Down Under: The Sequel to the Sequel Continues

by The Brady Bunch

Short intro from the webmistresses: Yes still, it continues over on The Wayne Brady Message Board. Get ready for the next exciting adventure of The Brady Bunch. As always, the names of everyone who helped write it are listed above their various contributions. And now, what you came here for...

Down Under: The Sequel to the Sequel Continues - Part 1

As everybody faded away into the nothingness, Wax's mechinal laughter could be heard. "Hahahahaha. See you all really soon oh and watch for the wild boars."
* * * * *
Kathleen was the first to awake of the Bunch, with the hot sun streaming down across her face. She looked around not knowing anyone near her, not Nikki_Lynn, Lindsey, Mon, Sue, or Holly. She wondered where she could be. "This place is really hot and why are there kangaroos around me and who are these other people who look vaugly familar." as she said her thought out aloud.
When she spoke, everyone else rustled awake and sat up rubbing their eyes and yawning. As they all awoke, Kathleen looked out into the distance to see three guys walking or rather running towards the group. One of the guys yelled at the group in a strange accent, "Hey, are you all bunch okay? Me, Ben, and Dan saw you drop onto the ground from out the sky."
Kathleen nodded and looked back...
Holly the other people laying around her.
"I'm really dizzy,"she said. "Where am I?"
"In my backyard," Dan said. "What happened? Where did you come from?"
"I don't know. My name is..." she stopped. "I don't know my name. What's going on. I feel like what's-her-name from what's-it-called."
Just then a groaning sound came from right next to her. The rest of the Bunch was waking up.
"Where am I?" Holly asked. "Who ARE all of you? What's going on?" She was becoming more and more hysterical.
"Calm down," Ben said. "We're trying to figure that out."
Nikki_Lynn rubbed her aching head. "The last thing I remember is...
"...well, to be honest, the last thing I remember is this mega-weird dream I was having. I was with a bunch of people...and there was a creepy guy who was trying can't remember now..."
She sighed, frustrated.
"Well, let's get you girls inside and out of the sun," said Dan, "You look like you could use some rest."
The three guys escorted the Bunch inside. Ben handed them each a glass of water.
"So you girls don't remember anything?" he asked.
"Nothing," Mel piped up.
"Me neither," chorused NE and Mon.
"I don't even know who these people are," Linz said gesturing to the rest of the Bunch.
"You mean you've never met before?" said Dan, raising an eyebrow. Ben and Dan's other friend remained silent, awaiting an answer. The girls looked at each other.
"No," said Nikki_Lynn, "I've never seen them before in my life."
"Same here," said Mon. They others quickly agreed.
"Too weird," said Dan...
* * * * *
Blue mist swirled around the five men, enveloping them in it's cool moisture. It moved like a living creature, circling, barring their path. It was so thick, none of them could see more than a few inches. The silence that hung heavily over this place was the most ominous part of all. There was no sound, save the men's own hearts beating. The deadly quiet compelled them to be silent, as if speaking would be a mortal sin against the nature of this land. No one spoke...they barely dared breath. Fear...irrational panic welled up in each of them, though they didn't know why. They wanted to run, to escape, but the mist swirled everywhere, tormenting, teasing them, daring them to intrude upon it's domain...almost as if to say, "stay where you are, or suffer a fate worse than any Hell you can imagine." No sound, no indication of life aside from themselves...only the mist...
Anon Storyteller
The dark-clad figure paced the room. Eyes glinting with worry. Reaching over finally to light a candle, not with magic but with the lighter lying on that table. Ignoring the flare of light caused by the slither of a shimmering salamander into the flame, basking within it contentedly.
Ignoring everything but confusion and the outer monologue that reflected it. "Damnation" cursed by the anon figure, reaching up to pull the tight cap from over hair, allowing it to fall to shoulders. Casting the overshirt to the side as well, the masking disguise that had made her appear male to the Brady Bunch and contestants discarded in the privacy of her own rooms.
"If I could just cast a spell, I would, and track them down, but I don't do spells, no matter what they pretended. And whatever interfered sure could do that." she grumbled to the empty rooms. Or more specifically to the gray form of K9 sprawled out on her floor. "I certainly can't deal with that. Linz, maybe, if she was awake. She obviously has power she doesn't know about yet ..."
Pacing her room, she finally shakes her head. Her voice raising in what she had disguised as a chant before. Musical, rich, and instead a request. A request that brought the figure that bobbed in front of her. Seemingly a shimmering ball of blue light, but close looks could reveal some sort of shape within it's depths.
"Do you remember who it was I asked you to go look for before?" she requested. "With the envelope?" Hearing a response that wasn't audible. "You think you can find them again? And then let me know?" The shimmer of light as the creature disappeared again her only answer.
Enough of an answer to make her collapse in her chair. Turning to her computer to try and search for answers that way. Seemingly unalarmed by the movement that filled her room, flitting in the shadows, crawling across her desk. Wild glint in her eyes reflective of it all...
While across the world, a blue will'o'wisp of a spark came closer to finding it's goal. Following it's own instincts to search down the one it had narrowed in on before to deliver the envelope. Mel.
When it reached Mel, it fluttered like a little house fly. When finally it landed on her shoulder, as she tried to brush it away, it flowed like water into her ear, and she gasped and finally shouted "I REMEMBER!!!"
Everyone turned to look at her, when she ran out of the room. When Linz felt a tap on her shoulder she spun around to see a man about 2 feet taller then her, he said in a very friendly voice, "Hi! Glad to see you made it safely!"
"Huh? Who are you? I'm very sorry I don't remember you at all ..."
Just then Nikki_Lynn came over and asked what was going on.
"I'm terribly sorry, that bump on the head must have made you two forget everything. My name is Wax, I rescued you from a falling building, just before you blacked out, you had told me that you two were sisters and your name is Lindsey, and yours is Nikki_Lynn" pointing to each respectively.
"I just can't remember..." Nikki_Lynn trailed off.
"Well, I can fill you in with what I know if you'll just come with me..." Wax said.
When Mel came bursting back into the room.
"No! Don't go with him! He's very dangerous!" She shouted. Linz and Nikki_Lynn turned to look at her.
"Don't you remember the chemical, Trudie, WAX!!!!" Mel said, almost in hysterics.
"Don't mind her, she was under the building and I think she's still a little kookoo..."
Nikki_Lynn and Linz nodded as they followed Wax out of the room to the horror of Mel...
"No! Stop! Come back!" Mel screamed.
"She's obviously become delusional, trying to make up a past seeing as she can't remember her own." Wax said to Linz and Nikki_Lynn. Wax turned around and set a 'sympathetic' hand on Mel's shoulder. Mel slapped it off.
"Don't you *dare* touch me! You're slime and you tried to kill us all!" Wax shook his head. "I saved your life, but, until you can calm down..."
He put his hand on Mel's shoulder again, only this time closer to the base of her neck. Before she could slap it away again, Wax pinched the area very hard. Mel winced, then passed out on the ground.
"What did you do to her?" Nikki_Lynn shrieked. She didn't know the girl, but she certainly didn't wish her any harm. For some reason, she felt a faint bond with this girl; and the other girls she had been around, as well.
"I just applied pressure to the base of her neck, causing her to pass out for a little while. Just until she has time to calm down, you see." Realization dawned on Nikki_Lynn and Lynz and they nodded at Wax and then to each other. Wax lifted Mel, put her in a spare bedroom, and locked the door.
"This way, ladies..." he said and motioned to the door. They followed.
* * * * *
Meanwhile, back in L.A.:
Babs put her head in her hands in the middle of Denny's while brooding over her coffee.
"Where could she be?" she whispered to herself.
Her sister, Holly, had come to LA to meet her friends, she had told her family, for a day or two. It had been nearly a week, and their mother was near crazy with worry. No calls. No letters. Nothing.
Babs had flown out to LA on her mother's wishes to see if she could locate Holly. From what Babs had been able to tell, Holly hadn't taken a room at any hotel, and no one had seen her for four days. The Cyber Cafe and this Denny's were the only two places where the people faintly recognized the picture of Holly that Babs had brought with her.
Babs sniffed deeply and wiped her damp cheeks. She was *not* going to get emotional now. Not when Holly needed her. And she *was* sure she needed her. She could feel it.
Babs finished off her coffee and got up, throwing a crumpled dollar bill on the table as a tip. Maybe a nap at the hotel would help her think more clearly.
Holly, Natalie Elizabeth, Sue, Denny, Mon, and Kathleen watched confusedly as the two girls followed the strange man out of the room.
"What did he do to that girl?" Mon wanted to know.
Holly rushed over to her. "She's still breathing. Her pulse is weak, but it's there. I think she'll be ok."
Just then, Mel woke up. "Oh,my head is killing me. What happened?"
"You don't remember?" Sue asked. "That strange, yet very attractive, man knocked you out and those sisters left with him."
"Nikki_Lynn! Linz! We have to stop him!" Mel screamed.
"Why? He seemed very nice. He was very concerned for you. Well, until he knocked you out," Sue stated.
"NO!" Mel shouted. "Don't you guys remember? He's been tormenting us and the guys for a long time now. He wants to take over the world."
Holly looked at her, "We have 'guys'?"
The incomplete Bunch looked at her collectively and shook their heads.
While all the girls were chatting away about Wax. Kathleen still unaware of who she was exactly asked Ben, Chris and Dan, " you know what those other girls are talking about?"
The three guys shook there head. Chris the quiet one asked Kathleen, "You still don't know who you are?"
"Oh I now remember my name is Kathleen, but can't remember anything else."
Just then, Linz ran over to Kathleen, "You should be remembering everything that we are, unless the poison had a different effect on you."
The other girls looked over at Kathleen and Linz, and whispered to themselves about it.
Kathleen pushed away from Linz and over to the corner, "You're scaring me, I'm sorry I don't remember any of you," pointing over to the three guys, "except them, I remember them from a dream before I landed here." A bright light clicked above one of the girl's heads...
Meanwhile, Wax was trying to get exactly what he wanted from the "sisters".
"So you don't remember *anything*?" he said.
"You know what is so strange?" Linz replied "I can remember things *way* back but I can't remember ever seeing you before, or her, and we're supposed to be sisters . . . ."
Linz sighed, frustrated.
"Do you remember where you got that interesting pendant?" Wax prodded.
"Oh this? I remember my friend gave it to me. . . she was very excentric, she was always carrying around this doll with a needle in it's back, but she told me that if I wore it always something would happen and I would have magical powers...silly, isn't it?" Linz laughed.
"Can I see it for a sec?" Wax said reaching for her pendant.
Linz pulled away "No, I never let anyone touch it."
"You'll be able to see it the whole time..."
"No, it's just that I...."
Just then Wax pulled out a gun and pointed it at Nikki Lynn's head "I said hand it over!"
Linz reached to undo the clasp, a little blue light fluttered into the room, and landed on her pendant and made it glow blue and then turned normal again. She looked up at Wax and the gun floated over to her.
"Now," she said "You're going to tell me the truth."
"You couldn't shoot me..."
"Oh, really?" Linz said as she cocked the safety.
Just then, a hand rested on her shoulder, it startled Linz, even though it was only Mel, and she pulled the trigger...
"OHMYGOD!!!" Linz yelled as they ran over.
Mel felt Wax's pulse, but there was none. But then the most horrifying thing happened...
...The rest of the Brady Bunch, hearing the shot, ran into the room...and with them was a second Linz! Linz looked at her double.
"What the..." she started. The second Linz just laughed. But it was an evil, all too familiar laugh, which instilled terror into each of the girls, despite their memory loss...
"Ha ha ha," laughed the second Linz, but it wasn't Linz's voice, "I really didn't think you'd be able to shoot me, Linz...But fortunatly, I've learned a little magic of my own..."
With that, the second Linz, vanished in a puff of green smoke.
"What the heck is going on here???" cried Kathleen.
"Sit down, everyone," said Mel, as Ben, Dan, and Chris joined them, "I'll explain everything..."
* * * * * LA.
After her nap at the hotel, Babs sat in the cyber cafe, talking with the Whosers. From what they had been able to tell her, she had pieced together only a tiny fraction of what had been going on. The names Trudie and Wax kept coming up, and something about a spa called Fitness World. But nothing more.
Holly sighed, frustrated. Suddenly, the room began to spin. Everything took on a detached feeling and Babs felt as though she were being separated from reality. When everything settled, Babs found herself in a huge, open field. Several feet away, stood a man. She approached him, and as he turned to face her, she saw that it was Wayne!
"Wayne?" she asked, "Wayne Brady?"
The man laughed, a horrendous, evil laugh.
"Not quite, my dear," said Wax...
"Wh-who are you?" Babs said tremulously.
"What? through all of your 'research', you haven't learned of the wonderful, magnificent Wax?"
"No...but I have heard of the Petty and Insanely Jealous Wax. Same guy?"
That angered him greatly, she could tell. But then he smiled a cold and sinister smile and shrugged it off.
"Keep talking that way if you want your sister hurt."
Babs went cold. "Where is she?"
He shrugged again.
"Tell me, you sonofa..." she walked up to him, about to strike, but never got the chance. Wax didn't move a muscle, but suddenly Babs felt as though a foot had slammed into her ribcage and sent her flying about six feet, knocking the wind out of her.
After writhing on the ground, trying to catch a breath, for several minutes, Babs stood up.
"I would suggest you not do that again, or else, you will pay an even greater price..."
Babs supressed a shudder that threatened to run down her spine and forced herself to glare Wax in the eye.
She could tell she was in a lot of trouble...
* * * * *
"Ye got ta be kiddin' us, mate. Ye serious? That mate is evil and we just let'im take those two girls away?" Ben said increduaously. Mel nodded.
Kathleen shook her head, "I still don't remember anything about it, but something inside me tells me you're telling the truth.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"So, we just got to find out who ye girls are, and then find a way to kick this Wax's--"
"It'll be a little harder than that, I think, "Mel said, cutting Chris off before he could finish his curse.
"We've gotta come up with a plan..."
"What kind of plan?" Sue asked Mel. Mel shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know exactly. But we've got to do something."
"Like what? I've never dealt with anything like this before," Holly said. Mel glanced at her feeling completely shocked.
"Yes you have Holly! We all have," Mel cried out. The group just stood there staring blankly at her as she talked. Mel felt so frustrated.
"We've all dealt with Wax before!" she told them, determined to get them to remember.
"I don't remember," Kathleen said, "And I don't ever recall meeting you!"
"Who's Wax?" Mon demanded.
"This is CRAZY!" Mel yelled out. She jumped up and paced frantically around the room.
"Why doesn't anyone remember?" she cried out desperately. Dan ran up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Calm down. You're not helping anyone by getting so upset," he told her calmly.
"Exactly! That's the point. My friends are in huge trouble and we can't do a thing because no one knows just how dangerous this man is!" Mel screamed, ready to cry. Everyone just looked at her as though she was crazy...
Anon Storyteller
The trenchcoat fell only to her knees. Wrapped around her form though, and accompanied by the cap hiding long hair, it was close enough to a masculine disguise again for her. Ignoring the way her jacket moved and shifted even though there was no wind to move it, or the rustles from the bag slung over one shoulder that held her belongings and the laptop. Only giggling minutely at the warm slide of scales at her wrist, blowing out the candle.
Waiting. Until the large grey form appearared again by her door. "So you can guide then?" her soft question. Nodding in response to an unheard response before stepping forward. To open a small pouch, allowing a crystal to fall from it's darkness. The light caught within it's facets matching that of the creature that had travelled before. Shining over the canine creature's face before dissipating. "That's who went to find them. Your turn."
Turning to face the old computer's blinking screen as her hand rested on the grey back. Biting her bottom lip at the way her stomach lurched and the room disappeared from around her...
...When she reappeared, she found herself in the warm twilight air of the Austrailian outback. There was a house in the distance. A warm breeze swept around her, and her alone, making her long hair dance about her head. She glanced down at her companion. "Thank you," she whispered. She blinked, and the creature was gone again. She readjusted the bag on her shoulder, and walked silently up to the house, passing through the front yard, through the door, and into the room where the Brady Bunch and company, stood in confused discussion. The Bunch took no notice of her presence.
"I believe I can help you," she said. The Brady Bunch turned, stared at the unexpected visitor.
"Who are you?" asked Nikki_Lynn...
* * * * *
The mist still swirled around the five men. One of them reached out, curious, to touch it, drawing his hand back suddenly as it came in contact, crying out in pain. Another, not knowing why he felt so close to this one who had been hurt by their strange prison, placed an arm around him, and guided him back, away from the mist. The other three men circled around them protectivly. Finally, one of them dared to speak, in the vast silence of their entrapment.
"What is this place," he whispered, readjusting his glasses, not daring to speak any lounder, lest he entice the mist closer.
"I wish I knew," came the quite reply from the one who had gotten too close to the walls of their prison...
* * * * *
...Wax waved his arm, and suddenly, Babs felt a strange, disembodied sensation, and squeezed her eyes tight shut. When she opened them again, she found herself in a spacious bedroom. Plush carpet covered the floor, huge windows let in bright sunshine. The room was ornately decorated, with a massive bed and wardrobe, comfortable looking chairs, and a mirror that took up an entire wall.
"You will be staying with me for awhile, my dear," said Wax, standing behind her, "so I thought I should see to your comfort. Please, make yourself at home."
He laughed, and walked out the door, pulling it shut behind him. Babs waited a moment, and then ran over and tried the door. Locked, as she had expected.
"Now what do I do?" she asked herself...
"That really, really, really hurt!" The one who had touched the mist said.
"Let me look at that," one said as he towered over the other. "Eh, just looks like a mild burn. It'll sting for a little bit, but it should be okay."
"How do you know that?" the shorter, yet still rather tall and attractive one asked.
The tallest one shrugged, honestly confused. "Dunno. I just do."
The shortest and youngest of the men said, "I don't know why, but I feel that we're supposed to be very angry for being put here."
The others looked at him and shrugged.
* * * * *
Babs picked up a silver hairbrush that was on the vanity and threw it at the window. Nothing happened. She then took the hand mirror, again nothing happened.
Frustrated, she picked up one of the chairs and wailed it with all her might at the window.
"Why won't the dumb window brake!!"
She looked out the window at the huge, green fields. Anger welled up inside her and she hit the windows repeatedly with her fist until they were sore and bruised.
She let out a scream of frustration.
She had to get out of here. But it looked hopeless.

Go on to Part 2

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