Visual unity in one of the most important aspects of will-designed art and is planned by the artist. Unity provides the cohesive quatlity that makes an art work feel complete and finished.

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Naoko Takeuchi, Untitled, Title page of the December 1992 Nakayoshi, 1994,
Color ink and pastel on Canson paper,
375 X 270 mm,
Sailor Moon Art Book Vol. 1, Private Collection.

Diagram Art Work

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Naoko Takeuchi, Untitled,Cover of KC volume 9, 1994, Color ink, marker, color spray, seal, and instant lettering, on Rezakku (rezā raiku - leather like) paper, 400 X 274 mm, Sailor Moon Art Book Vol. 3, Private Collection.


      This mysterious and goreous piece of art is full of color. Each girl is drawn as if they were looking at something or someone. The girl in the center, who is drawn larger than the rest, is depicted as a sort of 'leader' or main character. The other charcters are placed around her in an oval surrounded by blue stars which darken to purple further towards the bottom.
      The girls are arranged in a sort of oval around the leader. The most obvious formal property depicted by this piece of art is Unity. Because these girls are encircled by stars, it shows that some how they are linked to each other, or are part of the same group. Thus, creating the feeling of unity.
       I get the feeling that the girls surrounding the main character, Sailor Moon, have a duty towards her. Not only does their surrounding her indicate a protection but loyalty as well.
       This gorgeous creation is supremely successful in the world of art. The whole sense of unity and togetherness that radiates from the picture is pefect. Nothing says "United We Stand" like this! All in all, Takeuchi-san has done a wonderful job in bringing these characters to life.
