Name: Annie Maye (Andrea)
Age: 21 (as of October 2007)
Height: 5'4"
Birthdate: October 21, 1986
Astrological Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Tiger
Family: mother (Terri), father (Jerry), older brother( Tristan),
   soul-sister (Tuesday), various cats
Lives In: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Religion: none. closest would be Wicca
Patron Goddess: Ma'at
Idol: Joan of Arc
Hobbies: drawing anime & other things, writing, web-design, RPGs,
     finding poetry in song lyrics, collecting anime stuff, astrology
Favorite Color: teal
Favorite Stones: hematite and opal
Favorite Food: sushi
Least Favorite Food: steamed okra
Favorite School Subjects: art and english
Least Favorite Subject: math
Favorite Sports: swimming, yoga, and martial arts
Favorite Animals: cats, ferrets, and otters
Favorite Flower: Japanese Magnolia
Dreams of Going to: Japan and Egypt
Current Goals: Complete a manga, get a degree and go to Japan, open a school
Personal Profile
goggles!  (Please to not be stealing my art.)