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I'll be posting all sorts of different quotes. I will also make it possible for visitors to submit them, which I expect will make it a pretty large collection of really cool quotes.
Anyway, beneath is what I've had time to put up, so far.

Movie Quotes
A collection of miscellaneous quotes from all sorts of movies.

Tough Guys
Yet another collection of movie quotes. This section, however, contains language that can be offensive and may not be suitable for children. If you're a minor or are easily offended you should not acces this section!

Philosophical Quotes
All sorts of different quotes with one thing in common: They'll make you think ! - Some more than others... Here's everything, right from little peculiar everyday thoughts to higher existential philosphy.

Say What !?
It's amazing what people have said of truly stupid stuff in the media ! These people should have just kept the mouths shut.

Miscellaneous Quotes
All the quotes I couldn't fit into other categories. That doesn't make them any less hilarious, though !

Gymnasie Kvåutz          På dansk / in Danish
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Page created March 2, 2000
Last updated March 27, 2000