The Cast and Crew

Directed by Bryce Blair
Assistant Director: Aaron Johnson

The Cast Features:

Lesley Marshall as Shelby
Grace Poganski as M'lynn
Janet Morris as Truvy
Sharon Cardwell as Clairee
Rebecca Chaney as Annelle
Sally Bledsoe as Ouiser

Show Dates

August 1st and 2nd at 7:30
August 3rd at 2:00 and 7:30

August 8th and 9th at 7:30
August 10th at 2:00 and 7:30


The action centers around Truvy's beauty parlor and some women who regularly gather there.

The drama begins on the morning of Shelby's wedding to Jackson and covers events over the next three years, including Shelby's decision to have a child despite having Type 1 diabetes and the complications that result from the decision.

We also get a glimpse of the unlikely friendship between Clairee and Ouiser; Annelle's transformation from a shy, anxious newcomer in town, to a partying woman, then to a religious fundamentalist; and Truvy's relationships with the men in her family.

Although the main storyline involves Shelby, her mother, and Shelby's medical battles, the underlying group-friendship among all six women is prominent throughout the drama.


This show is being presented "experimental" style in an actual beauty salon - Hair Expressions - on the Public Square in Salem (next to Heaven Sent Gifts).

Due to the small space, only 35 tickets are available for each performance. Reservations will not be confirmed until tickets are paid for in full. No Refunds will be given for any reason.

Tickets go on sale June 5th. Please call Bryce Blair at (812) 620-7663 to make reservations. Tickets are $8 for Adults and $6 for Students (K - 12).

Note: This show is not recommended for children due to some mild language and serious subject matter.