General Summary Sheet Outline
Summary sheets  are used to give both you and the students feedback on their work.
Along the top you will notice three boxes. Each box gives you some information on the status of an assignment if the assignment was not handed in on time.
On the left hand side the expectations are listed vertically (the students are being assessed on these and they match the expectations on the student assignment outline)
The second column indicates student achievement The marking is as follows:
- R = remedial help required
- level 1 = D- to D+
- level 2 = C- to C+
- level 3 = B- to B+
- level 4 = A- to A+
The third column indicates the rubric definition of the acquired level.
At the bottom of the summary sheet you have the student’s individual feedback for that particular assignment. The number (I.e. 48) corresponds with the number 48 on their assignment. This system of marking allows me to elaborate on my explanations and also give reference pages, allowing students to read up on their errors.  This process allows my English program to become very individualized. You and your child can recognize areas of weakness as well as areas of strength.