Welcome to "The ONE and ONLY Andrew Levitas" - the VERY FIRST page on the web dedicated to this little-known actor making a BIG impact on TV and soon - independant film.   

For first time visitors, this is the first site of its kind.  It has expanded tremendously since its humble school-project beginning and now I am proud to be bringing you the best damn source of Andrew Information on the Net, as well as the trippiest Image Gallery out there.

Go ahead - explore the site and feed you need for Andrew - I guarantee a most satisfying meal.

UPDATES: 07 November 2000

- The gallery has a new look, as well as some cool new images from Boy Meets World!  

- Interview Article with Andrew for 'Steppin' Out' Magazine -
check it out.

Firsly, I must apologize the delay in updates and any action on the site - I've had examinations and what not, but now that that's all over, expect a bit more work on the site!    At the moment, the Gallery has had a make over - now it will be faster to load and easier to view.    Geocities have improved PageBuilder heaps, so I am able to do a lot more now, whereas before there were always complications.  

A note regarding the FAQ - thanks to all who sent their questions in.  I'm still searching for answers to some of them, so the people that have been sending me emails asking when it will be up - have patience!   I don't have the answers to all the buring q's on Andrew - that takes a little research.    Also, the guestbook should be up and working now.    
Once again - sorry about the delay in updates!
Sudden urges to send me money? ^__^
Do not hesitate to
email me.
crafty space explorers have landed here since January, 2000.
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Listed Since 2000 - Link Directory
The Legal Stuff: I am in no way affiliated with Andrew Levitas...blah blah blah, so please do not send me Email directed to Andrew.    To my knowledge - I am not using copyright material, but if I am, please let me know, so that I can remove it or give the owner credit.   PLEASE DO NOT USE MY MATERIAL ON OTHER PAGES.  Last but not least, may I just say how apalled I am by the complicity of making a web-page today.  God Bless!