Washburn Stories

This is a list of stories about, or by, Washburn people. If you have a story you'd like to add, please email it to n1knh@hotmail.com and we'll try to get it on here.

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An African Diary - Weldon Leanard, 1942
The Dear Old Lady - 1939 poem
An Evening Prayer - 1941
Conservative Baptist Church History - 1956
Early Settlers of Washburn
Fire Ranger's wife tells of summer at Allagash Lake, - Ida Boulier, 1971
I Remember Washburn - Circa 1912 - Earl Forrest Wilder, 1982
It's You - 1939 poem
The Life of Harry Ellsworth Umphrey - W. B. McCall, 1963
Things I Remember - Herbie Inman by Claude Taylor, 1980
Taking My Mother Sailing - Jeff Allen, 1996
Think, Driver, Think - 1939 poem
Three Months in Australia - 1972
Washburn's Centennial Celebration - 1961
More Washburn's Centennial Celebration - 1961
Final Part about Washburn's Centennial Celebration - 1961
Washburn Pioneers - 1959
The Wedding Kidnaping, Almost - Phylis Allen, 1996

Copyright © 1996 - 99 Jeff Allen

visitors to this page since February 27, 2000.