American Literature
Mirror Poem
War of the Worlds
English Literature
Beocat Poem
Shakespeare's Plays
Wanderer Poem
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Sentence Structures
Research Paper
Constructing a Thesis
Testing the Thesis
Outline Basics
Developing an Outline
So What Test

Table of Prefixes and Suffixes


A B C D E F G H I J  K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z





a Latin not, without atypical
ab Latin away from, off from, away abdicate
acantho Greek spiny acanthocephalan
acro Greek height, extremity acrophobia, acropolis
act Latin move, do actuate
actino Greek radioactivity actinometer
ad Latin to, toward admit
adeno Greek gland adenocarcinoma
aeri, aero Greek air aerialist, aerobatics
ag Latin move, do agitate
agro Latin field, soil agriculture, agricologist
algo Greek pain algophobia
allo Greek other allochthenous, allonym
alti Latin high altitude
ambi Latin both ambidextrous
amphi Greek both, two, on both sides amphitheater
amvlo Greek starch amylolvsis, amylopsin
an Greek not, without anarchy
ana Greek up, backward, excessively anachronism
ancylo Greek hook, joint ancylostomiasis
andro Greek male androsterone
anemo Greek wind anemograph
angio Greek vessel, container angiosperm
anglo Latin English Anglo-American, anglomania
anhydr Greek waterless anhydrous
aniso Greek unequal, uneven anisogamous
ano Greek up, upper, upward anoopsia
ante Latin before, preceding, prior to antecedent
antero Latin front, fore anteroom
antho Greek flower, or collection of anthology
anthrac Greek coal, carbon, carbunole anthracrose
anthropo Greek man anthropology
anti Greek against antipathy
anto Greek opposite of, substitute antonym
apo Greek not clear, away, from, off apocrypha
arch Greek final, chief monarch, archbishop
archeo Greek primitive archeozoic
areo Greek the planet Mars areocentric, areology
argent Latin silver argenteous, argentine
aristo Greek best aristocratic
arith Greek number arithmancy, arithmetic
arterio Greek artery arterioscierosis
arthro Greek joint, jointed arthropod
artio Greek even number artiodactyl
asco Greek sac ascomycete
aster Greek star asterick
astro Greek star astrology, astronaut
atmo Greek air atmosphere
audio Latin hear, hearing audible, auditorium
auri Latin gold or ear auriferous, auricle
austro Latin south austronesia
auto Greek self, same autograph
auxo Greek growth, increase auxochrome
avi Latin bird aviary, aviation
azo Greek containing nitrogen azobenzene
bacci Latin berry baccivorous
baro Greek weight, pressure barograph
batho Greek depth bathometer
be W.Germany about, around, all over bedecked
bi Latin two, twice bicuspid
biblio Greek book Bible, bibliography
bin Latin two, two at a time binary, binocular
bio Greek life biography, biology
blasto Greek embryo blastosphere
blephar Greek eyelid blepharitis
brachio Greek arm brachiopod
brachy Greek short brachycephalicc
brady Greek slow bradykinetic
branchio Greek gills brachiopod
brevi Latin short brevier, brevity
bucc Latin check, mouth buccat, buccinatar
by Greek near, secondary, incidental bypath, byproduct
caco Greek bad cacodemon
calci Latin calcium salt, calcite, chalk calciferous
calli Greek beautiful calligraphy, callipygian
calori Latin heat calorimeter
capit, caput Latin head capitulate, capitalize
capri Latin goat capricious
cardio Greek heart cardiogram
carpo Greek fruit, wrist carpophore
cata, cath Greek down, against, in accordance catalogy
caulo Latin stalk, stem caulicle, cauliflower
ced Latin move, yield cede, secede
ceno Greek new, recent, common cenogenesis, cenobite
centi Latin one hundred centenarian, centennial
cerat Greek horn ceratodus
cero Grrek wax cerotype
cess Latin move, yield cessation, progress
cet Latin whale cetacean
chaeto Greek hair chaetopod
chalco Greek copper chalcalithic
chemo Greek chemical, chemism chemical, chemist
chiro Greek hand chiromancy
chlor Greek green chlorine
chole Greek bile, gall cholesterol
chorio Greek chorion, choroid chorioallantois
chrom Greek color chromatic, Kodachrome
chromato Greek color, colored chromatin, chromatophore
chrono Greek time chronometer, chronological
chryso Greek gold chrysolite
circum Latin around circumspect
cis Latin on the near side of cisalpine, cisatlantic
cit Latin rouse or call incite, cite
clado Greek branch cladophyll
clam Latin call, cryout clamor, declaim
clar Latin clear clarion, clarify
claus Latin shut claustrophobia, clause
cleisto Greek closed, capable of being closed cleistogamy
clino Latin slope clinometer
co, col, com, con, cor Latin together with correlate
coel Greek cavity coelenteron
contra Latin against, opposite contradict
copro Greek dung, filth, obscenity coporology
cord Latin heart accord, cordial
corp Latin body corporal, corpse
cosmo Greek world, universe cosmonaut
counter M. English against, contrary, opposite, parallel countermain, counterbalance, counterfeit
cranio Greek size, shape, characteristics of the human skull craniology, craniotomy
cred Latin to believe, belief credence, credible
cresc Latin gown, rise crescendo
crypto Greek secret, hidden cryptic, cryptogram
crystalli, crystallo Greek crystal crystallization, crystallographic
cteno Greek comb ctenophora
cupri Latin copper cupriferous
curr, curs Latin run current, cursive
cyano Greek dark blue coloring, poisonous acid cyanotype
cyclo Greek cycle cyciohexane
cymo Greek wave cymograph
cyto Greek cell cytoplasm
dactylo Greek finger, toe dactylogram
de Latin remove from, take away, out of ten depose
deca Greek ten deimate, decade, decagon
deci French tenth deciliter, decibel
demi French half, lesser demivolt, demitasse
demo Greek people democracy, epidemic
dendro Greek tree dendrology
denti Latin tooth denticle, dentition
dermato Greek skin dermatology, epidermis
deutero Greek second deuterocanonical, deuterogamy
dextro Latin right destrogyrate
di Greek two dialogue
dia Greek through, across, between diameter
dic, dict Latin say dictate, predict, dictaphone
dicho Greek in two parts, in pairs dichotomy
dino Greek terrible dinothere
diplo Greek double, in pairs diplococcus
dipso Greek alcoholic, an alcoholic dipsomania
dis Latin apart from reversing dissuade
dodeca Greek twelve dodecagon
dolicho Greek long or narrow dolichocephalic
domin Latin master dominion, dominate
dox Greek opinion doxy
duc Latin lead ductile, conduct
duo Greek two duodecillion, duologue
dupl Latin double, two sided duplicate, duplicity
dyna Greek power dynamo, dynamic
dys Greek ill, bad dysfunction
ecclesio Greek church ecclesiology
echino Greek sea urchin echinoderm
eco Greek household, environment economy, ecodice
ecto Greek outer, outside, external ectoderm
ego Latin self egocentric, egotistical
electro Greek electrical, electronic electrocardiograph
en French in, into enamored
encephalo Greek brain encephalograph
endo Greek within endocardial
ennea Greek nine enneahedron
entrero Greek intestine enterostomy
ento Greek within entoderm
entomo Greek insect entomology
eo Greek primeval eohippus
epi Greek upon, over, enar, at, befroe epigram
equi Latin equal equidistant
eroto Greek sexual desire erotomania
erythro Greek red erythrocyte
ethno Greek race, culture, people ethnography
etio Greek cause etiology
etym Greek pertaining to historical linguistic etymologize, etymon
eu Greek well, good eugenics, eulogy
eury Greek broad, wide eurythermal
ex Latin out of, beyond, without exhale, ex-governor
exo Greek outside, outer, exterior exodus
extra, extro Latin outside, beyond extrajudicial, extraterritorial
fac Latin to make, do factor, factitive
facil Latin easy facile, facility
fact Latin to make, do factor
feri Latin fever febriferous
ferri, ferro Latin iron ferriferous, ferroconcrete
fibro Latin fiber fibroblast
fid Latin faith fidelity
fin Latin end finally, finish
fissi Latin cleft fissiparous
flavo Latin yellow flavopurpurin
flect, flex Latin bend flection flexible
flori Latin flower floriferous
fluoro Latin containing fluorine fluorocarbon
for M. English away, off, wrongly, extremely forbid, forbear, forswear
fore Latin in front of (time, position) forecast
fort Latin strong fortitude, discomfort
fratri Latin brother fratricide
fructi Latin fruit fructiferous
galacto Greek milk galactopoietic
gamo Greek united gamopetalous
gastro Greek stomach gastrology
gen Latin race genteel, progenitor
gen Greek birth progeny, eugenics
geo Greek earth geopolitics, geography
geronto Greek old age gerontology
giga Greek giant, billion gigameter
glosso, glotto Greek tongue, language glossology, glottochronology
glyco Greek sweet glycoside
gonio Greek angle goniometer
gono Greek sexual, reproduction gonophore
grapho Greek writing graphology
gymno Greek named, bare, exposed bymnosperm
gyneco Greek female gynecologist
gyno Greek female gynophore
gyro Greek ring, circle, spiral gyromagnetic
hagio Greek saint, holy hagiography
halo Greek salt halophyte
haplo Greek single, simple haplogy
hecto Greek hundred hectograph
helico Greek spiral helicoid
helio Greek sun heliocentric
hemato Greek blood hematologist
hemi Greek half or partial hemisphere
hemo Greek blood hemophiliac
hendeca Greek eleven hendecasyllable
hepato Greek liver hepatitis
hepta Greek seven heptagon
hetero Greek different, other heterogeneous, heterodox
hexa Greek six hexagon
hiero Greek sacred, priestly hierocracy
hippo Greek horse hippodrome
histo Greek tissue histology
holo Greek whole, entire holohedral
homeo Greek similar homeostatic
homo Greek same homogeneous, homologous
hyalo Greek glass hyaloplasm
hydro Greek water hydrant
hyeto Greek rain hyetology
hygro Greek wet, moist, moisture hygrometer
hylo Greek wood, mater hylophagous
hymeno Greek membrane hymenopteron
hyper Greek over hypersensitive
hypno Greek sleep, hypnosis hypnotherapy
hypso Greek height, altitude hypsometer
hypo Greek under, beneath hypodermic
hystero Greek uterus hysterotomy
iatro Greek healer, medicine, healing iatrogenic
ichthyo Greek fish ichthyology
icono Greek image, likeness iconology
ideo Greek idea ideology
il, im, in, ir Latin into, not (as an adjective) infuse, irrevocable
infanti Latin child infanticide, infantile
infra Latin below infrasonic, infrared
irido Latin rainbow, iridescent, iris (of the eye), Iris (the genus), iridium iridosmine, iridotomy
iso Greek equal isochromatic
inter, intra, intro Latin getween, among, together, within intercede, intramural, introduction
jun, junct Latin join adjunct, junction
jur Latin law, pertainint to jural, jurisical, jurisdiction
juxt Latin beside, near juxtaposition
karyo Greek nucleus of a cell karyotin
kerato Greek horn, horned keratogenous
kilo Greek one thousand kilocycle
klepto Greek a thief kleptomania
kymo Greek wave kymograph
labio Latin lip labiodental
lacto Latin milk lactometer
laparo Greek flank or abdominal wall laparotomy
laud, laudat Latin praise applause, laudable
lect Latin gather, choose, read lecture, collect, elect
legis Latin law legislature
lepido Greek scale lepidopteron
lepto Greek thin, fine, slight leptosome
let Latin gather, choose, read letter
leuco Greek white leucoderma
levo Latin an object that rotates the left place of polarized light levorotation
lex Latin law lexloci, lexscripta
ligni Latin wood ligniform
lipo Greek fat liposuction
litho Greek stone lithography, monolith
loco Latin from place to place locomotion
locut Latin speak elocution
llogo Greek word, speech logography
longi Latin long longicorm
loqu Latin speech loquacious
luc Latin light lucidity, elucidate
lumb Latin loin lumbar
luni Latin moon lunitidal
lys Greek loosening, decomposition lysin
macro Greek large, long, great, excessive macrocosm, macroscopic
magni Latin great, large magnanimous, magnificent
mal French bad, wrongful malfunction, malcontent
malaco Greek soft malacopterygian
male Latin evil malediction
man Latin hand work, able to handle manual
mania Greek craze, craving megalomania
manu Latin handle manual
matri Latin mother matriarch, matrilineal
maxi Latin very long, very large, of the greatest scope or intensity maximal, maxiservice
medi Latin middle mediate
medico Latin medical medicus
mega Greek great, large megacephalic, megalomania
megalo Greek bigness, exaggeration, extravagance megalomania
melan Greek black melanoma
meno Greek month menology
mero Greek partial, part meroblastic
meso Greek middle mesocephalic
meta Greek with, after, over, beyond metamorphosis
metallo Greek metal metallography
micro Greek small microscope, microphone
midi English of a mid-calf length midiskirt
milli Latin one thousand millennium
mini Latin very short, small, lightweight on a small scale miniskirt, minicar, minicalculator
mis Latin ill, mistaken, wrong, wrongly misunderstood
miso Greek hatred of misogynist
mono Greek one monogram
morpho Greek form morphology
mov Latin set in motion move
multi Latin many, more than two multitude
myceto Greek fungus mycetozoan
myco Greek fungus mycology
myelo Greek marrow, of the spinal cord myeloid
myo Greek muscle myology
myrmeco Greek ant myrmecology
mytho Greek legendary stories mythographer, mythologist
myxo Greek mucus, slime myxomycete
namo Latin dwarf, one billionth namometer
naso Latin nose nasopharynx
necro Greek dea, corpse, death necrology, necrolatry
nemat Greek thread nematocyst
neo Greek new, recent neologism
nepho Greek cloud nephograph
nephro Greek kidney nephrosis
neuro Greek nerve, sinew, tender neurology
neutro Latin neutral neutrosphere
nitro Greek indicating the nitrate group nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose
nocti Latin night noctilucent
nomo Greek custom, law nomology
non Latin not nonpayment
nona Latin nine nonagenarian
noso Greek disease nosology
noto Greek the back notochord
nudi Latin naked, bare nudibranch
nulli Latin none, null nullify
num Latin pertaining to numbers numbers, numberology
nycto Latin night or darkness nyctophobia
nym Latin girl, women, female nymphet, nymphomania
ob, oc, of, op Latin toward, to, against, upon obdurate
octa Greek eight octave
oculo Latin eye, ocular oculomotor
odonto Greek tooth odontology
office Latin duty officer, official
oleo Latin oil oleograph
oligo Greek few, little oligopoly
omni Latin all omnibus
omphalo Greek naval, umbilical omphalos
onom Greek words, names, pertaining to onomastic, onomatopoeia
onto Greek being ontogeny
oo Greek egg oogamous
oophor Greek ovary oophoritis
ophthalmo Greek eve opthalmologist
opto Greek optic, vision optometrist
orchido Greek orchid, testicle orchidology
organo Greek organ of the body, organic organology
ornitho Greek bird ornithology
oro Greek mountain, mouth orography, orotund
ortho Greek straight, upright, right orthoclastic, orthodontist
osm Greek smell osmium
osteo Greek bone osteoclesis
oto Greek ear otology
ovi Latin egg oviferous
oxy Greek sharp, acute, keen, pointed, acid oxygen, oxymoron
ozo Greek smell ozocerite
pac Latin peace pacific, pacify
paleo Greek old paleobotany
pan Greek all panacea
para Greek near, beyond, aside, guard parachute, paradigm
pari Latin equal paripinnate
parri Latin father, mother, or other close relative parricide
patho Greek suffering, feeling, disease pathology
patri Greek father patriarch, patrilineal
pedati Latin having a foot or feet pedate
pedi Latin foot pediform
pedo Greek child or soil pedology
pene Latin almost peneplain
penta Greek five pentagon, pentamic
pend Latin hang, weight pendant
per Latin throughout, completely permit
peri Greek around, beyond periscope
petro Greek rock, stone petrology
phago Greek eating phagocyte
pharmaco Greek drug pharmacology
pharyngo Greek the tude or cavity that connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus pharyngology
pheno Greek shining phenocryst
philo Greek loving philosophy
phlebo Greek veing phlebotomy
phono Greek sound phonograph, phonometer
photo Greek light photograph, photogenic
phreno Greek mind, diaphragm phrenology
phyco Greek seaweed, algae phycomycetous
phyllo Greek leaf phylloclade
phylo Greek race, tribe phylogenic
physio Greek nature, physical physiology, physics
physo Greek bladder physostigmine
phyto Greek plant phytogenesis
pico Spanish one trillionth picometer
picro Greek bitter picrotoxin
pili Latin hair piliform
pilo Greek felt pilosarpine
pisci Latin fish piscivorous
plagio Greek oblique plagioclase
plano Greek moving, capable of movement planography
plano Latin flat, plane planograph
plasto Greek formed, molded plastometer
platino Latin platinum platinotype
platy Greek flat, broad platyhelminth
plen Latin full plenty, replenish
pleuro Greek side, rib, lateral, pleura pleuropneumonia
pleo Greek more pleonasm
plex, plic Latin bend, bold plexiglass, duplicate, plicate
plio Greek more pliocene
pluri Latin several, many pluril
pneumato Greek air, breath, spirit pneumatology, pneumatophore
pneumo Greek air, respiration, lungs pneumococcus
pneumono Greek lung pneumonoconiosis
poly Greek many polychrome
pos Latin place, put postpone
post Latin after, behind, later postpone
pre Latin before prefix, preview
preter Latin beyond, more than, by, past preterit, preterhuman
pro Greek forward proceed
procto Greek anus, rectum proctoscope
protero Greek earlier, before, former proterozoic
proto Greek first, foremost, earliest form protomartyr, photoplasm
pseudo Greek false, unreal pseudonym
psycho Greek mind psychology, psychic
psychro Greek cold psychrometer
ptero Greek wing, feather pterodactyl
pycno Greek dense, close, thick pycnometer
pyelo Greek pelvis pyelitis
pyo Greek pus pyoderma
pyro Greek fire, heat pyromaniac, pyre
quadri Latin four quadrupled
quasi Latin half, partly, resembling quasi-official, quasi-judicial
quin Greek five quintuplet
ram Scand strong, sharp rambunctious
re Latin back, again return, reread
recti Latin right, straight rectilinear
regi Latin king regicide, regime
reni Latin kidney reniform
retro Latin backward retrogress
rheo Greek flow, current, stream rheoscope
rhino Greek nose rhinology
rhizo Greek root rhizocarpous
rhodo Greek rose rhodolite
roto Latin roatary rotogravure
salu Latin healthy salubrius, salutary
sacchar Greek sugar saccharin
sacro Greek flesh sarcocarp
sapro Greek rotten saprogenic
sauro Greek lizard sauropod
scapho Greek boat scaphoid
scie Latin know conscience, science
schizo Greek split schizogensis
sclero Greek hard sclerometer
scrib, script Latin write describe, ascribe, scripture
se Latin aside, apart secede, seduce
sect Latin cut intersect, section
sed Latin to sit, put under or entice sedentary
seleno Greek moon selenography
semi Latin half or partial semicircle
sen Latin old senile, senior
sense, sent Latin feel sensitive, sentiment
sept Latin seven septillion, septendecillion
seque Latin follow sequence
seric Latin silk sericin
servo Latin slave, servant servometer
sesqui Latin one and a half sesquicentennial
sess Latin set session
seti Latin bristle setiform
sex Latin sex sextant
sidero Greek iron siderolite
sidero Latin flint, silica, silicon siliciferous
sinistr Latin left, on the left sinsitral
sino Latin chinese Sinologist
siphono Greek tube, siphon siphonophore
sito Greek grain, food sitosterol
socio Latin social sociological, sociometry
soli Latin alone, solitary, or sun solitary, solitude
solut, solv Latin loosen solution, solvent
somato Greek body somatotype
soni Latin sound sonic
soph Greek wise philosopher, sophistry
soror Latin sister sororate, sorority
spe, spect Latin look speciosity, spectator
spel Latin caves or words, pertaining to speleology, spell
spermato Greek seed, sperm spermatocyte
spermo Greek seed, germ, semen spermophyte
sphen Greek wedge sphenoid
sphygmo Latin the pulse sphygmograph
spiro Latin respiration, coil, spiral spirograph, spirochete
splanchno Greek ciscera splanchnic
spleno Greek pertaining to an organ in man alone the stomach splenomegaly
sta Latin stand firm stable, stationary
staphylo Greek bunch of grapes, uvula staphyloplasty
stearo Greek fat stearoptene
steato Greek fat, tallow steatopygia
stego Greek cover stegasaur
stell Latin star stelligerous
steno Greek narrow, close stenosis
step English a family connection of remarriage of a parent. not by blood stepbrother
stereo Greek solid pertaining to hardness solidity, three-dimensional sterochemistry, sterogram, steroscope
stetho Greek chest stethoscope
stomato Greek mouth stomatoplasty
strepto Greek twined streptococcus
struct Latin build structure
stylo Greek column, pillar, tube stylolite
stylo Latin style, styloid stylography
sub, suc, suf, sug, sup, sus Latin under, subordinate subterranean
subter Latin under, below subterfuge, subternatural
sui Latin self suicide, suijuris
sum, supt Latin spend, take up, total consume, consumption
super Latin over, above, above in position supercilious, supervisor
supra Latin above, equivalent to super, but emplasizing location or position supraorbital
sy, sym, syn Latin with, along with, at the same time sympathy, synchronized
tachisto Greek swiftest tachistoscope
taco Greek speed tachometer
tachy Greek swift tachygraphy
tali Latin ankle taligrade
tauro Greek/Latin bull tauromachy
tauto Greek same tautonym
taxo Greek arrangement, order taxonomy
techno Greek art, skill technique, technography
tele Greek far, distand or end, complete telegraphy, telescope, telestitch
ten Latin hold tenacious
tend, tens Latin stretch, proceed extend, tendency, tension
teno Greek tendon tenotomy
ter Latin thrice, three tercen, terary, tercet
terato Greek monster teratology
tetarto Grek one fourth tetartohedral
tetra Greek four tetrameter
thanato Greek death thanatopsis
thaumato Greek miracle, wonder thaumatology
theo Greek god thearchy, theanthropic, theocracy
thio Greek sulfur thionic, thionin
thoraco Greek a part of the trunk between the neck and abdomen in man and higher vertebrates thoracoplasty
thrombo Greek blood clot thrombocyte
tomo Greek a cut, section thomgraphy
topo Greek place, local topography, topology
tort Latin to twist torticallis
toti Latin entire, entirely totipalmation
toxico Greek poison, poisonous toxicogenic
toxo Latin poison, poisonous toxoplasmosis
tracheo Latin the esophogus tracheotomy
trans Latin across, beyond transit
trapezo Greek table, trapezium trapexohedron
tri Latin three tricycle, triangle
tricho Greek hair trichocyst
tropho Greek nourishment trophoplasm
tropo Greek turn, turning tropophilous
turri Latin tower turrical
ultra Latin going beyond, excessive ultramodern, ultraviolet
un Latin not, negative or opposite unfair, unformed
under Latin? lower in place, situation, grade, dignity, degree, extent or amount underbrush, understudy, undersized, underfeed
uni Latin one unilateral
urano Greek heavens uranography
urb Latin city urban
uro   urine or tail urology, uropod
uxor Latin wife uxorial, uxorious
varico Latin varicose, veins varicocele
vaso Latin vessel vasoconstrictor
vati Latin prophet, pertaining to vaticide, vaticinal
ventri Latin abdomen ventricose
ver Latin true, truth verily, veritable
vermi Latin worm vermifuge
vers, vert Latin changeable, whirl or spinning converse, reverse, vertical
vice Latin in place of, deput viceroy
vict Latin conquer victory
vid, vis Latin see evident, provision
vini, vino Latin wine viniculture, vinosity
vit Latin live, life vitality
vitri Latin glass vitriform
vivi Latin living, life vivacious, vivisection
voc Latin call vocation, invoke
with Latin against, away withstand
xantho Greek yellow xanthophyll
xeno Greek alien, strange, guest xenolith
xero Greek dry xerophyte
xylo Greek wood xylotomy
yester English previous occurrence yesterday, yesternight
zoo Greek animal, living being zodiac, zoology
zygo Greek yoke, yoked, yoke-shaped zygodactyl
zymo Greek ferment, leaven zymology





-abio life, production of or absence of abiogenesis, abiotic
-able capable of, worthy of, tending to, or having the quality of noticeable
-acea, -aceae a specific class, family or order crustacea, rosaceae
-acious capable of, worhty of, tending to, or having the quality of capacious, pugnacious
-acity quality of, abounding in tenacity
-acv state of being, or quality, state of pertaining to accuracy
-ad derived form related to olympiad
-ade action or process, a person or persons acting renegade
-age state of being, or quality, state of pertaining to marriage, hostage
-agogue leading, leader, course, withdrawing agent synagogue
-al state of being, or quality, state of marital, causal
-an designating or belong to, state, quality, act or condition artisan, guardian
-ance designating or belong to, sate, quality, act or condition brilliance
-ancy designating or belong to, sate, quality, act or condition agency
-androus male polyandrous
-andry males polyandry
-ant one who acts registrant
-anthrop man philanthropy
-ar pertaining to, connected with secular
-ar one who acts bursar
-arch final chief monarch
-archy rule, government monarchy
-ard one who acts ignominiously or does something excessively drunkard, coward
-art one who acts ignominiously or does something excessively braggart
-ary pertaining to, connected with elementary
-aster imperfect resembles or merely apes the true thing criticaster
-ate possessing or being diminutive, a state or condition, one who acts incapacitate
-ble capable of, worthy of, tending to or having the quality of voluble
-bulia will abulia
-cade procession cavalcade, motorcade
-ced move, yield recede, secede
-cele tumor variocele
-cern distinguish discern, concern
-cess move, yield progress
-chroic color of skin, plants  
-chrom color Kodachrome
-cide killing, act of insecticide
-cious capable of, worthy of, tending to or having the quality of pugnacious, capacious
-cit having the quality of rouse or call incite
-clam call, cry out declaim
-clasis a breaking thromboclasis
-claud shut seclude, exclude
-cle possessing or being, diminutives, a state or condition, one who acts particle
-clino lean decline, incline
-clud shut seclude
-coele cavity blastocoele
-colous inhabiting nidicolous
-corn horn, horned longicorn
-costo rib costatomy
-cracy rule democracy, theocracy
-crat ruler, member of ruling body autocrat, technocrat
-cret grown, rise secretion
-crete distinguish discrete
-cule possessing or being, diminutives, small molecule
-cy state of being, or quality, state of, pertaining to hestiancy
-cyst cell trichocyst
-dactyl finger, toe pterodactyl
-dem people epidemic
-derm skin epidermis
-dendrom tree rhododendron
-dic say predict
-dom possessing or being, diminutive a state or condition, one who acts martyrdom, serfdom
-drome running, course, or race course hippodrome, airdrome
-duct lead conduct
-ectomy excision tonsillectomy
-eer possessing or being, one who acts auctioneer, engineer
-efy rull of, abounding in, to make, stae of defy, rarefy
-el to make into, to practice, diminutive feel
-emia state or condition of blood hyperemia
-en made of, to make of, suggesting small leaden, lessen, weaken
-ennial yearly centennial, perennial
-ent, -er one who acts student, teacher
-ery occupation, businees, calling or condition archery, cutlery, grocery
-escence action or process, change, stae or condition convalescense
-ese small or diminutive, one who acts in the manner of celanese, hournalese
-esque small or diminutive, one who acts in the manner of grotesque, picturesque
-ess small or diminutive, one who acts in the manner of waitress
-ette small or diminutive, one who acts in the manner of dinette, statuette
-facient that makes or causes something febrifacient
-fer bear, carry transfer, offer
-ferous of, or relating to, bringing yielding, making or causing odoriferous, carboniferous
-fest a festive occasion songfest
-fex maker spinifex
-fic of, or relating to, bringing, yielding pacific, soporific
-fid divided, labed pinnatifid
-florous flowered, having flowers uniflourous
-fold of so many parts twofold, manifold
-folious having leaves unifolious
-fuge something that puts to flight vermifuge
-ful full of, abounding in, to make, state of cheerful, masterful
-fy to make, cause, render, become magnify, amplify, unify
-gam marriage misogamy, polygamy
-gamous united polygamous
-gen production of endogen, hydrogen
-genic producing, pertaining to a gene or genes protogenic
-geny origin phylogeny
-gerous hearing, producing armigerous
-glot tongue, language polyglot
-gnathous jaw prognathous
-gnomy knowledge physiognomy, prognosis
-gon angled, angular polygon, pentagon
-gony production, genesis theogony, cosmogony
-grade step retrograde
-gram write, written monogram
-graph write, written paragraph, steographer
-gyno woman misogynist
-gynous female sex androgynous
-gyny female androgyny
-head stae of being godhead, maidenhead
-hedron face tetrahedron
-hood full of abounding in, to make, state of designating or belong to childhood, neighborhood
-ian designating or belong to guardian
-iatry medical care psychiatry
ible capable of, worth of, tending to, or having the quality of credible, horrible
-ic of, pertaining to, similar or like moronic, historic
-ical of, pertaining to, similar or like historical
-ice act, quality, or state pertaining to like, one who acts bustice, cowardice
-ier possessing or being, diminutives stae or condition, one who acts furrier
-ify full of, abounding in, to make state of, move, do testify
-ig move, do exigency
-il act, quality or state, pertaining to, like one who acts civil
-ile (fem) act, quality or state, pertaining to, like one who acts servile
-in pertaining to coffin, cousin
-ine act, quality or state, pertaining to, like one who acts heroine
-ing expressing action running, growing
-ion state, condition or act of insurrection, exhaustion
-ise quality, condition or function franchise, merchandise
-ish acting like, in the nature of, or similar to impish, selfish, mannish
-ism art of, philosophy of, practice of liberalism, Americanism
-ist one who acts philanthropist, atheist
-ite possessing or being, diminutives, a state or condition, one who acts favorite
-ity condition, sate or degree to gratuity, plenty
-ive having the natture of, giving or tending toward imaginative, collective
-ize to make into, to practice mesmerize, familiarize
-ject hurl or throw eject, projectile
-lagnia coming together algolagnia
-lalia speech defect acholalia
-latry worship idolatry
-lateral side unilateral, multilateral
-le full, abounding in teakettle, icicle
-lent full of, abounding in violent, fraudulent
-lepsy seizure epilepsy
-less without, beyond the fearless, useless
-like resembling childlike
-lith stone monolith
-locut speck elocution
-logue speech monologue, dialogue
-loguy talk soliloquy, somniloguy
-logy knowledge, termination in writing, or in collection theology, martyrology
-ly similar in manner dearly, fully, carefully
-lysis a breaking down, loosening, decomposition analysis, electrolysis, paralysis
-machy fighting logomachy
-mancy divination necromancy
-mania exaggerated desire or love bibliomania
-megaly enlargement acromegaly
-melia a specific condition of the limbs phocomelia
-ment state, quality, or act of detriment, entanglement
-mere part blastomere
-merous having parts (specified number or type) dimerous
-meter measure thermometer, barometer
-metric measure geometric
-metry measure chronometry
-mnesia denting a certain type of memory paramnesia
-mo used to describe book sizes sixteenmo, duodecimo
-mony abstract condition, state or condition acrimony, ceremony
-mycetes fungi myxomycetes
-nastic, -nasty Bot: irregularity of cellular grown because of some pressure hyponasty
-ness abstract condition, state or condition conscienceness
-noia thought paranoia
-nomy distribution, arrangement, management economy, astronomy
-nov new renovation
-ode like, way, read phyllode, anode, electrode
-odue tooth ceratodus
-odynia pain pododynia
-oid resembling, like alkaloid, ovoid
-ology any science or branch of knowledge meterorology, technology
-onym word, name pseudonym
-opia a condition or sight, or of the visual organs diplopia, remenalopia
-opsis apparent liken as coreopsis
-or a person or thing that acts actor, elevator, traitor
-orexia desire, appetite anorexia
-orium a place or an instrument emporium, moratorium
-ory of, pertaining to, place of, or far auditory, prohibitory
-ose full of, abounding in, given to, like jocose, otiose, verbose
-osis action, process, state, condition metamorphosis, tuberculosis
-otic relationship to an action, process, state or condition hypnotic, neurotic
-ous state or quality furious
-par make ready prepare
-parat make ready preparation
-parous bearing, producing oyiparous, viviparous
-pathy suffering, feeling sympathy, telepathy
-pel urge, drive propel
-penia deficiency leukopenia
-peri around, beyond periscope
-pet seek, ask petition, repeat
-petal seeking centripetal
-pexy fixation  
-phage eating, devouring bacteriophage
-phagous eating, feeding in, devouring hylophagous
-phagy eating anthropophagy
-phan show diaphanous, cellophane
-phane resemblance, shining or transparent cymophane, hydrophane
-phany appearnace, manifestation  
-phasia referring to speech disorders aphasia
-phile loving, friendly, lover, friend anglophile
-philia abnormal liking or tending toward hemophilia, necrophilia
--phobia fear, dread acrophobia, hydrophobia
-phone sound telephone, megaphone
-phore bearer gonophore
-phrenia mental disorder schizophrenia
-phyceae seaweed schizophyceae
-phyllous having leaves, leaved diphyllous, monophyllous
-plasia plasmic growth phypoplasia
-plasm something formed or molded protoplasm
-plast formed, molded protoplast
-plasty formation dermoplasty, neoplasty
-plegia forms of paralysis paraplegia
-pod foot, footed chiropody, tripod
-podium footlike pseudopodium
-poiesis production hermatopoiesis
-poietric producing menatopoietic
-polis city metropolis, Annapolis
-pon place, put postpone
-pos place, put oppose
-pter wing, feather hymenopter
-pterous winged dipterous
-puls urge, drive expulsion
-pygia buttocks, pertaining to callipygian, steatopygia
-rel a diminutive or pejorative force wastrel
-rrhagia bursting forth pronchorrhagia
-rrhaphy suture herniorrhaphy
-rrhea flow, discharge gonorrhea
-rrhexis rupture  
-rrhiza root mycorrhiza
-scope see microscope
-sect cut intersect, section
-secut follow persecute
-sepolous one of the individual leaves or parts of the calyx of a flower polysepalous
-ship state or quality, art of skill courtship, partnership
-sis used to form abstract nounw of action, process, state, etc thesis, aphesis
-soma body schiscosoma
-some like or same bothersome, quarrelsome
-sonous sound dissonous
-soph wise philosopher, sophistry
-sophy science of anthroposophy
-sphjere layer hemisphere, planisphere
-stat standing, stationary, set thermostat, rheostat
-ster (mas) one who acts teamster
-stichous referring to rows distichous
-stome mouth, mouthlike cyclostome
-stomous mouth, mouthlike monostomous
-stomy mouth, mouthlike cystostomy
-stress (fem) one who acts songstress
-taxy arrangement, order heterotaxy
-tect cover protect
-the god atheist, pantheism
-therm heat, hot isotherm
-thermy heat diathermy
-tome cutting microtome
-tomous a cut or division of a certain kind dichotomous
-tomy a cutting appendectomy
-tort to twist distort, extort
-tract draw, draw from, pull extract, tractor
-trix one who acts in the manner of aviatrix
-tron an instrument cyclotron
-trope turning heliotrope
-trophy nourishment or growth hypertrophy
-try art or profession of, state or quality forestry, ministry
-tude art or profession of, state or quality platitude, aptitude
-ty condition, state or degree of gratuity, plenty
-ule diminutive force globule, granule
-ulent abounding in fraudulent
-ulose characterized by, abounding in granulose, credulose
-ure act or process, result of adventure, tenure
-uret combine or impregnate with carburet
-urgy work dramaturgy, metallurgy
-uria urine dysuria
-valent having worth or value, or valence quadrivalent
-ven come convene
-vent come convention
-vince conquer convince
-vore eating carnivore
-vorous eating carnivorous, herbivorous

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