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Death Toll

(Scene opens to a black screen, you hear the sound of the ring bell ring once, then twice, then a third time.)

(The sound of cheering fans fades up as the picture fades out. The beat to Enter Sandman by Metallica starts to play as scenes from the past few weeks of Nightmare play.)

Tommy Shaw has the advantage, and he grabs Chris Manson with an arm wrench. Tommy Shaw applies a half nelson choke hold with a leg scissor. John Hetch is checking for a tap out. ... Chris Manson is fighting the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... Chris Manson is fighting the hold. ... Chris Manson is fighting the hold. ... ... Tommy Shaw tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Chris Manson taps out.

#Say your prayers little one

#don't forget, my son

#to include everyone

Matt Hallowel jumps and elbow smashes the lying Slash. Matt Hallowel leaps from the top rope and hits a missle dropkick. Matt Hallowel hits the Hallow Cutter. Matt Hallowel goes for a pin. Robert Henson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3.

#tuck you in, warm within

#keep you free from sin

#till the sandman he comes

Carmichael climbs on the apron and distracts the ref. Tenebrae pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and slides them on his hand. He hits Jackson with the loaded fist. Jackson goes down as Tenebrae throws the brass knuckles out of the ring. Tenebrae climbs to the top and hits Steven Jackson with the shooting star press. Carmichael jumps down from the apron James Monroe turns around. Tenebrae pins Steven Jackson. James Monroe counts. ...1 ...2 ...3.

#sleep with one eye open

#gripping your pillow tight

The ref hands the Tenebrae the belt as, him and "Father" Mario Carmichael head to the back.

#exit light

#enter night

#take my hand

#off to never never land

He has Charles Killgore hold Kaine up as he slaps him in the face. Jones bounces off the ropes lightly and comes off with a big boot to the face of Kaine. Killgore lets Kaine fall to the ground.

#something's wrong, shut the light

#heavy thoughts tonight

#and they aren't of snow white

He stops just short of the ringsteps when a laser light forms in the middle of the ring and it begins to rotate the words "The Natural" in a counter clockwise direction.

#dreams of war, dreams of liars

#dreams of dragon's fire

#and of things that will bite

With that the lights go out in the arena. The lights come back on and there is a man in a cut off sleeve shirt and combat boots with black jeans. The man is taller then Terence, white, and completely bold. The man kicks Terence in gut and does a sit-out double under hook face driver laying Terence out. The guy rips Terences shirt off. Out of nowhere throws a fireball onto Terences back. You see Terence rolling around screaming in agony. EMTs rush out to the ring as the man slowly makes his way out of the ring and up the entrance ramp to the sounds of the crowd cheering loudly. The EMTs quickly get the fire out but Terence is still rolling around in pain.

#sleep with one eye open

#gripping your pillow tight

Allen Kaine goes up the ladder. Allen Kaine goes one step closer to the belt. Allen Kaine moves up another step. Allen Kaine climbs to the top step. Allen Kaine is grabbing for the belt. Out from the crowd comes Phillip Jones with a fire extinguisher in hand. He slides into the ring. Kaine unbuckles the first two sets of snaps as Jones swings the extinguisher and hits Kaine hard making him fall from the ladder. The belt falls to the mat. Jones picks up the belt and runs for the backstage area.

#exit light

#enter night

#take my hand

#off to never never land

Chris Manson fist drops Charles Killgore on the mat. Charles Killgore stands up. Charles Killgore is speared by Chris Manson. Chris Manson gets up. Charles Killgore grabs Chris Manson's leg and takes him down. Chris Manson is up again. Charles Killgore leaps up, swings around Chris Manson and DDT's him onto the mat. Charles Killgore grabs Chris Manson's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg into the Modified Figure Four. James Monroe asks Chris Manson if he quits. ... Charles Killgore tightens the hold. ... Chris Manson trys to escape. ... ... Chris Manson trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Chris Manson trys to escape. ... Chris Manson trys to escape. ... Chris Manson trys to escape. Chris Manson taps out.

#now I lay me down to sleep

#pray the lord my soul to keep

#if I die before I wake

#pray the lord my soul to take

Killgore goes to hit him with a standing side kick, but Jackson ducks. SJ bounces off the ropes again and when The Prodigy spins around, Jackson nails him in the head with a hard clothesline. Charles does a complete flip before hitting the mat. Jackson immediately jumps on him and begins pounding away. Four shots in, A gash opens above the right eye of The Prodigy.

#hush little baby, don't say a word

#and never mind that noise you heard

#it's just the beast under your bed,

#in your closet, in your head

Out from the backstage walks Mr. Tocci and heads to the ring with a huge grin on his face. The crowd gives him a huge pop. He quickly makes his way to the ring and slides into the ring.Scene quickly changes to an office. You see a desk and a chair behind it turned so the back is facing the camera. The chair spins around to see The WCCW Vice President Allen Sacra. He has a huge smile on his face.

#exit light

#enter night

#grain of sand

Terence Harris trys for a inverted backbreaker but Matt Hallowel avoids it. Terence Harris puts the chicken wing on Matt Hallowel. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Matt Hallowel is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Matt Hallowel escapes. Terence Harris Brings Matt Hallowel Up The Ring Ramp Terence Harris chokes Matt Hallowel with A Microphone Cable. Matt Hallowel is hit with a backward kick. Matt Hallowel is up again. Terence Harris gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

#exit light

#enter night

#take my hand

#we're off to never never land

(The beat continues as the Death Toll logo blasts on the screen and blood looks to be dripping down infront of it. The camera pans the arena as you see it's jam packed with fans and the pyro goes off. The camera pans around to the announce table as you see Joe Pediceno sitting ready for the show.)


[Joe looks over to see that Joel isnt in his seat but right off to the side playing on a rocking horse like you would see at the playground.]


Pediceno: Joel what the hell are you doing?

Warner: Having fun, this thing is cool!

Pediceno: Joel we are live remember, get off that thing and get over here.

Warner: Ok ok, god I cant have any fun.

[Joel gets off the horse and sits in his seat next to Joe.]

Pediceno: Now like i was saying Im Joe Pediceno and Im with my college Joel Warner.

Warner: This is gonna be awesome!! The first WCCW Pay Per View in along time!!

Pediceno: That is true, and we have an action packed night for you all tonight.

Warner: Hey can I do it this time?

Pediceno: Ok fine go ahead.

Warner: YAY!!! Ok tonight in our first match Mr. Tocci decided to take Hallowel up on his challenge to Tommy Shaw and make the WCCW Cruiserweight Title match a Scaffold match.

Pediceno: Thats right Joel and what a match that should be. Tommy Shaw and Matt Hallowel have both been hot as of late.

Warner: Thats for sure. They both have had impressive wins over some great superstars. But the second match tonight is also going to be big. The WCCW Southwest Television title will be on the line as Tenebrae defends against Steven Jackson. Now Tocci made this match cause of the results of what happened on the last Nightmare. Somehow he thinks Tenebrae cheated.

Pediceno: He did cheat. He used a pair of brass knuckles to win the match.

Warner: What match were you watching, cause I didnt see that.

Pediceno: Joel are you blind or dumb. You saw the same match I did and you refuse to believe the truth.

Warner: Whatever, I dont care what you think. The next match is gonna be one for the history books here. The first ever Inferno match in WCCW, between Paul Parish and Terence Harris.

Pediceno: Now I dont know how smart it was for Terence to go out and challenge this guy to an Inferno match. This could seriously hurt one of these two men.

Warner: I agree, Terence is crazy for making the challenge but he always figures a way out of things.

Pediceno: That is true.

Warner: The next match is for the Oklahoma Heavyweight Championship..

Pediceno: Its the Texas Heavyweight Championship Joel.

Warner: Not after tonight, cause I believe that Jones is going to pull it out over Kaine.

Pediceno: You have got to be kidding me. After the struggle that Kaine has gone through the past two weeks to get that title. I dont think Kaine will be too happy and will show that tonight.

Warner: Well then we come to the MAIN EVENT!!! "The Natural" versus "The Nighthawk", Mike Bell against Byron Tanis. This is going to be an amazing match. All week long these two have gone back and forth in interviews and now its time for them to either put up or shut up.

Pediceno: You cant forget that a win here will push Mike Bell into WWA World Title scene just a little bit more.

Warner: Yes that is true.

Pediceno: Well I gotta admitt you did a good job with that Joel.

Warner: Thank you, I've been practicing.

Pediceno: Well it paid off. But now its time for the first match. The WCCW Cruiserweight Title match.

WCCW Southwest Cruiserweight Championship
Scaffold Match
Tommy Shaw vs. Matt Hallowel

Bill Smith: This match is a Scaffold Match for the WCCW Southwest Cruiserweight Championship. On his way to scaffold at this time, weighing in at 210 pounds, from Wichita, Kansas, Tommy Shaw!!!

[The opening chords to "Glory" by Sugar Ray hit and Tommy Shaw steps out. He's dressed in a long brown leather duster without any sleaves. Once he hops up on the ring apron, his red, knee length tights are visable. He has the letters MWD in black running down both sides.]

Bill Smith: and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a member of Depravity Inc, Matt Hallowel!!!

[Drink Fight and Fuck by G.G. Allin plays as Matt Hallowel walks down to the ring with mixed reactions from the crowd.]

Pediceno: Shaw better watch out, Hallowel is one of the craziest people here.

[Tommy Shaw tests out the ropes. Matt Hallowel tests out the ropes. The ref calls for the opening bell. Tommy Shaw pins Matt Hallowel against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. A flying shoulder block send Tommy Shaw to the scaffold. Matt Hallowel is back on his feet. Matt Hallowel hits Tommy Shaw with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Matt Hallowel gets up. Tommy Shaw climbs to his feet. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel hits Tommy Shaw with an elbowdrop. Matt Hallowel is back on his feet. Tommy Shaw gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Matt Hallowel. Matt Hallowel gets back to his feet. Tommy Shaw gets up. Tommy Shaw trys for a brain buster but Matt Hallowel avoids it.]

Warner: You will never see anything like this anywhere else but WCCW. Can you believe some of the things we are seeing in this match?

Pediceno: I agree and that's a great point, Joel .

[Tommy Shaw executes a neck scissors on Matt Hallowel. Tommy Shaw gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel executes a elbow smash.

[Matt Hallowel gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Tommy Shaw.]

Pediceno: Shaw down from a Neck Snap. Hallowel really going to work on him.

[Matt Hallowel hits a flying karate chop right to Tommy Shaw's neck. Tommy Shaw gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Flying somersault drop kick by Matt Hallowel puts him back in the match.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel executes a flying somersault dropkick.

[Matt Hallowel is back on his feet. Tommy Shaw executes the brain buster on Matt Hallowel.]

Pediceno: OHH man, Shaw just did a textbook brain buster to Hallowel.

[Tommy Shaw climbs to his feet.]

Pediceno: Hallowel is looking impressive here tonight. If he keeps this up he could walk out of here the Cruiserweight Champion.

Warner: No way man, Tommy Shaw is going to make Matt tap and thats all there is to it.

[Matt Hallowel is up again. Matt Hallowel hits a jumping elbow hrust on Tommy Shaw. Tommy Shaw moves back to his feet. Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Matt Hallowel executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Tommy Shaw.]

Pediceno: Nice move by Hallowel.

[Tommy Shaw gets elbowed to his midsection by Tommy Shaw.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel with a elbow to midsection, come on Shaw!!!

[Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel whips Tommy Shaw's feet from under him with a side kick. Matt Hallowel gets back to his feet. Tommy Shaw gets back to his feet. Tommy Shaw executes a neck scissors on Matt Hallowel.]

Pediceno: Shaw with an excellent Neck Scissor. This guy is a submission master. An Excellence of Execution if you will.

Warner: That is for sure. If you wanna see a real wrestling match. Watch Tommy Shaw!

[Tommy Shaw goes for a choke but Matt Hallowel dodges the attack. Tommy Shaw grabs Matt Hallowel's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Matt Hallowel gets up. Tommy Shaw holds his head after recieving an earringer from Matt Hallowel. Matt Hallowel kicks Tommy Shaw's head out of desperation because Tommy Shaw blocked Matt Hallowel's first kick. Matt Hallowel stands up. Tommy Shaw gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Matt Hallowel. Matt Hallowel gets up. Matt Hallowel flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Matt Hallowel is up again. Tommy Shaw is up again. Matt Hallowel places Tommy Shaw on the top turnbuckle and executes the German suplex, that has to hurt!]

Pediceno: Oh my god. Matt just threw Shaw from the top turnbuckle with a german suplex. That could have broken him in half.

[Matt Hallowel with a somersault splash on Tommy Shaw.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel damn near paralyzed Tommy Shaw with that somersault splash!!

[Matt Hallowel is back on his feet.]

Pediceno: These two are really going at it!

[Matt Hallowel on the turnbuckleTommy Shaw rising from the mat,Matt Hallowel leaps from the top rope with a bodypress. Matt Hallowel moves back to his feet. Tommy Shaw climbs to his feet. Tommy Shaw pins Matt Hallowel against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Matt Hallowel hits a jumping elbow hrust on Tommy Shaw. Tommy Shaw is back on his feet. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. A forearm choke by Tommy Shaw nearly gets him disqualified.]

Pediceno: Impressive but won't win a match.

[A flying shoulder block send Tommy Shaw to the scaffold. Matt Hallowel is back on his feet. Now Tommy Shaw standing. Tommy Shaw executes a neck scissors on Matt Hallowel. Tommy Shaw is up again. Matt Hallowel moves back to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Matt Hallowel puts him back in the match.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel executes a flying somersault dropkick.

[Matt Hallowel gets up. Tommy Shaw stands up. Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm.]

Pediceno: Shaw forcing Hallowel to try something other then those high flyer moves.

[Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw.]

Warner: Tommy Shaw with a boot choke.

[Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Tommy Shaw.]

Pediceno: Impressive but won't win a match.

[Matt Hallowel is back on his feet. Now Tommy Shaw standing. A forearm choke by Tommy Shaw nearly gets him disqualified. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw.]

Warner: Tommy Shaw executes a boot choke.

[Matt Hallowel tiger suplexes Tommy Shaw, bringing him crashing down to the scaffold. Matt Hallowel moves back to his feet. Matt Hallowel's risk pays off when he nails Tommy Shaw with a flying knee drop to the face.]

Pediceno: Good move.

[Matt Hallowel is back on his feet.]

Warner: This is what god created wrestling for!

[Tommy Shaw stands up. Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm.]

Pediceno: Good move.

[Tommy Shaw bends over as Matt Hallowel elbows him in the midsection. Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Tommy Shaw holds his head after recieving an earringer from Matt Hallowel.]

Warner: What an earringer from Hallowel!

[Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel springboards off of the rope and splashes onto Tommy Shaw. Now Tommy Shaw standing. A flying bodypress by Matt Hallowel takes Tommy Shaw to the scaffold with authority. Tommy Shaw is back on his feet. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw.]

Warner: Tommy Shaw with a boot choke.

[Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm.]

Pediceno: Impressive but won't win a match.

[Matt Hallowel elbow smashes Tommy Shaw in the nose. Matt Hallowel gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Tommy Shaw. Tommy Shaw executes the brain buster on Matt Hallowel. Tommy Shaw climbs to his feet. Matt Hallowel stands up. Tommy Shaw cuts Matt Hallowel with Blade. Matt Hallowel is bleeding as a result.]

Warner: This is the greatest match ever!!

Pediceno: This is one hell of a match that is for sure.

[Matt Hallowel executes a bulldog off of the top rope, bringing Tommy Shaw crashing face first to the scaffold. Matt Hallowel hits Tommy Shaw with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel with a elbowdrop.

[Now Tommy Shaw standing. Matt Hallowel hits a flying karate chop right to Tommy Shaw's neck. Matt Hallowel executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Tommy Shaw.]

Pediceno: Good move.

[Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. A forearm choke by Tommy Shaw nearly gets him disqualified. Matt Hallowel attempts to kick Tommy Shaw, but Tommy Shaw catches his leg. Matt Hallowel flips around and kicks Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel stands up. Matt Hallowel flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Tommy Shaw executes a neck scissors on Matt Hallowel. Now Tommy Shaw standing. Tommy Shaw cuts Matt Hallowel with Blade. Matt Hallowel is bleeding as a result. Tommy Shaw trys for a brain buster but Matt Hallowel avoids it. Tommy Shaw cuts Matt Hallowel with Blade. Matt Hallowel is bleeding as a result. Tommy Shaw executes a neck scissors on Matt Hallowel. Tommy Shaw is up again. Tommy Shaw puts Matt Hallowel in an arm grapevine submission. Matt Hallowel climbs to his feet. A forearm choke by Tommy Shaw nearly gets him disqualified. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel takes a boot choke.

[Matt Hallowel whips Tommy Shaw's feet from under him with a side kick. Matt Hallowel is up again. Matt Hallowel gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Tommy Shaw. Tommy Shaw holds Matt Hallowel in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Tommy Shaw executes the brain buster on Matt Hallowel. Tommy Shaw has the advantage, and he grabs Matt Hallowel with an arm wrench. Tommy Shaw cuts Matt Hallowel with Blade. Matt Hallowel is bleeding as a result.]

Pediceno: scaffold is covered in blood!

[Matt Hallowel climbs to the top and hits Tommy Shaw with a flying clothesline.]

Warner: Matt Hallowel with a flying clothesline.

[Tommy Shaw moves back to his feet. Matt Hallowel cuts Tommy Shaw with Blade. Tommy Shaw is bleeding as a result. Tommy Shaw gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. The flying hip attack by Matt Hallowel didn't do too much damage to Tommy Shaw. Matt Hallowel is back on his feet. Tommy Shaw sets Matt Hallowel up DDTs him into the scaffold. Tommy Shaw chokes Matt Hallowel with his boot. Tommy Shaw throws Matt Hallowel off the scaffold down to ring and through the tables and ends the match!]

Pediceno: Shaw won!! He is the new WCCW Cruiserweight Champion!!!

Bill Smith: The winner of this match, and new WCCW Southwest Cruiserweight Championship champion, Tommy Shaw!!!


Pediceno: That was one hell of a match.

[The cameras cut backstage where Terence Harris is seen walking. He looks to be ready for anything. Ryan Shermanski walks up and tries to get an interview out of him.]

RS: Terence, Terence. Can I get a few words from you man.

[Terence stops and looks at Ryan. He shrugs his shoulders as if to say ok.]

RS: Well first of all I wanna say it has been a long time since I have seen you. Its great to see you back in WCCW.

TH: Thanks Ryan, good to see that Tocci has kept you employeed.

RS: Yes it is. Now about your match tonight with Paul Parish. What are you planning to do? I mean you challenged him to the Inferno match.

TH: Ryan, its simple. He likes to play with fire. Well you fight fire with fire. Why the hell not have it as an Inferno match.

RS: Ok, well hows the back doing? I mean you were burn pretty badly.

TH: My back is fine. I still feel a little pain sometimes. But for the most part its fine.

RS: A few more questions and I will let you go. First off what do you think of the new cruiserweight champion Tommy Shaw?

TH: The kid is good, but nobody is the cruiserweight champ around here unless they have beaten me. I was the longest reigning champ ever. And the best in this company.

RS: Is that a challenge?

TH: I guess you could say that. But I dont plan on dealing with that until Im done with Parish. Now Ryan Im sorry but I have to go.

[Terence walks off screen.]

RS: Well thats all I can get outta him. Joe, Joel back you guys.]

[Cameras cut back to Joe and Joel at the announce table.]

Pediceno: Strong word from Terence.

Warner: He is right you know. He was the best champion the WCCW ever had.

Pediceno: Joel he was a great champion but I dont know about the best.

Warner: YES HE WAS!!!

Pediceno: Whatever Joel, lets go to ringside and Bill Smith for the next match.

WCCW Southwest Television Championship
Steven Jackson vs. Tenebrae

Bill Smith: This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the WCCW Southwest Television Championship. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Austin, Texas, Steven Jackson!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Metallica's "Frantic" blares from the speakers as the words "Come get some!" scrolls across the big screen. Blue and silver lights circle the arena as Steven Jackson steps out onto the entrance ramp. Steven pumps up the crowd with his fists and then makes his way down the ramp. He slaps hands with as many people as possible before reaching ringside. Once there he slides under the ropes and comes to his knees. Jackson points to the sky and then moves to a corner where he quickly scales the corner and pumps his fists again!]

Bill Smith: and his opponent, weighing in at 226 pounds, from Unknown a member of Depravity Inc, Tenebrae!!! (crowd boos *****)

[The Only Factor by Crowbar starts playing and Tenebrae is seen running down to the ring through the crowd.]

Warner: This crowd is pumped for this one!!

[Steven Jackson executes a pumphandle suplex on Tenebrae. James Monroe checks Tenebrae's boots and knee pads. Steven Jackson tackles and begins punching Tenebrae. Tenebrae climbs to his feet. Tenebrae gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Steven Jackson. Tenebrae stands up. Steven Jackson gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Steven Jackson rakes the face of Tenebrae in attempt to make a come back.]

Warner: Face rake by Jackson!

[Tenebrae jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Steven Jackson. Tenebrae is back on his feet. Tenebrae get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Steven Jackson.]

Pediceno: Nothing is better than that.

[Steven Jackson drives a forearm into the head of Tenebrae. Steven Jackson with a high crossbody on Tenebrae. Tenebrae gets hit with the shooting star press from Steven Jackson. James Monroe counts the pin. ...1 Tenebrae escapes.]

Warner: Not even close with that attempt!

[Tenebrae gets up. Tenebrae gets elbowed to his midsection by Tenebrae.]

Pediceno: Good move.

[Tenebrae picks up Steven Jackson and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.]

Warner: Tenebrae damn near paralyzed Steven Jackson with that tilt-a-whirl suplex!!

[Tenebrae gets back to his feet. An elbow submission by Tenebrae brings Steven Jackson down to the mat. James Monroe asks Steven Jackson if he quits. ... ... Steven Jackson escapes. Tenebrae and Steven Jackson go to the floor.]

Pediceno: Tenebrae takes it outside the ring.

[James Monroe starts the count (.1) Tenebrae swings a Steel chair and hits Steven Jackson. Steven Jackson is bleeding as a result.]

Warner: Blood is all over ringside.

[Tenebrae goes for a flying knee drop but Steven Jackson dodges the attack. They head back into the ring.]

Pediceno: I think Tenebrae could get the win right about now.

Warner: This is what god created wrestling for!

[Tenebrae jumps and elbow smashes the lying Steven Jackson. Tenebrae hits Steven Jackson with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Tenebrae standing. Tenebrae covers Steven Jackson. The ref starts the count. ...1 Steven Jackson escapes.]

Pediceno: He won't get Steven Jackson with just that.

[Steven Jackson climbs to his feet. Steven Jackson holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. Steven Jackson chops Tenebrae. Flying somersault drop kick by Tenebrae puts him back in the match. Tenebrae stands up. Tenebrae flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Tenebrae gets up. Steven Jackson gets up off the ground and Tenebrae hits him with a flying dropkick. Tenebrae sucks chants start in the crowd.]

Warner: Tenebrae damn near paralyzed Steven Jackson with that flying dropkick!!

[Tenebrae gets up. Tenebrae hits Steven Jackson with an elbowdrop. Now Tenebrae standing. Tenebrae goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 Steven Jackson kicks out.]

Pediceno: That won't work! He needs to try harder.

[Steven Jackson stands up. Tenebrae slaps both sides of Steven Jackson's head out of desperation. Steven Jackson with an Aztecan suplex on Tenebrae sends him to the mat. Steven Jackson is back on his feet. Tenebrae gets hit with the frog splash from Steven Jackson. Referee James Monroe makes the count. ...1 ...2 Tenebrae escapes.]

Warner: Oh come on that ain't going to win a match in this promotion!

[Now Tenebrae standing. Tenebrae hits a flying karate chop right to Steven Jackson's neck. Steven Jackson executes a jawbreakeron Tenebrae. Tenebrae moves back to his feet. Tenebrae tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Tenebrae stands up. Steven Jackson stands up. Tenebrae executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Steven Jackson. Tenebrae covers Steven Jackson hooking the leg. James Monroe counts the pin. ...1 Steven Jackson escapes.]

Pediceno: He won't get Steven Jackson with just that.

[Steven Jackson gets up. Tenebrae leaps up, swings around Steven Jackson and DDT's him onto the mat.]

Warner: Tenebrae damn near paralyzed Steven Jackson with that standing tornado DDT!!

[Steven Jackson is up again.]

Warner: Are you a little short for words over there?

Pediceno: No!

[Tenebrae gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Steven Jackson. Steven Jackson bends over as Tenebrae elbows him in the midsection. Steven Jackson shoulder tackles Tenebrae. Now Steven Jackson standing. Tenebrae stands up. Tenebrae attempts to kick Steven Jackson, but Steven Jackson catches his leg. Tenebrae flips around and kicks Steven Jackson.]

Warner: Tenebrae executes a enzuigiri.

[Tenebrae is back on his feet. Tenebrae jumps and elbow smashes the lying Steven Jackson. Tenebrae climbs to his feet. Steven Jackson uses a lariat on Tenebrae. Flying side kick by Tenebrae takes Steven Jackson off his feet. Tenebrae hits Steven Jackson with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Tenebrae hits Steven Jackson with an elbowdrop. Tenebrae climbs to his feet. Steven Jackson is driven further into the mat by Tenebrae with a diving elbow smash. Now Tenebrae standing. Steven Jackson gets back to his feet. Steven Jackson with a headscissors takeover on Tenebrae. Steven Jackson climbs to his feet. Steven Jackson knee drops Tenebrae. Tenebrae climbs to his feet. Tenebrae goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Steven Jackson. Tenebrae climbs to his feet. Tenebrae flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Tenebrae flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop.]

Pediceno: Impressive but won't win a match.

[Tenebrae gets up. Tenebrae hits a jumping elbow hrust on Steven Jackson. Tenebrae hits Steven Jackson with an elbowdrop. Tenebrae moves back to his feet. Steven Jackson moves back to his feet. Steven Jackson gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.]

Warner: Tenebrae with a elbowsmash.

[Steven Jackson hits a tiger driver on Tenebrae. Steven Jackson stands up. Tenebrae is back on his feet. Tenebrae tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Steven Jackson is back on his feet. Tenebrae gets tiger suplexed by Steven Jackson. Steven Jackson stands up. Steven Jackson hits Tenebrae with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Steven Jackson is back on his feet. Tenebrae hits a jumping elbow hrust on Steven Jackson. Steven Jackson is back on his feet. Steven Jackson pins Tenebrae against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.]

Warner: Tenebrae takes a forearm choke.

[Tenebrae executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Steven Jackson. Steven Jackson moves back to his feet. Tenebrae gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Steven Jackson. Steven Jackson pokes Tenebrae in the eye with his thumb. Tenebrae elbow smashes Steven Jackson in the nose. Tenebrae hits Steven Jackson with an earringer. Steven Jackson hits Tenebrae with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Tenebrae gets up. Steven Jackson delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Tenebrae hard to the mat. Steven Jackson drags Tenebrae to the floor. James Monroe starts the count (.1)]

Pediceno: Jackson needs to get this thing back into the ring. He cant win the title on a count out!

[Steven Jackson slingshot elbow drops Tenebrae. Tenebrae is up again. Steven Jackson executes a swinging neckbreaker on Tenebrae. Steven Jackson chants start. Tenebrae climbs to his feet. Tenebrae takes Steven Jackson into the ring. Tenebrae whips Steven Jackson's feet from under him with a side kick. Tenebrae jumps and elbow smashes the lying Steven Jackson. Tenebrae leaps from the top rope! YES! And he pulls off a shooting star press! Tenebrae goes for a pin. James Monroe counts. ...1 ...2 ...3]

Warner: Damn another awesome match. These two really hate each other I bet!

Bill Smith: The winner of this match, and new WCCW Southwest Television Championship champion, Tenebrae!!!

Pediceno: Well the way it has looked the last few weeks I would say you are right Joel.

Warner: This is one hell of a night so far. We have alot more to go still too.

[Cameras cut to an office. You see a desk, sitting behind the desk you see the WCCW Vice President Allen Sacra.]

Warner: Hey its the VP, I wonder what he has to say.

Sacra: Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have enjoyed Death Toll so far. We here at WCCW work long and hard to give you, the fans, what you want. That is why on the next Nightmare we will have a match for the Texas Brass Knuckles Championship.

[The fans cheer at the news.]

Pediceno: Whoa!!

Warner: YA!! Hardcore baby!!

Sacra: The competitors will be Steven Jackson and Matt Hallowel. The two have looked strong tonight as well as ever other night they have fought in that ring.

[The crowd once again give the VP a cheer.]

Pediceno: These two guys cant get any more lucky.

Sacra: Oh and before I forget, the match is a barbed wire match.

[The crowd goes nuts. Sacra has a bit shit eating grin on his face as the camera fades out and back onto Joe and Joel. The two announcers both have looks of austonishment on their faces.]

Pediceno: A barbed wire match.

Warner: Oh man, these guys werent liein when they said the NEW WCCW. They are really going all out.

Pediceno: That is so beyond true, its not even funny. Lets get to the ring for the inferno match.

Inferno Match
Terence Harris vs. Paul Parish

Bill Smith - This match is an Inferno Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 210 pounds, from Oakland, California, Terence Harris!!!

[Lights go out as a slow hum is heard. A drum beat is heard over the PA as How We Do by The Game starts up.]

#This is how we do
#We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
#This is how we do
#Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love
#This is how we do
#We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
#This is how we do
#Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love

[A figure emerges from behind the entrance curtain. The figure stops and looks as if it has its head down.]

#Fresh like, unhh;
#Impala, unnh
#Crome hyrdolics, 808 drums
#You don't want, none
#Nigga betta, run
#When beef is on, I'll pop that, trunk
#Come get, some
#Pistol grip, pump
#If a nigga step on my white And, Ones
#Since red, rum
#Ready here It, come
#Compton, unh
#Dre found me in the, slums
#Sellin that skunk, one hand on my gun
#I was sellin rocks when Master P was sayin "Unnnh"
#Buck pass the blunt
#These G-Unit girls just wanna have, fun
#Coke and rum
#Got weed on the ton
#I'm bangin with my hand up her dress like, unh
#I'll make her cum, purple haze in my lungs
#Whole gang in the front in case a nigga wanna, stunt

[The spotlight turns on right on the figure. The figure is wearing a pair of jeans that are black and baggy on either side sayin T Dawg in blue downwards, a black hoody with its head covered up.]

#I put Lamborghini doors on that Es-co-lade
#Low pro's so low look like I'm riding on blades
#In one year man, a nigga's so paid
#I have a straight bitch in the telly goin both ways (Ah!)
#Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me
#I give it to ya just how you like it, girl
#Ya now rockin with the best
#Tre pound on my hip
#Teflon on my chest
#They say I'm no good
#Cuz I'm so hood
#Rich folks do not want me around
#Cuz shit might pop off, and if shit pop off
#Somebody gon' get laid the fuck out
#They call me new money, say I have no class
#I'm from the bottom, I came up too fast
#The hell if I care, I'm just here to get my cash
#Bougie ass bitches, you can kiss my ass

[The figure raises its head and pulls the hood off its head to reveal its Terence Harris. He starts his walk to the ring.]

#This is how we do
#We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
#This is how we do
#Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love
#This is how we do
#We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club
#This is how we do
#Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love

[Terence walks up the ring steps, climbs into the ring, and starts to climb each turn buckle.]

#I put gold Daytonas on that Cherry Six-Four
#White walls so clean it's like I'm ridin on bulbs
#Hit one switch man, that ass so low
#Cali got niggaz in New York ridin on hundred spokes
#Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me
#I give it to ya just how you like it, girl
#Ya now rockin with the best fo' pound on my hip
#Gold chain on my chest (Ah!)

The song fades as Terence climbs down from the last turnbuckle.]

Bill Smith: and his opponent, weighing in at 231 pounds, from Vatican City, Italy, accompanied by Akia, Paul Parish!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Voodoo by Godsmack plays as Paul Parish and Akia make their way to the ring.]

Pediceno: This is going to be one hell of a match.

[Terence Harris checks out the ring. Terence Harris gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Paul Parish. (ring, ring, ring) Paul Parish gets elbowed to his midsection by Paul Parish. Paul Parish punches Terence Harris in the gut. Paul Parish puts Terence Harris on the top rope and executes a superplex. Paul Parish is up again. Paul Parish kicks Terence Harris on the mat. Terence Harris stands up. Paul Parish does a cartwheel and kicks Terence Harris in the face.]

Warner: Cartwheel kick by Parish!

[Terence Harris gets hit with a dragon scerw from Paul Parish.]

Pediceno: Nothing is better than that.

[Now Terence Harris standing. Terence Harris hits Paul Parish with an inverted atomic drop. Paul Parish hits Terence Harris with an elbowdrop.]

Warner: Paul Parish uses an elbowdrop.

[Akia looks around and starts heading for the back as Parish rips his shirt off and wraps it around his hand. He then walks to the inferno and lights the shirt on fire. The ref seems to be scared as he just kinda backs himself into a corner. Terence gets back up and turns around. Parish comes off the ropes and clotheslines Terence with the flaming shirt on his arm. Parish throws the shirt into the fire and lets it burn.]


[Terence Harris stands up. Paul Parish is up again. Out of despiration, Paul Parish hits a Face Buster on Terence Harris...onto a ladder! Paul Parish gets back to his feet. Terence Harris climbs to his feet. Paul Parish applies the clawhold on Terence Harris. Paul Parish tackles and begins punching Terence Harris. Paul Parish grabs Terence Harris and applies an arm wrench. Paul Parish Lifts Terence Harris over his head....Paul Parish press slams him down on the open chair!!! Terence Harris stands up. Paul Parish sends Terence Harris to the ropes by the fire. Paul Parish comes back off the ropes.]

Warner: Are you a little short for words over there?

Pediceno: No!

[Paul Parish takes Terence Harris down with a knee. Terence Harris gets back to his feet. Paul Parish hits Terence Harris with an earringer. Terence Harris strikes Paul Parish in the chest. Paul Parish hits him with a back fist. Paul Parish connects with a russian leg sweep onto the ladder, Terence Harris holds his face in pain!! Paul Parish stands up. Paul Parish executes a corkscrew legdrop on Terence Harris.]

Warner: Paul Parish executes a corkscrew legdrop.

[Paul Parish gets up. Terence Harris gets knocked on the ground and Paul Parish flips onto him. Paul Parish jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Terence Harris. Paul Parish climbs to his feet. Terence Harris climbs to his feet. Terence Harris climbs the turnbuckle and nails Paul Parish with a flying bulldog. Terence Harris gets back to his feet. Paul Parish gets up. Terence Harris sends Paul Parish to the ropes by the fire. Paul Parish off the ropes.]

Pediceno: Do you really think that you can wrestle against Terence Harris and win?!

Warner: Nope.

[Paul Parish flips Terence Harris to the mat, and hits a nice leg drop. Parish drops down into a mock praying position. as the lights go out and a spot light comes up to the rafters where you see Akia. You somewhat hear Parish yell out FLY!!! my sister!!! FLY!!! as she jumps and lands a really rough 630 onto Terence]

Pediceno: Nothing is better than that.

[Paul Parish chokes Terence Harris. Parish chants start. Paul Parish gets back to his feet. Paul Parish sends Terence Harris through the ropes and head first through the fire. Terence Harris is on fire!!]

Pediceno: Oh my god!! That was a sick match!!!

Bill Smith: The winner of this match, Paul Parish!!!

Warner: NO I cant believe Terence lost that!!

Pediceno: This is one of the most sickest nights I have ever witnessed in WCCW.

Warner: That is agreed Joe.

[A light humming sound is heard as the lights dim down and a very chilling breeze totally engulfs the arena.]

Pedicino: Its "THE NATURAL"!!

Warner: We arent that long away from him and Tanis, here tonight

[Almost immediately fog begins to roll in and the entire entrance ramp is completely engulfed. It is so thick that you can cut through it with a knife]

[Not as loud as the humming sound but you can hear what sounds to be thunder off in a distance and lightning is seen through the fog at the roof of the arena]

Pedicino: Former 3-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, former WCCW Heavyweight Champion, former WCCW Texas Heavyweight Champion...

Warner: Joe I told you this once before. The list is too long to have you go on and on about it with the amount of time we have.

[You then hear a voice]

voice over: Passion is what drives me now....

Pedicino: A true wrestling legend in every sense of the word.

Warner: I just wonder what the WCCW would have been like had it not been for Bell's world title reigns?

[The thunder gets a little louder and just when you least expect it......]




[It is the erie ringing of a bell that is being heard.]



[Then you hear the voice again]

voice: For whom the bell tolls





[Loud explosions and pyro begin shooting all through the arena to the point that enough static electricity is generated to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up]

[Then "Sirius" by the Alan Parson's Project begins to play and the fans begin to cheer as they can see someone coming through the fog and stops on the entrance ramp. The cheers get even louder when they see it as "The Natural" Mike Bell who is standing at the top of the ramp.]

[The roar becomes almost deafening as he is standing there at the top of the ramp. He then begins to make his way towards the ring, You can see that he has something on his mind because he is stepping with a purpose.]

[He stops just short of the ringsteps when a laser light forms in the middle of the ring and it begins to rotate the words "The Natural" in a counter clockwise direction. He then smiles, and steps into the ring. He asks for a house mic, and is handed one.]

Bell: You know, I have spent the last few days thinking about this match-up

[He receives a huge pop from the fans]

Bell: And it has intrigued me in many different ways.

[he begins to pace]

Bell: Back in 1999 Byron, you swindled your way into a world title shot, then you hit me with a pair of brass knucks and stole my world title.

[Much like Tanis was loved in the IWA, the fans flat out LOVE Bell here in Texas so he has boos sent in the direction of Tanis]

Bell: But, I was able to get my revenge on you when I totally blasted you on that cold November night in 2001...thus ending what was supposed to be a nice run at the world title

[Nice fan pop]

Bell: But, I'm not going to dwell on the past too much Byron. No, I am going to look forward to the future because I have a golden opportunity to do something that I have always wanted to do

[This captures the interest of the fans]

Bell: Because tonight, after I defeat you in the middle of this ring, I am going to shoot myself straight to the top of the WWA rankings and I am going to get myself a shot at the WWA World Heavyweight Title.

[Another pop]

Bell: Then, after i defeat Boog in the first round of the Creole Cup, I will be one step closer to the BWA World Heavyweight Title as well. So Byron, much like our careers have paralleled each other over the past 5 years...look for them to cross paths again.

[The camera pans in tight]

Bell: And this time Byron, you will see your future coming at you face to face. You will see one career slip into oblivion, while another goes after the richest gold in this industry. See you in a few minutes Byron, I sure as hell hope that you brought something other than just revenge.

[Mike Bell tosses the mic to the outside of the ring, and they both exit the ring.]

Warner: Strong words for Tanis by "The Natural.

Pediceno: This is going to be a hell of a match. But now lets get to the ring for the next match.

WCCW Texas Heavyweight Championship
Allen Kaine vs. Phillip Jones

Bill Smith: This match is a Standard Match for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 290 pounds, from Los Angeles, California, Allen Kaine!!! (crowd boos *******)

[California Love by Tupac plays as Allen Kaine makes his way to the ring.]

Bill Smith: and his opponent, weighing in at 246 pounds, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Phillip Jones!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Renegade by Styx plays as Phillip Jones makes his way to the ring

Warner: These two are really going to take each other out. That title is all they want

[Phillip Jones gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Allen Kaine. Phillip Jones checks his boots. (the bell rings) Flying side kick by Allen Kaine takes Phillip Jones off his feet. Allen Kaine gets up. Phillip Jones climbs to his feet. Allen Kaine hits a jumping elbow hrust on Phillip Jones. Phillip Jones gets up. Phillip Jones applies the clawhold on Allen Kaine. Phillip Jones goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Allen Kaine.]

Warner: Allen Kaine takes a flying double foot stomp.

[Phillip Jones gets up. Allen Kaine moves back to his feet. Allen Kaine bounces Phillip Jones off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Allen Kaine is up again. Phillip Jones double underhook faceslams Allen Kaine hard to the Allen Kaine. Now Allen Kaine standing. Allen Kaine places Phillip Jones on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Allen Kaine is up again. Phillip Jones gets up. Phillip Jones punches Allen Kaine in the head.]

Warner: Allen Kaine takes a punch.

[Allen Kaine discus punches Phillip Jones.]

Pediceno: Good move.

[Now Phillip Jones standing. Phillip Jones monkey flips Allen Kaine onto the mat. Phillip Jones climbs to his feet. Phillip Jones puts Allen Kaine in an arm grapevine submission. Phillip Jones stomps Allen Kaine. Phillip Jones goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Allen Kaine.]

Warner: flying sitdown splash!

[Phillip Jones moves back to his feet. Allen Kaine picks up Phillip Jones and hits him with the Death Valley Driver. Allen Kaine sucks chants start in the crowd. Allen Kaine hits the flying legdrop across Phillip Jones's neck. Allen Kaine gets up. Allen Kaine executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Phillip Jones. Allen Kaine moves back to his feet. Allen Kaine measures Phillip Jones up and drops a closed fist. Allen Kaine is back on his feet. Phillip Jones gets hit with the shooting star press from Allen Kaine. Referee John Hetch makes the count. ...1 Phillip Jones escapes.]

Pediceno: He won't get Phillip Jones with just that.

[Phillip Jones moves back to his feet. Phillip Jones nails Allen Kaine with a belly-to-back suplex. Phillip Jones gets back to his feet. Allen Kaine gets knocked on the ground and Phillip Jones flips onto him. Allen Kaine climbs to his feet. Flying kick by Phillip Jones takes Allen Kaine down.]

Warner: Allen Kaine takes a flying kick.

[Allen Kaine is up again. Allen Kaine piledrives Phillip Jones. Phillip Jones gets knock to the ground while Allen Kaine locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. John Hetch asks Phillip Jones if he quits. ... ... ... Phillip Jones trys to escape. ... Allen Kaine breaks the hold. Allen Kaine sends Phillip Jones to ringside. John Hetch starts the count (.1) Allen Kaine sends Phillip Jones ropes and kicks Jones right in the gut. Phillip Jones gets knocked on the ground and Allen Kaine flips onto him. Now Allen Kaine standing. Allen Kaine takes Phillip Jones down with an Arabian Facebuster. Allen Kaine sucks chants start in the crowd. Phillip Jones climbs to his feet. Charles Killgore runs to ringside. Charles Killgore trys for a power move but is unable to lift Allen Kaine. Charles Killgore gets back to his feet. Charles Killgore trys for a side suplex but is unable to lift Allen Kaine. They head back into the ring. Charles Killgore grabs a chair and hits Allen Kaine in the head. ring, ring, ring! John Hetch calls for the bell. Phillip Jones was disqualified.]

Pediceno: What the hell!! Killgore just caused a DQ!!

Bill Smith: The winner of this match, Allen Kaine!!!


[Still DRE hits the PA and a majorly pissed off William Tocci comes out. He has a mic in hand.]

Tocci: That is it!! I AM TIRE OF THIS BULLSHIT!!! For the past three weeks now I have been tryin to get the Texas Title around someones waist. This is it. Next Nightmare, on May second, it will be a triple threat match. Kaine, Jones......

[The crowd is going nuts.]

Pediceno: This is news!!


[The crowd goes nuts at the announcement. Kaine gets a mic.]

AK: Hey Tocci homles, you say your tired of the mierta. Well so am I. Im tired of these two putos interfering in my matches. I want this match in a Hell in the Cell homles. That way nobody will interfere.

[The crowd actually pops for the idea from Kaine.]

Tocci: Kaine, you want it. You got it. Nightmare, triple threat in a cell for the Texas Title. NO MORE BULLSHIT!!! Now get the fuck outta my ring so we can start the Main Event.

[Tocci doesnt even let his music hit before he throws the mic down and walk back through the curtain.]

Pediceno: WHOA!! This is going to be a great Nightmare next week. First we have the Brass Knuckles title in a barbed wire match and now the Texas Title in a hell in a cell.

Warner: I cant wait!!

Pediceno: Well lets get to the ring for the MAIN EVENT!!!

Byron Tanis vs. Mike Bell

[The camera shifts backstage to see "The Natural" Mike Bell and his manager "Sweet" Sherry coming out of his locker room. They are making their way towards the curtain and they are talking to each other as the camera is on them. He is wearing his new version long wrestling pants that is silver in color, with "The Natural" written in bold black letters. His hair is in a pony tail as it lays on his shoulders. Sherry is wearing a one piece body suit as they approach the curtain as the camera is better able to pick up what they are saying.]

Bell: Ok, here we go

[His manager "Sweet" Sherry has a smile on her face.]

Sherry: Tonight, you show the world who the true legend is

[That was exactly what he wanted to hear]

Bell: Tanis is going to want to win this match badly

Sherry: You'll just have to want it more

[They both see the lights beginning to dim, and the humming sound begins, letting them both know that the time has come for him to make his way towards the ring.]

Bell: (pushing through the curtain) God I love this job

[As "The Natural" opens the curtain, Sherry kisses him on the cheek before they both walk through.]

[A light humming sound is heard as the lights dim down and a very chilling breeze totally engulfs the arena.]

Bill Smith: Coming to the ring, hailing from Dallas, Texas....

[The cheers are almost deafening.]

Pedicino: There he is, one of the two only bonafide legends in the wrestling world today that is going to grace this ring in a one on one matchup

Warner: I never thought that it would have ever been possible. After all these years, Byron Tanis and Mike Bell in a WCCW ring. Amazing, just amazing

[Almost immediately fog begins to roll in and the entire entrance ramp is completely engulfed. It is so thick that you can cut through it with a knife]

[Not as loud as the humming sound but you can hear what sounds to be thunder off in a distance and lightning is seen through the fog at the roof of the arena]

Bill Smith: He weighs in at 260 pounds....

[You then hear a voice]

voice over: Passion is what drives me now....

Bill Smith: "The Natural" Mike Bell

[The thunder gets a little louder and just when you least expect it......]




[It is the erie ringing of a bell that is being heard.]



[Then you hear the voice again]

voice: For whom the bell tolls





[Loud explosions and pyro begin shooting all through the arena to the point that enough static electricity is generated to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up]

[Then "Sirius" by the Alan Parson's Project begins to play and the fans begin to cheer as they can see someone coming through the fog and stops on the entrance ramp. The cheers get even louder when they see it as "The Natural" Mike Bell and his manager/ex-wife who is standing at the top of the ramp.]

Pedicino: I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about this. It's going to be too bad that someone will have to lose

[The roar becomes almost deafening as he is standing there with Sherry. They then begin to make their way towards the ring, You can see that they are going over final match strategies as they make their way towards the ring apron.]

Warner: They had better go over strategy, I am sure that Tanis will come out like a buzzsaw.

Pedicino: Agreed, I will be the first to admit that the both of them had better of brought their A-Games tonight

[They stop just short of the ringsteps when a laser light forms in the middle of the ring and it begins to rotate the words "The Natural" in a counter clockwise direction. He then kisses Sherry on the lips before entering the ring and Sherry takes her place in his corner.]

Bill Smith: and his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Byron Tanis!!! (crowd boos **)

["Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeath hits the PA, and out from the back comes "The Nighthawk" Byron Tanis. He makes his way to the ring.]

Pediceno: This is it, the main event is here!!!

[Mike Bell executes a pumphandle suplex on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis checks his boots. (the bell rings) Mike Bell short lariats Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis short lariats Mike Bell. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell short-arm clotheslines Byron Tanis to the mat. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell down with a full nelson faceslam. Mike Bell is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell delivers a kick to the head of Byron Tanis. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis throws Mike Bell off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Mike Bell executes the jumping sidekick on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis hits a ropeflip moonsault on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis executes the sleeperhold on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... ... Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: Byron Tanis was so close!!

[Mike Bell gets up. Flying sommersault drop kick by Mike Bell puts him back in the match. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a headbutt to the mid-section. Mike Bell uses a lariat on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. Mike Bell is locked in the half Boston by Byron Tanis. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell tackles Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is up again. Mike Bell gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Byron Tanis comes over and smashes Mike Bell's head into it. Mike Bell legsweeps Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell down with a knee. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with the back of his elbow. Byron Tanis lifts Mike Bell into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis applies a nerve hold on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell does a cartwheel and kicks Byron Tanis in the face. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Flying kick by Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell down. Mike Bell gets up. Mike Bell throws Byron Tanis off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis connects with a low blow. Mike Bell goes down. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Byron Tanis uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Mike Bell is down. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell with a headbutt on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell short clothslines Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis monkey flips Mike Bell onto the mat. Byron Tanis is up again. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Flying kick by Mike Bell takes Byron Tanis down. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis executes the brain buster on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis applies a nerve hold on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Pediceno: I hope one of them doesn't have AIDs!

[Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell strikes Byron Tanis in the chest. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Mike Bell monkey flips Byron Tanis onto the mat. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis is up again. Mike Bell gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis applies a nerve hold on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: The more blood the merry huh ....

[Mike Bell executes a headlock takedown. Byron Tanis strikes Mike Bell in the chest. Mike Bell punches Byron Tanis in the gut. Mike Bell gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Byron Tanis. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with an earringer. Byron Tanis neck snaps Mike Bell. Mike Bell pulls Byron Tanis's hair. Byron Tanis goes for a side slam but Mike Bell dodges the attack. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the cobra clutch. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell goes for a running neckbreaker drop but Byron Tanis dodges the attack. Byron Tanis is locked in the half Boston by Mike Bell. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis trys to escape. Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis executes a flying sommersault bodyblock on Mike Bell from off the top rope. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the cobra clutch. The referee is checking the situation. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... ... ... Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: I hope one of them doesn't have AIDs!

[Mike Bell gets up. Mike Bell bounces Byron Tanis off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis gets hit with the shooting star press from Mike Bell. Rick Manning counts. ...1 ...2 Byron Tanis escapes.]

Pediceno: He won't get Byron Tanis with just that.

[Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis tackles Mike Bell. Byron Tanis is up again. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis's leg and takes him down. Byron Tanis executes a neck scissors on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Mike Bell gets locked in the double chicken wing. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell stands up. Byron Tanis get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets hit with a back heel kick. Mike Bell with an Aztecan suplex on Byron Tanis sends him to the mat. Mike Bell is speared by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell with an illegal chokehold on Byron Tanis. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis gives Mike Bell a reverse neckbreaker. Byron Tanis gets up. Byron Tanis gets hit with a back heel kick. Byron Tanis slaps Mike Bell. Mike Bell hits a koppo kick on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis picks Mike Bell up and side suplexes him to the mat. Byron Tanis executes a leg hammerlock on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis jabs Mike Bell. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis pins Mike Bell against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Byron Tanis gets elbowed to his midsection by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis trys for a full nelson slam but Mike Bell avoids it. Byron Tanis puts a knee to Mike Bell's back and pulls hims arms back. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell climbs to the top and hits Byron Tanis with a flying clothesline. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell puts a knee to Byron Tanis's back and pulls hims arms back. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Byron Tanis is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis with a high crossbody on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Flying side kick by Mike Bell takes Byron Tanis off his feet.]

Warner: Mike Bell with a flying side kick.

[Mike Bell is up again. Byron Tanis bounces Mike Bell off the ropes and clotheslines him. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell hiptosses Byron Tanis. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis hits a kneeling headbutt to Mike Bell's groin. Mike Bell comes from behind and bulldogs Byron Tanis. Mike Bell stands up. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with an atomic drop. Byron Tanis is trying to put Mike Bell away with a choke sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell with a high crossbody on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis hits a jumping elbow hrust on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Mike Bell. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis short-arm clotheslines Mike Bell to the mat. Mike Bell goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis does a handspring and hits Mike Bell with a bodyblock, what a move! Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell is locked in the half Boston by Byron Tanis. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell kicks Byron Tanis in the groin. Byron Tanis rakes the face of Mike Bell in attempt to make a come back. Mike Bell kicks Byron Tanis in the stomach. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis puts a knee to Mike Bell's back and pulls hims arms back. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell jabs Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis forearm smashes Mike Bell. Mike Bell gives Byron Tanis a reverse neckbreaker. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis executes the flying head scissors on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the hangman submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell rakes the face of Byron Tanis in attempt to make a come back. Mike Bell gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a Baba chop. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a heart punch. Mike Bell with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell stands up. Byron Tanis hits a tiger driver on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis executes the front facelock on Mike Bell. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell runs and tackles Byron Tanis. Mike Bell punches him in the head. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis short clothslines Mike Bell. Now Mike Bell standing. Byron Tanis gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Byron Tanis picks Mike Bell up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis with the hammerlock on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: Ring is covered in blood!

[Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis catches Mike Bell leg, but Mike Bell reverses it with an enzuigiri to Byron Tanis's head. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis applies the clawhold on Mike Bell. Mike Bell neck snaps Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with an earringer. Mike Bell discus punches Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis stands up. Mike Bell gets sidewalk slammed by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Mike Bell is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell nails Byron Tanis with a belly-to-back suplex. Byron Tanis executes the jumping sidekick on Mike Bell. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell chops Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis nails the bridging back suplex on Mike Bell. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell is locked in the elbow submission by Byron Tanis. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell uses a closed fist on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis tackles Mike Bell and pummels his head. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell brings Byron Tanis down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Byron Tanis gets tiger suplexed by Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis executes a spinning back suplex on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis with the hammerlock on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell tackles Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis executes a jawbreakeron Mike Bell. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell slaps the face of Byron Tanis. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis locks the figure-four Leglock on Mike Bell. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Mike Bell gouges Byron Tanis's eyes out. Mike Bell gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell hits a flying karate chop right to Byron Tanis's neck. Byron Tanis with an illegal chokehold on Mike Bell. Mike Bell puts Byron Tanis on the top rope and executes a superplex. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis with a Russian legsweep on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis apllies the camel clutch on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell escapes. Now Mike Bell standing. Byron Tanis gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Flying Tomahawk by Mike Bell sends Byron Tanis down to the mat. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets hit with the shooting star press from Byron Tanis. Rick Manning counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Mike Bell kicks out.]

Pediceno: That won't work! He needs to try harder.

[Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell executes a huge gutbuster on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis trys for a airplane spin but Mike Bell avoids it. Byron Tanis executes the front facelock on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell picks up Byron Tanis and hits him with a Back Suplex. Byron Tanis is locked in the half Boston by Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Byron Tanis trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis pokes Mike Bell in the eyes. Mike Bell hits him with a back fist. Byron Tanis executes a headlock takedown. Mike Bell gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis knifehand chops Mike Bell. A flying shoulder block send Byron Tanis to the mat. Byron Tanis gets up. Byron Tanis spinebuster bombs Mike Bell onto the mat. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. The referee is checking the situation. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Mike Bell. Byron Tanis superkicks Mike Bell. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell executes a jawbreakeron Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis brings Mike Bell down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Mike Bell knifehand chops Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis spins aroround Mike Bell's back and DDT's him into the mat.]

Warner: Oh!! That was a viscous move by Byron Tanis!

[Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis executes the sleeperhold on Mike Bell. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: OWW! A 1, a 2 and No 3!

[Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell uses a snap mare takeover on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis kicks Mike Bell in the groin. Mike Bell pokes Byron Tanis in the eyes. Byron Tanis uses a closed fist on Mike Bell. Mike Bell hits a jumping elbow hrust on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Mike Bell gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis applies a nerve hold on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell forearm smashes Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Mike Bell rakes his fingers across Byron Tanis's back. Byron Tanis discus punches Mike Bell. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell applies the clawhold on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hits a running forearm smash on Mike Bell's face. Mike Bell is locked in the half Boston by Byron Tanis. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell bounces Byron Tanis off the ropes and clotheslines him. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis punches Mike Bell in the gut. Mike Bell connects with a flying knee. Byron Tanis goes down. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell get whipped into the corner and Byron Tanis follows himin with an avalanche. Byron Tanis locks Mike Bell in the odd octopus hold. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell hits a dragon suplex on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis uses a snap mare takeover on Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Mike Bell comes over and smashes Byron Tanis's head into it. Byron Tanis rakes his fingers across Mike Bell's back. Byron Tanis is hooked in a full nelson. Flying Tomahawk by Byron Tanis sends Mike Bell down to the mat. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell hits a kneeling headbutt to Byron Tanis's groin. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis goes for a front slam but Mike Bell dodges the attack. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the double reverse chinlock. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Byron Tanis! Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Mike Bell apllies the camel clutch on Byron Tanis. Rick Manning asks Byron Tanis if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis is fighting the hold. Mike Bell breaks the hold.]

Warner: The more blood the merry huh ....

[Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis does a cartwheel and kicks Mike Bell in the face. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's head and hites him in the face. Mike Bell jumps from the top and nails Byron Tanis with a flying axhandle smash. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis tackles Mike Bell. Mike Bell is up again. Byron Tanis gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Byron Tanis gets up. Byron Tanis picks up Mike Bell and hits him with a Back Suplex. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Mike Bell is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Pediceno: Ring is covered in blood!

[Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell superkicks Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Mike Bell gets hit with a dragon scerw from Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell stands up. Byron Tanis gets hit with a dragon scerw from Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis piledrives Mike Bell. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell slaps Byron Tanis. Mike Bell takes a slap to the face from Byron Tanis. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell delivers a low blow to Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell on the top rope and executes a superplex. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell pins Byron Tanis against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Japanese armdrag take down from Byron Tanis send Mike Bell to the mat. Byron Tanis apllies the camel clutch on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a heart punch. Byron Tanis jumps from the top and nails Mike Bell with a flying axhandle smash. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis's head and hites him in the face. Mike Bell gets up off the ground and Byron Tanis hits him with a flying dropkick. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis with the hammerlock on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell double underhook faceslams Byron Tanis hard to the Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a Baba chop. Byron Tanis is hit with a backward kick. Byron Tanis executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Mike Bell's face to the mat. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis locks Mike Bell in that boston crab. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell bites Byron Tanis's arm out of desparation. Byron Tanis chops Mike Bell. Mike Bell goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis bounces Mike Bell off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Byron Tanis with an exploder suplex on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the double reverse chinlock. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell executes the jumping sidekick on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis gouges Mike Bell's eyes out. Flying sommersault drop kick by Mike Bell puts him back in the match. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis comes from behind and bulldogs Mike Bell. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Mike Bell executes a headlock takedown. Byron Tanis gets up. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with the Asai moonsault bodyblock. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: Blood is everywhere!, I love it.

[Mike Bell hits a flying karate chop right to Byron Tanis's neck. Byron Tanis gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Mike Bell. Mike Bell goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Byron Tanis. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis hits him with a back fist. Mike Bell executes a huge gutbuster on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis unleashes the Canadian backbreaker on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis hooks Mike Bell in the abdominal stretch. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is up again. A flying shoulder block send Byron Tanis to the mat. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis hits a koppo kick on Mike Bell. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell short clothslines Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis goes for a Samoan drop but Mike Bell dodges the attack. Byron Tanis hooks Mike Bell in an armlock leglock submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell trys for a slingshot bodyblock but Byron Tanis avoids it. Mike Bell apllies the camel clutch on Byron Tanis. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... Byron Tanis trys to escape. Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell down with an Arabian Facebuster. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis puts a knee to Mike Bell's back and pulls hims arms back. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell bites Byron Tanis's arm out of desparation. Byron Tanis uses a lariat on Mike Bell. Mike Bell with an illegal chokehold on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is hooked in a full nelson. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis's head and hites him in the face. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Byron Tanis is trying to put Mike Bell away with a choke sleeper. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Warner: I hope one of them doesn't have AIDs!

[Mike Bell executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's leg and takes him down. Mike Bell is up again. Flying kick by Mike Bell takes Byron Tanis down. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis pulls Mike Bell's hair. Byron Tanis gets elbowed to his midsection by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis places Mike Bell on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Byron Tanis apllies the camel clutch on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis catches Mike Bell leg, but Mike Bell reverses it with an enzuigiri to Byron Tanis's head. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis delivers a kick to the head of Mike Bell. Mike Bell is up again. Byron Tanis gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Mike Bell gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Mike Bell with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with an inverted atomic drop. Byron Tanis executes a snap mare on Mike Bell and locks him into the sleeper. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell gouges Byron Tanis's eyes out. Byron Tanis goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Mike Bell. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis takes a slap to the face from Mike Bell. Mike Bell is up again. Byron Tanis bounces Mike Bell off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Mike Bell is locked in the elbow submission by Byron Tanis. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: Blood is everywhere!, I love it.

[Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell chops Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Mike Bell. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell punches Byron Tanis in the gut. Byron Tanis legsweeps Mike Bell. Mike Bell gives Byron Tanis a reverse neckbreaker. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis goes for a running sommersault legdrop but Mike Bell dodges the attack. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... ... Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: Bell holding out, he just wont give up!

[Mike Bell lifts up Byron Tanis and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. Mike Bell executes the sleeperhold on Byron Tanis. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis gets knocked on the ground and Mike Bell flips onto him. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell catches Byron Tanis leg, but Byron Tanis reverses it with an enzuigiri to Mike Bell's head. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell uses a lariat on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Mike Bell throws Byron Tanis off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Mike Bell chants start. Mike Bell executes a leg hammerlock on Byron Tanis. Rick Manning asks Byron Tanis if he quits. ... ... ... ... Mike Bell breaks the hold. Mike Bell gets elbowed to his midsection by Mike Bell. Byron Tanis is hit with a backward kick. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis is up again. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis gets tiger suplexed by Mike Bell. Now Mike Bell standing. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis hits a power slam on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis puts the chicken wing on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell shoulder tackles Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell is hit with a backward kick. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell does a cartwheel and kicks Byron Tanis in the face. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis leaps up, swings around Mike Bell and DDT's him onto the mat. Byron Tanis locks Mike Bell in the grapevine submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: The more blood the merry huh ....

[Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell applies the clawhold on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis bites Mike Bell's arm out of desparation. Mike Bell short lariats Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is up again. Mexican hiptoss executed by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis with the hammerlock on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell kicks Byron Tanis in the groin. Byron Tanis nails Mike Bell with a belly-to-back suplex. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with the back of his elbow. A flying shoulder block send Mike Bell to the mat. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell stands up. Flying Tomahawk by Mike Bell sends Byron Tanis down to the mat. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis with a gut-wrench suplex on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Mike Bell gets locked in the double chicken wing. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell discus punches Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets tiger suplexed by Byron Tanis. Mike Bell double underhook faceslams Byron Tanis hard to the Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis lifts Mike Bell into the air and delivers a spine buster. Byron Tanis apllies the camel clutch on Mike Bell. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell low blows Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hiptosses Mike Bell. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Byron Tanis hits a dragon suplex on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis gets up. Byron Tanis wraps his legs around Mike Bell's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis gets hit with a dragon scerw from Mike Bell. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis stands up. Flying sommersault drop kick by Byron Tanis puts him back in the match. Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell executes a jawbreakeron Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is up again. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis kicks Mike Bell in the back of the leg. Mike Bell stands up. Byron Tanis gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Mike Bell. Byron Tanis goes for a rocker dropper but Mike Bell dodges the attack. Byron Tanis apllies the camel clutch on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Flying side kick by Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell off his feet. Byron Tanis is up again. Mike Bell jumps from the top and nails Byron Tanis with a flying axhandle smash. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis double underhook faceslams Mike Bell hard to the Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell bounces Byron Tanis off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Mike Bell gets up. Mike Bell picks up Byron Tanis and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Mike Bell locks Byron Tanis in the kneebar. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Byron Tanis is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... Byron Tanis is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis hits a flying karate chop right to Mike Bell's neck. Mike Bell forearm smashes Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with the back of his elbow. Byron Tanis get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Mike Bell.]

Pediceno: Good move.

[Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Mike Bell is locked in the elbow submission by Byron Tanis. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Warner: Byron Tanis is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Mike Bell goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Byron Tanis with an Aztecan suplex on Mike Bell sends him to the mat. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Mike Bell slaps Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis executes a huge gutbuster on Mike Bell. Mike Bell with an Aztecan suplex on Byron Tanis sends him to the mat. Byron Tanis with a huge fisherman buster on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis locks Mike Bell in the grapevine submission. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell pulls Byron Tanis's hair. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's head and hites him in the face. Flying side kick by Mike Bell takes Byron Tanis off his feet. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis hits a flying karate chop right to Mike Bell's neck. Mike Bell tackles Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis kicks Mike Bell in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. Mike Bell gets knock to the ground while Byron Tanis locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell comes from behind and bulldogs Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis grabs Mike Bell's leg and takes him down. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Mike Bell gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets snap suplexed by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis with the hammerlock on Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell hits him with a back fist. Mike Bell catches Byron Tanis leg, but Byron Tanis reverses it with an enzuigiri to Mike Bell's head. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Mike Bell pins Byron Tanis against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Byron Tanis comes from behind and bulldogs Mike Bell. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell knifehand chops Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis with a jumping DDT on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the double armbar submission. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: Ring is covered in blood!

[Byron Tanis gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Mike Bell. Byron Tanis strikes Mike Bell in the chest. Mike Bell with a high crossbody on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gets hit with the shooting star press from Mike Bell. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Byron Tanis escapes.]

Warner: Oh come on that ain't going to win a match in this promotion!

[Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Mike Bell gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a headbutt to the mid-section. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the double underhook position and gives him a doubl underhook backbreaker. Byron Tanis puts a knee to Mike Bell's back and pulls hims arms back. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell tackles and begins punching Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gets up. Byron Tanis connects with a low blow. Mike Bell goes down. Mike Bell short-arm clotheslines Byron Tanis to the mat. Byron Tanis leg lariats Mike Bell, sending him to the mat. Byron Tanis hooks Mike Bell in an armlock leglock submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell pokes Byron Tanis in the eyes. Mike Bell gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Byron Tanis comes over and smashes Mike Bell's head into it. Mike Bell legsweeps Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a Baba chop. Mike Bell puts Byron Tanis on the top rope and executes a superplex. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Spinning neck-breaker from Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell down. Mike Bell is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell hits a jumping elbow hrust on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis delivers a kick to the head of Mike Bell. Mike Bell neck snaps Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gives Mike Bell a reverse neckbreaker. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell gets up. Mike Bell superkicks Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send Mike Bell hard to the mat. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis applies a nerve hold on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Mike Bell nails Byron Tanis with a belly-to-back suplex. Mike Bell gets up. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis slaps Mike Bell. Byron Tanis gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.]

Pediceno: Nothing is better than that.

[Byron Tanis gets hit with the shooting star press from Mike Bell. Rick Manning counts. ...1 Byron Tanis kicks out.]

Warner: What the hell was he thinking? Mike Bell needs to kick some more ass than that!

[Byron Tanis uses a running lariat to take Mike Bell down. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis wraps his legs around Mike Bell's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell throws Byron Tanis off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis pins Mike Bell against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Byron Tanis is hooked in a full nelson. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell on the top rope and executes a superplex. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell hiptosses Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis dropkicks Mike Bell to the face. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Mike Bell gets locked into the headscissors submission by Byron Tanis. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Pediceno: I hope one of them doesn't have AIDs!

[Mike Bell uses a snap mare takeover on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hiptosses Mike Bell. Mike Bell rakes the face of Byron Tanis in attempt to make a come back. Mike Bell get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Byron Tanis. Mike Bell is up again. Byron Tanis gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Mike Bell comes over and smashes Byron Tanis's head into it. Byron Tanis kicks Mike Bell in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the double armbar submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell hits a koppo kick on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis double underhook faceslams Mike Bell hard to the Mike Bell. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis gets hit with a back heel kick. Now Byron Tanis standing. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with the crotch slam. Byron Tanis puts Mike Bell in the hangman submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. Mike Bell escapes.]

Warner: Blood is all over Ring.

[Mike Bell is up again. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a Baba chop. Byron Tanis bounces Mike Bell off the ropes and clotheslines him. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Mike Bell strikes Byron Tanis in the chest. Mike Bell is t-bone suplexed by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis applies a nerve hold on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: Ring is covered in blood!

[Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell kicks Byron Tanis in the back of the leg. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis pokes Mike Bell in the eyes. Mike Bell brings Byron Tanis down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell is hit with a backward kick. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell jabs Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis climbs to the top and hits Mike Bell with a flying clothesline. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Byron Tanis hooks Mike Bell in an armlock leglock submission. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Byron Tanis gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Byron Tanis stands up. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with an earringer. Mike Bell grabs Byron Tanis's leg and takes him down. Byron Tanis does a cartwheel and kicks Mike Bell in the face. Mike Bell gets up. Mike Bell takes Byron Tanis down with a knee. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis executes a back breaker on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis locks him in the arm hammerlock submission. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Warner: The more blood the merry huh ....

[Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Now Byron Tanis standing. Mike Bell is hooked in a full nelson. Mike Bell uses a closed fist on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis bounces Mike Bell off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop. Byron Tanis sucks chants start in the crowd. Byron Tanis hooks Mike Bell in an armlock leglock submission. Rick Manning asks Mike Bell if he quits. ... ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell bounces Byron Tanis off the ropes and clotheslines him. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis short-arm clotheslines Mike Bell to the mat. Mike Bell delivers a kick to the head of Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Byron Tanis locks Mike Bell in that boston crab. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a heart punch. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Flying Tomahawk by Byron Tanis sends Mike Bell down to the mat. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell monkey flips Byron Tanis onto the mat. Mike Bell gets up. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Byron Tanis lifts Mike Bell up and drops him on the mat. Byron Tanis wraps his legs around Mike Bell's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Referee Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... Mike Bell escapes. Mike Bell gets back to his feet. Mike Bell hits a kneeling headbutt to Byron Tanis's groin. Flying sommersault drop kick by Byron Tanis puts him back in the match. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Now Mike Bell standing. Mike Bell rakes his fingers across Byron Tanis's back. Flying kick by Byron Tanis takes Mike Bell down. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with an earringer. Byron Tanis trys for a cobra clutch suplex but Mike Bell avoids it. Byron Tanis executes the sleeperhold on Mike Bell. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Mike Bell escapes.]

Pediceno: OWW! A 1, a 2 and No 3!

[Byron Tanis is t-bone suplexed by Mike Bell. Mike Bell climbs to his feet. Indian deathlock applied by Mike Bell. Rick Manning asks Byron Tanis if he quits. ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... ... Byron Tanis escapes. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Byron Tanis. Mike Bell moves back to his feet. Mike Bell hits Byron Tanis with a heart punch. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. A flying shoulder block send Mike Bell to the mat. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Mike Bell executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis moves back to his feet. Mike Bell gets hit with a running powerslam by Byron Tanis Byron Tanis locks the figure-four Leglock on Mike Bell. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Mike Bell trys to escape. ... ... Mike Bell is fighting the hold. Byron Tanis breaks the hold.]

Warner: That was almost the end of the match right there!

Pediceno: I hope one of them doesn't have AIDs!

[Mike Bell stands up. Mike Bell rakes his fingers across Byron Tanis's back. Byron Tanis hits Mike Bell with a heart punch. Mike Bell tackles Byron Tanis. Byron Tanis hits a kneeling headbutt to Mike Bell's groin. Mike Bell short-arm clotheslines Byron Tanis to the mat. Byron Tanis is up again. Byron Tanis pump handle slams Mike Bell to the mat. Byron Tanis wraps his legs around Mike Bell's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... Byron Tanis tightens the hold. ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Byron Tanis breaks the hold. Mike Bell neck snaps Byron Tanis. Mike Bell gets hit with a back heel kick. Byron Tanis gets tiger suplexed by Mike Bell. Mike Bell is back on his feet. Byron Tanis with a headscissors takeover on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis gets back to his feet. Kneelock submission applied by Byron Tanis. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Mike Bell trys to escape. Mike Bell escapes. Byron Tanis get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Mike Bell.]

Warner - double axhandle chop!

[Byron Tanis with a high crossbody on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Mike Bell. Byron Tanis is back on his feet. Mike Bell piledrives Byron Tanis. Mike Bell knees Byron Tanis and rolls back to his feet. Byron Tanis climbs to his feet. Mike Bell locks Byron Tanis in The Natural. Rick Manning is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... ... ... Mike Bell tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Byron Tanis is fighting the hold. ... Byron Tanis taps out.]

Pediceno: Tocci must be loving this. What a match.

Bill Smith: The winner of this match, Mike Bell!!!

Warner: YA!! Thats it, Mike Bell won!!!

Pediceno: Tanis did an awesome job though. I would love to see this again. These two starting thing up again.

Warner: That would be AWESOME!!

Pediceno: Folks that is our show for the night. We hope you enjoyed and we will see you on Nightmare!!

[Show fades out to the Death Toll logo and the copyright information as the show fades to black.]

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