1. Have your agenda with you at all times in each class, and take to and from school with you daily.
2. Record homework assignments and upcoming tests at the time and in the class they are given
3. For assignments not due on the next day, be sure to record them each day until they are finished.
4. Put a check mark beside them when they are completed.
5. At the end of the day, check the homework board to make sure you have not missed anything.
6. Mark your place in the agenda planner by removing the tab at the right hand corner of the right hand page. 
DO NOT tear pages out of the agenda.
7. Absence does not excuse you from doing homework. You can refer to the class website, unit outlines, or tracking sheets to keep yourself up to date.
8. Lost agenda planners will be replaced quickly and at your expense

Failure to complete homework and assignments will result in:
-homework slip and record on Parent Contact Form
Incomplete work may also result in loss of privileges

1. Set a regular time to do homework daily
2. Pick a homework area with good light, supplies nearby, and minimal noise.
3. Remove distractions (i.e., T.V., radio, telephone, etc.)
4. Make sure all supplies and resources are on hand.
5. Keep parents up to date as to what is going on in school.
6. Review note nightly.