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My Pencil Drawings

The first of the drawings below I made in 1995. I haven't made that many as I only draw this kind of pictures when I'm really in the mood. I haven't taken any art classes what-so-ever, so any decent quality is purely thanks to talent. I've had to figure out myself, just how exactly to get different effects to work. This development in skill is obvious when looking through the pictures in order of date. Of course that is how the drawings have been placed... in order of date. Enjoy !
Click on the respective pictures below to see them enlarged and with a little "explanation".

January 24, 1995      June 21, 1995      March 15, 1996      March 25, 1996      June 12, 1996      March 27, 1997      December 20, 1997      August 8, 1998      February 21, 2000      

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Page created February 24, 2000
Last updated March 17, 2000