The Crevier Family Ministries

Watford City Aglow - January, 2002

Click the images for a larger view.

Intro.gif (396523 bytes) Advisor Jim Bredwick and Interim President, Deone Lawlar open the January meeting.
Teresa Crevier led the music throughout the evening. Teresa.jpg (80494 bytes)
AroundThrone.gif (434660 bytes) Participants gather around the His throne.
Bridget prays. Bridget.jpg (64553 bytes)

The Crevier Family ministers through worship,

puppet shows, basketball demonstrations, unicycle feats, and in many other unique ways.

     Unicycle.gif (71718 bytes)

SpinBalls.gif (381657 bytes) Puppets.gif (112315 bytes) Camels.gif (97957 bytes) 3boys.gif (189536 bytes)

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