of thousands of bushels of oats, for example.   Also, as towns became more complex a need for rules and regulations developed.  These, almost simultaneous, needs led to the development of writing.  The first writing systems appear in Mesopotamia and Egypt about 5500 year ago. It's purpose was accounting and codification of laws.  We refer to the period before written records or writing as prehistory.
Prehistory and the Stone Age
My Favorite Links:\wardenjohn_2000\AncientGreece.html
Mesopotamian History and Imagines
My Info:
Mr. J.P. Warden  AS,Chaffey College,  B.S.Double Major in History, M.S. Social Studies Education, Indiana University /
California State University, San Bernardino CA., Learning Specialist.
Stone Age Doll
The sun peaking through the heel stones on the Sumer Solstice at Stonehenge
             Quiz: Prehistory
1.  How long ago was the Stone Age?
2.  What did man use as his first technology?
3.  Why were men called Cavemen?
4.  What is a nomad?
5.  What kind of tools were made of stone?
6.  What happened in the agricultural phase of     development?
7.   What is a "division of labor?"
8.   Why did writing develop?
9.   Where did writing first appear?
10. What does prehistory mean?
Stone Age Villiage with various styles of buildings.
Stone Age Dire Wolf
Stone Age Stone Axe
Fig. 1
  Another View of Stonehenge with the Megaliths showing.
A view of Stonehenge showing it's mega proportion in contrast to the people shown visiting the Stone Monument.                                     
This is an artist's rendering of the arrangement of stones at Stonehenge.   Some historians speculate that this particular arrangement of stones lends itself to the idea of a large astronomical clock. Man could keep track of the years on the basis of knowing when to plant yearly crops. In some cases it is also thought that this particular arrangement of stones could be used for religious purposes, since the cycles of sky lent themselves to ancient man's interpretations.     Gerald Hawkins is a proponent of this theory. 
This picture entitled "Awakening"  is from the Wassman Collection: http:
Cannis Darus Drawing by Robert Larson