European Explorers

1) Who were the first Europeans to establish settlements in North America (N.A)? Where?
The Vikings settled first in the North East corner of the continent (Newfoundland).

2) How did they travel here?
They got here by longboats.

3) What route did they take?
Scandinavia ? Faerole Islands ? Iceland ? Greenlands ? N.A.  This all took place during 1000 A.D.

4) Who was the first Viking in N.A.?
Leif Erikson (Ericsson)

5) What happened to the Vikings in N.A.?
Vikings were driven out by Native Americans.

6) How long did the Vikings stay in N.A.?
About 11 years (from 1000 A.D. – 1011 A.D.)

7) What did the Vikings and Natives trade?
Fur for the Vikings and in return, the Natives got silk and woven clothes.

8) Could other Europeans make it to N.A. before the Vikings?
The Irish could have.  Most likely Irish Monk explorer: St. Brendon.

9) Why did the Europeans try to find new ways to travel to the orient?
Because their route was blocked off by the Ottomen Empire (Muslim Turks)

10) What did Europeans want from the Orient?
They wanted silk jewellery (precious stones and metals) and spices.

11) What four European nations divided up the Americas?
Spain, France, Portugal and England.

12) Which group of islands was called “The Indies”, by Columbus
The Bahamas (in 1492).

13) Who was the first European to officially claim America?
John Cabbot (Giovanni Cabboto – Italian) for England in 1497

Treasure Hunt
14) What did Columbus bring back to Spain from America in 1493?
Slaves and Gold.
15) How did the pope decide who got the new country?
He made an imaginary line. Everything west of the line belonged to Spain, everything else belonged to Portugal.

16) Did John Cabbot  find any gold or natives on his trip?
John Cabbot did not find any gold or Native Anericans on his trip.

17) Who were some major Portugese explorers?
A = Fernandes, which means farmers
B = Corte Real,  he sent the first North Americans to Europe (Native Slaves)
C = Fagundes, he established the first European settlement in N.A. since the Vikings.

18) What happened in Europe in the early 1500’s?
a) shortage of meat
b) Catholicism – they would not eat meat 1-3 days a week
c) Population increase
Therefore, the result of this was an increase demand for fish.

19) Where did Europe find more fish?
The Grand Banks of Canada (just south of Labrador)

20) What was the grey gold of Canada?

21) When did the French exploration of Canada begin?
Veraizzano tried to discover a path between the Atlantic and Pacific.

22) How were 50-80 million Native Americans defeated by only thousands of Europeans?
a) Superior Technology (weapons and horses).
b) Natives lived in complete isolation (they assumed they were the only people on earth).
c) Disease: chicken pox, cholera, plague from old world, wiped out half of the population.
d) European self confidence.

Reasons for European Exploration
1) To find new trade routes to the Orient (Asia)
2) To obtain new products to trade. Eg.: fish, luxuries (silk, spices, furs)
• precious medals (silver, gold)
• new plants
3) To extend their countires territory by claiming other lands as its own! This made their country more powerful than counties it competed against for important honor and wealth.
4) To find lands new to them upon which to settle. (Start colonies, build homes, and start a “new life”)
5) To spread their religious beliefs and culture to other people.
6) To find out about other places (curiosity and the search for adventure)
7) To expand their knowledge:
• Products 
• Medicine’s
• Skills
• Technology