Dear Grade Six Parents,

We will begin this year to distribute “personalized newsletters” to students on the dates listed below. These will include summaries which indicate how your son or daughter is managing with the Learning Skills Expectations of the program (i.e. homework completion, classroom behaviour, social skills, etc.). 

These newsletters will be sent home as per the schedule below. While all students will receive a report, it is quite possible that your son or daughter may receive a nil report.  This would indicate that all is well in terms of their meeting the Learning Skills Expectations for the time period summarized.  Students have been asked to seek clarification from their teachers when they are unsure about information listed on their newsletter, prior to taking it home.  As a result, we are hoping students will have a clear understanding of all comments made by teachers on their newsletters.

Looking forward to a great year!
The Junior Teachers

Newsletter Dates:
Oct. 5 (Attached)         Feb. 11             
Oct. 15             Apr. 1
Oct. 29             Apr. 15          
Nov. 12            Apr. 29
Dec. 10            May 13 
Jan. 14             May 27
Jan. 28             June 10
If the above dates are changed for any reason, you will be notified through the class website.

Please tear off the bottom portion of this notice at the line and have it returned signed to the homeroom teacher.  Please retain the above dates for your future reference.

We have received the notice regarding the dates on which to expect the student summary reports.

    ______________________          ________________________
           Student Name                            Parent Signature
