Welcome to my page. Frist, I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to visit my webpage.

The purpose of this is to make people more aware of washi egg art. I wanted to know everyones opinion on selling the eggs myself and my daughter have been making. If people like the idea of buying washi eggs online, which will be made secure by PayPal, I plan to eventually sell kits that explain how to make washi eggs. Most kits also include the paper, glue and shellac you will need for them. Also if this goes well, I'm going to sell paper, glue and shellac individually so people who only need a certian item can get it easily.

If anyone has any comments, suggestions, or feedback on these ideas, my e-mail will be made available and also a quest book will be made available.

Soon I will have a picture gallery of eggs I have already made, a links page, and the history of washi eggs. If anyone would like to be linked to my website please let me know.

At a later date, I will be making a more offical webpage. When I do this, a link will be put on this page informing everyone of the move and a link to the new page.

Click here to e-mail me

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