TCC M/W/F 1101 Syllabus

Week 1 (August 25-29)

M: Introductions.
W: Review and discuss syllabus.
F: Reading #1. Amiri Baraka "Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note"
(Dr. Nesbitt)

Week 2 (September 1-5)

M: Labor Day. No class.
W: CLAST in-class essay.
F: CLAST English Language Skills test in-class #1.

Week 3 (September 8-12)

M: Reading #2 Plato "Allegory of the Cave" (689) (Dr. Nesbitt).
W: Reading #3 Whitman "Astronomer" (560) introductory paragraph and integration of quotes
and Thomas "Do Not Go" (703) (Dr. Nesbitt).
F: Exercise #1 Four things. Discuss Paper #1 Definition Essay.

Week 4 (September 15-19)

M: Reading #4 Frost "Road" (701) and Yeats "Second Coming" (705) (Dr. Nesbitt).
W: Reading #5 Eliot "Prufock" (75) (Dr. Nesbitt).
Here are some things to keep in mind as you start thinking about the first paper:

workshop questions

integration of quotes

quick guide to writing the five paragraph

F: Exercise #2. Post a tentative introductory paragraph on the board along with your questions and considerations for the reader. Respond to at least three of the theses. If you have time, respond to more.

Week 5 (September 22-26)

M: Reading #6 O'Brien "Combat Zone" (653) (Dr. Nesbitt).
W: Reading #7 O'Brien "The Things They Carried" (Dr. Nesbitt).
F: Exercise #3. Post a rough draft of your essay on the board along with your questions and considerations for the reader. Pick a partner. Each of you will respond to the other's essay. If you have time, respond to more.

Week 6 (September 29-October 1)

M: Reading #8 Gilman "Yellow Wallpaper" (58) (Dr. Nesbitt).
W: Essay #1 due. Reading #9
Martin Luther King Jr."Letter from Birmingham Jail" (Dr. Nesbitt).
F: Exercise #4 Conflict. Discuss Paper #2 Argument Essay.

fallacies to avoid

Week 7 (October 6-10)

M: Reading #10 Kozol "Illiterate Society" (152) (sec. 29 Michelle Garrard ; Devon and Royce).
W: Reading #11 Henry "Elitism" (171) (sec. 29 Shelby and Patrick; sec. 31 Tammy and Leighann).
F: Exercise #5. Post a tentative introductory paragraph on the board along with your questions and considerations for the reader. Respond to at least three of the theses. If you have time, respond to more.

Week 8 (October 13-17)

M: Reading #12 Hirschberg "Advertising" (214) (sec. 29 Tim and Ashley; sec. 31 Dave Wofford and Ryan).
W: Reading #13 Atwood "Pornography" (228) (Sec. 29 Kip and Matthew; sec. 31 Ericka and Jarvis).
F: Exercise #6. Post a rough draft of your essay on the board along with your questions and considerations for the reader. Pick a partner. Each of you will respond to the other's essay. If you have time, respond to more.

Week 9 (October 20-24)

M: Reading #14 Carver "Love" (233) (sec. 29 Amanda and Daniel; sec. 31 Kevin Cooper and Tray).
W: Reading #15 Schor "Consumerism" (252) (sec. 29 Justice and Michelle Dixon; sec. 31 Chad and Aubry). Essay #2 due.
F: Exercise #7 Hopper. Please look at and print this out before coming to class Weds. Edward Hopper's Nighthawk's Open in Internet Explorer if it does not open in Netscape Navigator.
Discuss essay #3 Interpretive Essay about Literature with sources and integrating sources.

Week 10 (October 27-31)

M: Reading #16 Chernin "Devil" (280) (sec. 29 Richard and Doug; sec. 31 Jessie and T.J.) .
W: Reading #17 MLK Jr. "I Have a Dream" (446) (sec. 29 Gennell and Jen Roberts; sec. 31 Katie and Eric).
F: Exercise #8. Post a tentative introductory paragraph on the board along with your questions and considerations for the reader. Respond to at least three of the theses. If you have time, respond to more.
Don't Forget This When You are Writing

Week 11 (November 3-7)

M: Reading #18 Grunewald "Monsters" (533) (sec. 29 Gentry and Jennifer Massey; sec. 31 Jasmine and Patricia) .
W: Reading #19 Eco "Cellular Phone" (538) (sec. 29 Bobbi and Kim; sec. 31 Mark and Dean).

F: Exercise #9 MLA citation.

Week 12 (November 10-14)

M: Reading #20 Lurie "Clothes" (205) (sec. 29 Chance and Virginia; sec. 31 Clint and Jerry) .
W: Reading #21 Douglass "Write" (147) (sec. 29 Will and Christopher and Mike; sec. 31 Dave Hindman and Turtle).
F: Exercise #10 Post a rough draft of your essay on the board along with your questions and considerations for the reader. Pick a partner. Each of you will respond to the other's essay. If you have time, respond to more.

Week 13 (November 17-21)

M: Reading #22 Slater "Addictiveness" (286) (sec. 29 Adam and Brock; sec. 31 Jason).
W: Reading #23 Chopin "Baby" (298) (sec. 29 Alvin and Jenny Minto; sec. 31 Jennifer and Bekah). Essay #3 due
F: Exercise #11. Voice.

Week 14 (November 24-28)

M: Reading #24 Jim Carroll "I Shot a Deer" and "A Child" (sec. 29 Devin and Max; sec. 31 Kevin Brown and Bobby)
. Discuss Final in-class essay.
W: CLAST English Language Skills test in-class #2.
F: Thanksgiving. No class.

Week 15 (December 1-5)

M: Final in-class essay.
W: Final in-class essay.
F: Final in-class essay.

Week 16 (December 8-12)

Finals Week (No class)