Lab Write-Up Procedure

A large part of the AP Chemistry course curriculum is made up of laboratory activities.
For each lab performed, a detailed lab write-up must be completed using this format.

1) Title of the lab

2) Purpose - the goal of the lab.

3) Materials - a list of the lab materials and chemicals needed to perform the lab.

4) Procedure - a detailed description of the  process used while performing the lab.  Your goal is for a person to be able to duplicate the experiment, and get similar results by following your procedure. The procedure should be in your own words. Copying the procedure is not acceptable.  The procedure should be written in a list format and not paragraph format.

5) Data - any information, charts, or graphs should be written here.

6) Calculations - this is where you mathematically analyze your data from the lab. You should include units. A person looking at your calculations should not have to guess what the numbers represent.

7) Questions - answer any questions included in the lab.  All work must be shown for questions that have math.  Percent error will be performed after every lab.

8) Sources of Error - these include factors that might have affected your results that you could not control.  Atmospheric pressure, purity of reagents, temperature are acceptable. "I measured it wrong" is not acceptable.

9) Conclusion - this may be formed in a question, but it usually be summed up in a sentence.