intro.htm Introduction to the Peter Poems

Introduction to the Peter Poems

I am a fisherman. I fished with nets. Many years ago a special teacher came and asked me to follow him. He said if I would follow him he would teach me to fish for people, so others could follow him also. He's been my teacher and friend ever since. His name is Jesus. He's often had to challenge or correct me. But he's never given up on me, even when I have failed him.

I'm not the same person I was when Jesus first asked me to join him. There's been some rough times. And there's been some very special times. I've been afraid of what other people thought of me. I've even been scared sometimes to tell others that Jesus is my friend. But I've been changing the more time I spend with Jesus. He's been patient with me. Now there's many things I want to tell others about Jesus, such as the many ways he has helped me. I have confronted my cowardice and I like to tell people about the new strength Jesus gives me, even though I often still feel weak.

My name isn't Peter--mine is Wayne. But everything I've written so far is true about both of us. We were both fishermen that Jesus asked to follow him. Peter lived 2000 years ago. I've been alive only since 1949 when I was born into a commercial salmon fishing family in Alaska.

Like Peter sometimes did, I still go back to my fishing nets when I can. But the main job Jesus has given me as a fisher of people is as a Bible translator. I work with words, important words that tell the greatest story ever told: that God loves everyone, and that Jesus made it possible for everyone, no matter what culture or skin color, to know God's love and acceptance.

I enjoy my job as a Bible translator. I find working--and playing--with words exciting. It has been special for me to study Peter's spiritual journey with Jesus. I want to share what I've learned with you.

I hope you enjoy these poems that tell Peter's story. In many places they also tell some of my own story, as I, like Peter, have struggled to follow Jesus more closely, to obey and trust him more completely, and to learn to get along better with others with whom I don't naturally find it easy to get along.

I've tried to "translate" Peter's story as realistically as possible. I've used some poetic license to try to imagine what Peter said or thought or felt on various occasions. But I've tried to tell his story true to life.

I have been challenged by Peter's story, as I've translated it into poetry. I hope you will be, also, as you read Peter's Poems.

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