
::Editors Notes::

You guessed it, its that time of the year again. Time to end the semester with new homepage if you're new to this. I wanna try something new this time though, rather than bore you guys with page after page of personal infomation, i'll use more.. hmm.. eye candy and articles. Yeah i do realise that this is suppose to be a personal homepage but hey, all the things that i put on here are my interests so, its just a combinations of a magazine and a personal homepage. 

So whatsup with all the guys? well lets just say i've come out to all my friends this year and have become pretty comfortable with my sexuality. No i'm not an activist, and i don't go wearing t-shirts that prints " I'm Queer, i'm here". I'm look like everyone else, i dress like everyone else (well maybe a lil better). Adds a lil bit of mystery that way.

Well, thats about it, happy browsing y'all.
oh yeah.. sign the guest book alrite or contact me @ drinkingcoke@yahoo.com


