
... 36 year old Ohio Native

... Funky, hip Mom (sometimes)

... Artist

... Web developer

... Canine aficionado

"Yep, it's me"


... Encouraging creativity

... Tolerance as a way of life

... Coloring the world as you wish

... The mess can always wait

Current Passions

... DVD shopping

... Top to bottom Fall cleaning

... Organizing desk area

... Teaching Whip parlor tricks

... lamenting the snugness of last     year's jeans

... Continuing to eat chocolate

"Whip with MY favorite Raggedy Ann"
(he lives dangerously)

Fall is Here! Fall is Here! Is there anything more luscious than a crisp Autumn night???

Welcome to "my place". This is actually my virtual memo board to share candid photos, personal thoughts/stories here and there, and lots of tidbits concerning life in the slow lane. Could be boring at times. ;-) Yet the Internet can be so impersonal that I think it's nice to get to know who you're working with or talking to - this page provides that venue. Also keeps me from going crazy designing only business-related graphics. Balance is everything, hmm? I do love the artistic view of life...(or rather donning the rose-colored glasses).

I'm kept pretty busy between work and chasing the dogs; the girls kind of grow themselves up it seems. Absolutely fabulous kids. It would be nice to slow things down a bit ... as I get older I notice my energy level is not as maniacal as it used to be! The mind still keeps on zooming however...

Thanks for peeking in at all of this purple!

"A late September evening on Birchwood Drive"

All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost.
J. R. R. Tolkien


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