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some years ago, quite some years ago, i started jotting down thoughts in this public yet so private space.

geocities is closing. i thought this may be a fitting time for me to write down some last words.

apologies for sounding cliche. i hope we all find peace at the end of the day and we look back to the past not with regret but with appreciation that it was the past that made us who we are today. i hope we cherish our good fortune, seize the moment, live the today. i hope we do ourselves proud, do our young selves proud. i hope we continue to find small wonders and trust that there is no such thing as an ordinary day.


time, what a mysterious creature
memory, history, perception, thrive on subjectivity
accidental meeting with a younger self
"so she is still alive!"
what a relief

Name: Ruby
Age: 28
Astrological Sign: Libra
Cultural background: Taiwanese
Hobbies: walking, reading, beautifying.
Current favorite books: Interpreter of Maladies (Jhumpa Lahiri); Snow Country (kawabata)
Current favorite singers/actors: Karen Mok

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