You have just entered the Carrillon Kennel, welcome, come in and see what we have to offer you.

The kennel at Carrillon is a free standing air-conditioned and heated facility.  The kennel has its own full kitchen for  food preparation and storage, a grooming space within the kitchen area,  a full bath with a raised tub for bathing and grooming dogs,
an area for penning dogs, a covered run area  where dogs can be separated for preparation for show, and a separate whelping area and yard.

The dogs are housed in the kennel during the day while the owner is at his place of employment.  The dogs sleep in the owners bedroom at night.  The dogs are allowed in an area of approximately 11/2 acres, divided into large
paddocks anytime the owner is on the property except when mowing  or when possible danger to the dogs exists.

Puppies and whelped females are housed in a separate area  in the kennel and have their own yard in which to move about and play.  Visitors are not allowed into this area until puppies have had their immunizations at 6 weeks of age.

Carrillon dogs'  teeth are brushed twice per week.  All are on monthly heartworm treatment.  All dogs are wormed twice per year.  All dogs' immunizations and rabies immunizations are kept current.  An aggressive flea
and tick prevention program is employed at Carrillon.  Nutrition is maintained by feeding the finest balanced commercial dog foods that we can buy.  Fresh water is available at all times inside and outside the kennel.

Carrillon employs the services of some of the finest professional dog handlers in the country to groom and present Carrillon dogs to their best advantage in dog shows all over the United States and Canada.

Past Professional Dog Handlers:
Brenda Combs
Clarence Wells

Present Professional Handler:
Doug Carlson

Email Carrillon Standard Schnauzers Click on the Trophy to Email us
Web site designed by MelHaven Doings
Standard Schnauzer Super Dog

This Standard Schnauzer WebRing site
is owned by Carrillon Standard Schnauzers.

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