Space Research Project

Your group will be creating a lesson for the class. This lesson is based on the topic that you were assigned. As part of your lesson you must do the following:
1. You will brainstorm with your group in order to identify the subtopics to work on.
2. Each person in the group will be responsible for a subtopic.
3. You must each have something for the class to see in order to help them understand your lesson when presenting.
4. You should be prepared to help the class write a note containing important information (highlight important points)

The six topics are:

a) Constellations and Stories/Life Cycle of a star
b) Canadians in Space/Canadian Contributions in Space Technology
c) History of Space Flight/Living in Space: Problems to Overcome
d) Meteoroids/Comets/Asteroids/Black Holes and Other Things in the Universe & Galileo
e) The Planets
f) New Advances in Space Technology/Space Technology that We Use on Earth

You will also be required to hand in your organized research notes.

Expectations to be Assessed

New Technologies                                                            6s103
   describes technological and scientific advances that enable humans to study space, and explains how these advances have affected the quality of life on earth.

The Planets                                                                       6s104
   describes the physical characteristics of components of the solar system-the sun, planets, natural satellites, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids

Stars and Constellations                                                   6s109
   recognizes major constellations visible at night and describes the origins of his/her names.(e.g., Orion, Leo)

Canadians in the Space World                                          6s119
   identifies Canadians who have contributed to space science and technology.

The History of Space Flight & Living in Space               6s120 
explains how astronauts meet their basic needs in space

Comets/Asteroids/and Other Things in the Universe      6s104
   describes the physical characteristics of components of the solar system-the sun, planets, natural satellites, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids

Presentation communicates the results of research for the specific purposes and to specific audiences, using media works, written notes and descriptions, charts, graphs, drawings, and oral presentations.