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Name:                                                           Letter Writing
An Advice Letter 1.1
Even with e-mail, we still need to write letters. When you write letters,
you must make sure that your purpose is very clear to the reader.
Letters can be written for many different purposes. When you write a
letter you also need to develop your ideas so that you achieve your
purpose. You need to connect your ideas so that they make sense.
An advice Letter: Read Dear Abby letters and write your own
problem -- switch with other students and have them write a
When you write a letter:
* list your address at the top right
* write the date underneath
* begin Dear...
* explain your purpose in the first paragraph
* go into more detail in the middle paragraphs - try to link your ideas together
* round off at the end - perhaps by returning to the main purpose
* add a greeting before your signature
* only use slang if you know the reader won't mind  
* Writing to someone whose name you don't know? Begin Dear Sir or Dear Madam and finish with Yours faithfully or Yours truly
* Writing to someone unfamiliar whose name you know? Begin Dear Mr/Ms and end with Yours sincerely
What you will hand in to the Teacher:
1) Steps to success page
2) The full writing process
3) The good copy
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
communicates ideas and communicates unclearly communicates with some communicates clearly and communicates clearly,
information for a variety of or only with assistance. clarity and some precisely. precisely, and
purposes (to inform, to
persuade, to explain) and to
specific audiences
Organization of Ideas
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
organizes information to organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas organizes ideas
convey  a central idea, incompletely or only with independently, but in a independently, independently,
using well-linked paragraphs assistance. mechanical and sequential appropriately and appropriately and in
way. complex and logical ways.
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
revises and edits own work reasons with assistance reasons with limited reasons independently reasons independently
in collaboration with others, using a simple ideas. assistance using a using ideas of some using complex ideas.
seeking evaluating variety of simple and complexity.
feedback, and focusing on
content, organization, and
appropriateness of
vocabulary for audience
First Term Language Program