Class Grading Policy
1. Tests and Quizzes are 60% of your average. There will only be 1 or 2 tests per quarter. Quizzes will come in the form of homeworks that will be counted as a quiz and old AP free response questions.

2. Homework is worth 15%.  If you are absent the day an assignment is due, have it the next day. All hw assignments will be graded. 
Homework more than 1 week late will not be accepted.

3. Labs are worth 15%.  Each lab should have a complete, neat report written in their lab book. 
Labs not turned in the day they are due will lose 10% for each day late.  A passing grade for each quarter will not be given without a complete lab notebook.

4. Class participation is worth 10%. Promptness, cleanliness in the lab, a positive attitude, and a willingness to share answers and ideas will maximize your points. If you don't bring your calculator daily do not expect the full 10%.

A Rubric for grading lab reports will be provided.